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Fluoride-free toothpaste for kids that tastes good?

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When DD9 was young we tried several different fluoride-free toothpastes, and she didn't like any of them (neither did I). I know we tried the Tom's Silly Strawberry and I seem to remember a Weleda lemon-flavored one. I know there were others, though I can't remember which. We ended up going with a conventional kind and just stuck with it, but I'd like to try going back.


Can anyone recommend something that tastes good?



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We have tried a lot of them too. The only one my dd likes and will use all the time is Tom's of Main Peppermint. This is *not* the kids toothpaste but just the regular. It says fluoride-free on it. Some of Tom's do not say fuoride-free and have fluoride in them. In fact, the Silly Strawberry kids toothpaste I had looked at had fluoride in it. I was surprised, because I thought all Tom's were fluoride-free. Not so. If I remember correctly, this peppermint was the only one that said fluoride-free. So, check the label carefully.

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