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Good quality science kits?


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I'd love to get dd6 a kit for Christmas. My mom bought her a small one last year and it was a hit! I looked at the Magic School Bus one, which looks good. Has anyone used those? Are they good quality? (on the zulily thread a poster mentioned they weren't which is why I'm doubting now) If not the MSB one, which one would you recommend? I'd like to stay at or under $100, and have lots of experiments for her. My mom is getting her a microscope, so we could incorporate that as well. Thank you for your input!

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We've done the Germs MSB science kit and are working on the Rainbow one at the moment. DD5 really enjoyed the Germ one. DH would give it a 3 out of 5 since parts of it took a while (growing cultures), but he enjoyed the yeast portion of it. The Rainbow kit has been frustrating to him (and to me too since the dyes included have stained some of my kitchen towels). Again, DD is enjoying this kit. I don't think she's retaining very much, but as long as it's sowing the seed of learning/curiosity, then it's worth it.

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and make sure to check out TOPS science. It isn't 'kits' because you have to put it together, but it is all hands on and user friendly.


My friend has got them for christmas for her boys. She gets all the stuff together and gets it ready to go when she gives it as a gift. They love it. It's like getting a science station, all ready to use.

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We really liked the MSB ones. A nice kit, cheap, the experiments worked, there was a sort of scope and sequence. They're not amazing or anything, but I think great, engaging science doesn't come in a kit. We especially enjoyed the flight one, the germs one and the polymers one.

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Thank you all for your replies!!! I love the look of the big bucket of science, it looks exactly like the little set my mom got dd last year. Ours only had 6 tubes though. Oh and those Science Wiz kits? A few years ago I bought some at Target for $5 on clearance. However, we recently moved, and I had to scale down a LOT. Since the ones I had were for ages 11+, I gave them away, thinking we wouldn't get to them for a few years. :001_huh: Bummer!!!


Ok, so now that I have so many more options...:D Has anyone used the Thames and Kosmos (I think!!) Specifically this one http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000VLQ2V4/ref=s9_simh_bw_p21_d0_g21_i2?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-10&pf_rd_r=09RK45AWV0KDWS3FBWN4&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=1281783902&pf_rd_i=165793011 or this one http://www.amazon.com/Thames-Kosmos-Fundamentals-Elements-Science/dp/B000JZ8A1M/ref=pd_sim_t_5 ?


They have good reviews, but only a few....

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