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Unsure how to plan the next year's history??


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This year with my 4th and 5th grader we are using Preparing HOD, which is an overview of creation to late 1900's. We have had some American hostory but not a huge amount.

Since I am not sure yet if I will continue with HOD, I am curious where others would place a 5th and 6th grader in history if they have not had much american history. Should I just start American next yea?

What is the classical 4 year rotation? I have not read the WTM.


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I know public school wise 5th or 6th grade tends to be the "big" American History year.


For the classical rotation (I think, we're only on year one):


Year 1: Ancients - Fall of Rome

Year 2: Fall of Rome - Renaissance

Year 3: Early Modern (Napoleon-1840s)

Year 4: Modern (1850s+)


If you wanted to do classical you could get through it twice with your kiddos still.

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