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Which math curriculum do you use for K-6?


Which math curriculum do you use for K-6-and why?  

2 members have voted

  1. 1. Which math curriculum do you use for K-6-and why?

    • Saxon
    • A Beka
    • Horizons
    • Bob Jones(BJU)
    • Teaching Texbooks
    • Math Mammoth
    • Christian Light Education(CLE)
    • Math-U-See
    • Right Start
    • Other-R&S, Miquon,MEP........??

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I can't vote in your poll because it depends on the child and the situation. We are currently using BJU with my youngest, but we started with A Beka. My oldest has used everything and then some so she doesn't fit in the poll either. I guess what that means is, for us there is no specific curriculum I'm loyal to for K-6. :D



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Singapore works well with my teaching style and my children's learning styles, so we are sticking with it. I really love this approach to mental math and teaching the concepts behind what they are doing. I think MEP also does a great job with this, but it is not a user friendly for me (a.k.a. the lessons took too long for us).


I also like the CWP and IP, they have the best word problems I've seen in an elementary curriculum (and as a former teacher, I've seen some really lame math texts).

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Math U See from Primer to where we're at now in Delta with my ds. This year I am supplementing with MM.


I tried Math U See and MM for dd and neither have worked well. I'm actually using R&S with her and I think all the drill and kill is working.:lol:

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I had to vote other bc we use a lot of different things.


DS 1 used Singapore 1A-2B,then switched to Horizons because he liked spiraling

DD 1 used Miquon Red, then an old Scott Foresman Grade 2 workbook I had from my teaching days, and is now in Horizons

DS2 is using Singapore 1B at the moment. I don't know if he will continue, switch to Horizons,or use the new Beast Academy.:001_smile:


We do use Singapore's Challenging Word Problem books in addition to whatever we are using. I also like to stay with the same program from 3rd on up.



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I can't really answer the poll, either.


Each of my kids does Miquon and we work thru Kitchen Table Math.


The 10 yro also does Math Mammoth and Singapore CWP.


The 8 yro does Math Mammoth with MEP.


The 6 yro does MEP.


I'm trying to add living math books to all this.


I don't know how I keep all that straight!?

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:lol: How could you forget Singapore when it's, like, the WTM Board's #1 recommended curriculum EVER!


Anyway, I tried Saxon, Singapore, and Right Start with Rebecca. We used RS for 2.5 years and then moved to CLE. We're also using TT, but I'm not sure it adds that much. Sylvia used a little Singapore Earlybird, then Horizons K, and is now in CLE.


I don't see myself leaving CLE. We'll stick with it until it runs out (hoping they get Sunrise versions in of the upper levels before we get there!).

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CLE. i chose it because of the great reviews i had read. i stick with it because it works great with our family. both of my kids are learning math wonderfully. it's never a subject that they moan about and the content is truly being mastered. i never feel lost teaching it (which it really doesn't require me that much honestly - it's rather independent). lastly, it's completely affordable. i've used grades 1,2,3, and now 4. we love it and don't plan on switching.

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:lol: How could you forget Singapore when it's, like, the WTM Board's #1 recommended curriculum EVER!



I know!!! (maybe it was because i am a singapore dropout,or maybe it's because i was trying so hard to get miquon in so bill would be pleased.;):D)


Thanks and carry on....:bigear:

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My son needed to use Saxon because he needed lots of review for facts to sink in. He loves Saxon math and is still doing great with it. He will finish up Saxon 5/4 soon and I think it's a great program.


My dd doesn't need lots of review and enjoys the colorful, crisp layout and graphics of Calvert Math. Calvert Math also has neat critical thinking assignments which she highly enjoys.

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We were using MUS but it was boring. I felt stuck in a rut. We are now using RS A. I like the variety and the hands-on aspect. It does skip around but we needed the spiral review and the new stuff after MUS. I think we'll do a combo of RS and Math Mammoth once we get more into addition. Love the mental aspect of both those programs. I really wanted to like MUS but being stuck on one concept made us a little crazy. Still haven't found the "perfect" curricula. I think I now realize that it doesn't exist, so I see us combining math programs.

