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Thankful Day 4

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Today I am so thankful for my brothers. Growing up with someone gives you a bond like no other. I have always adored them, and now I am so proud of the men they have become.


I am always really thankful that one of my brothers, Kevin, is one of my very best friends. I can tell him anything, and I do. He is always there for me. And I'm the one he confides in. I think that's pretty pretty rare among brothers and sisters. :001_smile:

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I am SO SO SO thankful for dd31's continued healing from a 7 year ordeal with chronic lyme disease (undiagnosed for 4 years) among other things. Five years ago, I thought this poor child was going to die. Years of prayer, doctors (MDs and DOs), total revamping of eating, environment, clothing, everything -- really, everything, she is preparing to return to med school.


I am SO thankful that she has been blessed with healing and restoration.

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This might be a TMI, but Pigby threw up twice last night. I'm thankful that the first time he managed to get it all on a towel that was randomly in his room. None on his bed, clothes, or floor. The second time he managed to get it in the bowl I gave him. That's about as good as it gets for a five year old.

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I am very thankful for my dh's job. It is stressful and difficult, but he is good at it and loves it. I really cannot ask for more. :)


That truly warms my heart to hear, he deserves it. :grouphug:



I am thankful for my parents who epitomize character in ways many people will never know.

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24 Days Of Thanksgiving, Day 4: I'm thankful for prayer and those that taught me to pray. A child, simply talking to the One that Created me. Grandmothers that taught me to pray regularly for those dear to us. In the Baptist church where your knees hit the altar "Just As I Am". In the Orthodox Church where prayer surrounds us. And on long drives alone where we may say the Jesus Prayer for each person in our lives, no matter how much love or trial is in the relationship.

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