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Do You Ever Feel As If...........................

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*looking down at her belly*


Yeah, I get that feeling. :grouphug:


Oh, heavens -- I felt so guilty as I was typing and whining b/c I was thinking of you and PP and my wonderfully brave and optimnistic dd31 and berating myself for whining.


Yep. Totally. I'm so weak *sigh*


You come sit over here with me, sweetie.:grouphug:

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Oh, heavens -- I felt so guilty as I was typing and whining b/c I was thinking of you and PP and my wonderfully brave and optimnistic dd31 and berating myself for whining.

Good grief, don't feel that way!


I'm just cranky this am. Was at L&D again last night...non productive contractions AGAIN, and they wouldn't do squat, even though I'm getting induced tomorrow. :glare:

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you cannot take on one.more.thing?


And, then the one.more.thing is standing inches from you waving and dancing, and, oh yes, it definitely has your attention; and you know that very soon it is going to be on your 'plate' or 'on your radar' or 'around your neck?'


You know THAT feeling, right?






Yes! I feel like I am in a Monty Python skit ...and the 16 ton weight is about to fall any second.


I get that feeling any time I have 2 calm days in a row. I just hold on...'cause I know the ride is coming. :grouphug::grouphug:


Hate the feeling!



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Good grief, don't feel that way!


I'm just cranky this am. Was at L&D again last night...non productive contractions AGAIN, and they wouldn't do squat, even though I'm getting induced tomorrow. :glare:


Contractions are never non- productive. That is bs. They can not tell if you are dilating from the inside out...which I have done with most of my kids. Went from what they called 2 to 10 in 15 minutes....obviously...non productive contractions are not so non- productive.


Go gettum Imp. Have a beautiful delivery and baby moon. Enjoy every second. Before we know it...it will be baby's first birthday!



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Yes, that seems to be the story of my life. My to do list is a mile long, yet I'm forced to put it all on hold because I decided to take 12 articles this weekend. I am only down two, still have 10 more to write. :banghead: Even when I'm done with this, I'll still be a failure at balancing school, finances, work, cleaning, taking care of the kids, cooking, etc. Whenever I get really good at taking care of one aspect, one of the others comes crashing and burning. I'm just tired of the stress. I was telling DH that it seemed like my parents had it together when I was growing up.

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I am there now.


I seem to be that person that people call to ask advice from on things or share things with, good or bad. I like being that person, I really do. But, we are struggling with job uncertainty and a person who is well-aware of our situation called today to share news that they just spent tons of $ (which they don't have to spare) on a luxury.


Why does that p*** me off? I am happy for them (kindof), but I am sad for us. Ugh, does that make me less of a friend? So, pile guilt on top of my jealousy.....on top of everything else.


:grouphug: to all of you on this thread and can I share yours?

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Yes I do. :grouphug::grouphug:


Sometimes the girls and I just start singing Dory's line from Finding Nemo. "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."


I am also famous in my family for the line. "As soon has X is over and I have a little time...." This causes them to crack up and remind me that Y and Z are coming up right behind.


On a more serious note. I believe in the power of prayer even if the only thing that changes is my energy and attention.


I also hope your new plate item is not too serious and is easy to deal with. :grouphug::grouphug:

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Right there with you.




Lord, give us wisdom to use the time you have given us well. Help us to show love to our families, to work with dedication as unto you, and to trust you to take care of all the details that slip away from us. Amen

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I am there now.


I seem to be that person that people call to ask advice from on things or share things with, good or bad. I like being that person, I really do. But, we are struggling with job uncertainty and a person who is well-aware of our situation called today to share news that they just spent tons of $ (which they don't have to spare) on a luxury.


Why does that p*** me off? I am happy for them (kindof), but I am sad for us. Ugh, does that make me less of a friend? So, pile guilt on top of my jealousy.....on top of everything else.


:grouphug: to all of you on this thread and can I share yours?


I :bigear: you. My sister and her dh are in hawaii to celebrate his birthday -- I don't begrudge them this even though they travel on trips like this at least half a dozen times a year (I kid you not). She posted on FB that they were upgraded to the penthouse at the resort where they are staying. :glare:


I am sending thoughts and :grouphug:s to all of you who sound the way I feel.

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Yup. Remodeling is kicking my butt this week. And DH car does not want to start....


I ponder these two things my dear father used to say..


All good things must come to an end.


This too shall pass.


Washer and Dryer are just now hooked back up.. we were about out of undies here! Laundry room is almost done. We can put this whole summer project to bed soon.

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Yup. Remodeling is kicking my butt this week. And DH car does not want to start....


I ponder these two things my dear father used to say..


All good things must come to an end.


This too shall pass.


Washer and Dryer are just now hooked back up.. we were about out of undies here! Laundry room is almost done. We can put this whole summer project to bed soon.


OMH!!! our remodel/repair ended in April. It was a nightmare -- I feel for you -- hang in there. I know it sounds trite, but WHEN it is finished, it will be SO GOOD!:grouphug:

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Yes...I do.


Hang in there though, I'm sending prayers your way.


you cannot take on one.more.thing?

And, then the one.more.thing is standing inches from you waving and dancing, and, oh yes, it definitely has your attention; and you know that very soon it is going to be on your 'plate' or 'on your radar' or 'around your neck?'

You know THAT feeling, right?



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Yup, sandwich generation care is starting up again, only this time we're not as young, not as naive, more stretched financially, and already weathering tough times emotionally within my nuclear family.


I'm concerned that there won't be as much grace and compassion to go around this time.


Prayers going up for God's grace for all of us represented in this thread.

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OMH!!! our remodel/repair ended in April. It was a nightmare -- I feel for you -- hang in there. I know it sounds trite, but WHEN it is finished, it will be SO GOOD!:grouphug:


I could write a book on just getting someone here to install the floor!


Yes, there are reasons these independant contractors work for themselves..anyone else would fire them.


I am beginnging to see a light, but it's still faint and I have learned to not count those chickens before they are hatched. However, I want to start counting!

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Yup, sandwich generation care is starting up again, only this time we're not as young, not as naive, more stretched financially, and already weathering tough times emotionally within my nuclear family.


I'm concerned that there won't be as much grace and compassion to go around this time.


Prayers going up for God's grace for all of us represented in this thread.


ooooohhh the sandwich thing. :grouphug::grouphug:


Right now my two slices of bread are both whole grain and grate on each other so I need to be the jelly that makes it all slide smoothly again.


I'm sending prayers for all the 'jelly' men and women out there.

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I've learned, with dh's help, just how important saying NO is. And I can do it freely now.


But I'm quite overbooked myself. I will freely and firmly say NO to just about Every Single Thing right now.


Did I tell you that I'm now excited about our new youth group? Did I tell you I'm VERY involved with it? Did I? Because this is a new development as of Friday. It's only monthly and it's on a Saturday so it shouldn't be so bad. really it shouldn't. It won't be so bad. It won't.


But the rest of it all?




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