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Could use prayers today

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Dh is doing a part of his job today that may put him in harm's way. He's worried the fallout could result in danger for our family. I can't go into details online. I am so proud of him for taking this matter in hand and I trust all will go smoothly, but I am asking for any prayers/good thoughts that you can send our way for a speedy resolution with no violence.


Thank you all.

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A little miracle already. This concerns a certain person who has used property of ours for purposes we don't condone. Dh talked to him a bit ago and they are working out a timeline for him to move on. At this time he's being okay about it, but this will play out over several months. I hope he continues like this. His activities brought violence down on his own people this past weekend - pretty awful violence - and destruction to our property. For dh to get them out feels like stepping into a hornet's nest. But he is down there now helping this man fix the property and the guy has agreed to leave as soon as he can. So far, so good.


I think it is unlikely that this man or one of his people will seek us out to retaliate for getting the boot. My feeling is that this is going to end peacefully with this man moving away. I know dh worries about me or my daughter, however, somehow being targeted for retaliation down the road - this is a small town where everyone knows everyone. I think he's afraid of someone seeing us somewhere and taking the opportunity to rough us up to get back for us kicking them out. After the violence this weekend, it is a scary thought.


Can I say, though, how happy I am this situation is finally being resolved? It's about time. It's hung over our heads for so long. I am so proud of my husband for taking this on. The police do nothing - I feel like he's acting like the police man in this situation without the benefit of a weapon or backup. It really bites.


I appreciate all the prayers and good thoughts. I really believe in it and I feel like this is a situation that will do best with as much light and attention shone on it as possible. I will breathe a sigh of relief when dh gets home this afternoon, and then I am going to hold this whole situation in the light; that everyone involved will end up in a better place from dh taking action.

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