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VIE - best prices and other questions

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From what I can tell, VIE has a student text, but no TM. Is this correct?


I'm also wonderign about where to purchase it - at $54 from Loyola Press it's expensive; there are some copies at AbeBooks but I'm not familiar with this site. Even though the books are listed in good condition, it's unclear to me whether the answers are filled in in the student texts. :confused:

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I don't know whether you already saw my post this in that other thread, but here are some ISBNs that might help:

I bought the student text and TM for the 5th grade 1995 VIE used. I can't recall what the differences were between the later editions and the '95, but I doubt it's difficult to find. FWIW, here is the 5th grade 1995 TE at amazon or here at abebooks, ISBN 0829407596, and the corresponding student text at abebooks, ISBN 0829407588


According to Follet:


6th grade 1995 VIE student text ISBN 082940760X, TE ISBN 0829407618


7th grade 1995 VIE student text ISBN 0829407626, TE 0829407634


8th grade 1995 VIE student text ISBN 0829407642, TE 0829407650

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If you want new 2011 edition edition which you can see almost the entire book online at Loyola Press, then wait for the sale at Homeschool Buyers Co-op in the Spring and Summer from what I recall. It does have a teacher's manual. I wnet with the 2011 edition basically because I knew they did a major revamp and I could only see the 2011 edition sample online unless I am mistaken. I did like what I saw. Hake Grammar was my next best choice:)

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