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Fun Shakespeare stuff


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Can you guys help me out with some fun stuff to go with an impromptu Shakespeare unit study for a second-grader?


We were going to read some adaptations later this year anyway, but I just stumbled onto a Shakespeare drama class for kids at the library, so I thought it might be fun to do some things now. :)


I'm obviously not looking to do an in-depth study with my 7yo, lol, but we're going to read some stories, maybe a biography...anything else? Fun activities or websites or projects? I'd love to head whatever you can think of!


She's quite an advanced reader, so resources geared for middle-schoolers would be fine...but I'd like to keep it fun. I'm usually a very no-fun, get the basics done type homeschoolers (too many little guys underfoot!) and I want to break out of that a little with this.


Many thanks! :)

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These are fun to watch...http://www.squidoo.com/shakespeare-animated-tales


My boys and I also made a model of the Globe Theater. http://kingalfredacademy.blogspot.com/2009/06/shakespearealive-and-well.html

Also LOVED this book...http://www.amazon.com/William-Shakespeare-Globe-Trophy-Picture/dp/0064437221%3FSubscriptionId%3D19BAZMZQFZJ6G2QYGCG2%26tag%3Dsquidooa83841-20%26linkCode%3Dxm2%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3D0064437221

Edited by King Alfred Academy
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Also not sure on 'fun', but it is helpful - read it on the AO website I believe. Anyway, as you read the story, draw stick figures for the characters. Good characters get a happy face, bad ones a sad/mean face, dead ones get XX's for eyes. Draw lines to show who's related to who (whom?) if needed. It provides us a little fun while helping to keep the story straight. It also made narration easier for the kids.

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Here are some of the ways we have experienced Shakespeare in our home...

Checking out picture books of the plays from the public library.

Go to www.amazon.com type in the words Shakespeare and click on children's books.

Reading E. Nesbit's "Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare" and Charles and Mary Lamb's "Lambs Tales from Shakespeare."

Watching the BBC Shakespeare the Animated Tales at www.youtube.com

Watching the BBC/Time Life "The Complete Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare" on dvd.

Going to see live performances of the plays.

Our favorite so far has been this group www.doorshakespeare.com

Visiting the local Renaissance Fair.

Staging performances via the "Polly Pocket Drama Troupe."

Have fun!

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