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I'm using BJU with ds, this is after trying Horizons and CLE as well. He is my mathy kid (takes it after his math degree mom!). I think he needs a little review here and there, plus he really likes colorful pages that are a good length, but not too long. I am only using the 3rd editions of the elementary curricula. I will supplement with LOF when we get to the point I can add the Fractions book.

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Lots of different ages, so we are using a bunch of different programs. Currently I have four working their way through these. Our main curriculums are Math Kit A, Essential Math, Miquon, Life of Fred, Math Mammoth, and Systematic Mathematics.


We supplement with Singapore CWP, Hands on Equations, 9's Down Math Drill, Dreambox, and Reflexmath.com.

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I use it because


(1) It feeds my dd's yearning for advanced math concepts without having to look for a curriculum that is aimed at older children. I don't have to tweak it to fit her writing ability or academic stamina.


(2) It is filled with stories and books, which is very engaging for my dd.

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I know!!! (maybe it was because i am a singapore dropout,or maybe it's because i was trying so hard to get miquon in so bill would be pleased.;):D)


Thanks and carry on....:bigear:


Sure, blame it on me :D


Singapore and Miquon (and a slew of other things).



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MEP for DS9 and DS7; Why: covers a variety of concepts (focuses on the new one but reviews others in creative ways), don't have to buy a workbook each year for each child, I like the puzzles and logic aspects, mental math. Things I don't like: the teacher guide - I want a 'just the facts' version that covers only what's NOT on the practice sheet.


Miquon for all three; Why: hands-on (especially for my 9yo to grasp the concepts), discovery aspect (important for my 5yo, who has never been wrong :lol:), simple sheets without a lot of problems, the inspiring First Grade Diary. I am confident my Ker will do great going from Miquon's foundation to MEP.


Recently, but not ATM:


Math Mammoth as a supplement; Addition/Subtraction 2 plus Multiplication 1 were great for cementing concepts in my 9 yo. The Clock book, however, had way to much repetition. I do like her method for teaching the times tables.




LoF Apples for all; I've just ordered it and can't wait to try it out. I want to move to a more living math approach. We will probably kick start some Math Journals with this.


Family Math for all; I already own this, so I think I will pick an area to focus on and we'll do an activity once a week. I'm thinking a graphing or geography focus would be fun.


Living Math Books - We've enjoyed several Sir Cumference and The Number Devil. I plan to reread the latter next summer, since the boys are older, and actually work out some of the problems while reading the chapter. For now, we'll try LoF Apples.


I'm hoping to change the way we do math, while still basically following MEP. It should be interesting.

Edited by mtcougar832
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Did Singapore Early Bird-4A (US to 2B, Standards 3A and later), wish I'd dropped it sooner as it wasn't a good fit for us.


We used Saxon last year and this one (5th and 6th grade, 6/5 and 7/6 respectively) along with LoF Fractions and now Decimals and Percents, will get to Pre-algebra with Biology probably by the end of the semester. This is working really well for us. I wish I had started at least in 5/4. I can't speak to the earlier levels of Saxon as I understand they are quite different. The earlier levels of LoF are also new, but none of the LoF we have so far would have worked as a stand-alone curriculum in our situation.

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My oldest did Right Start B-C, then Singapore 3A-5A (one chapter left). My 2nd did MEP Reception & most of 1A, Singapore 1A textbook only, and is currently working through Right Start B plus Singapore 1A IP. I plan to have him do the Singapore 1B textbook when he's a bit further along in RS B. He'll do at least the first part of RS C and then I'll re-evaluate.

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Other. With my last two, I started with Miquon, then moved to Singapore for a few years, with MEP on the side. Now the older one of those is doing Life of Fred while the little one is dabbling between Miquon and Singapore both, still. My older two did Singapore with minimal Miquon, then MEP and LOF.

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My six year-old is using RS and SM. I'd understood that RS started to lose its luster in C, but apart from a noticeably shallower trajectory than the one in B, I haven't found that to be the case. RS C and SM 2A/2B cover all the same material and in similar ways, so I could easily have done without the addition of SM this year. The only reason I'm glad we do have it is that the the textbook and workbook allow for a less teacher-intensive lesson when I need one, though that's rare. I plan to use Beast Academy next year, supplementing with bits of SM and possibly RS.

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