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Struggling to enjoy homeschooling

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In fact, it is to the point that I just plain don't want to do it anymore, if I'm being honest. I want to be with my kids. They are bright, happy, imaginative blessings to me. It's the school part that is the problem.


This past summer I was so excited. I had gotten the curric. I wanted and thought would work for each child and each subject (we are eclectic hs'ers). Putting it into practice is so much harder! Go figure! Our days go from 8 or 9am to 4pm. It is exhausting. I am going from one child to another all day long. I am impatient, irritable, and just not the mom I want to be. I fear I am ruining the relationship I have with my kids. There is no time for all the fun homeschooling things others do. And I'm not doing beyond the basics for school as it is.


We are putting the kids in school next year. This was decided months ago, so doesn't stem from how I'm feeling. The reason I mention it is because I don't feel like I can unschool or step back for a while. I feel some pressure that they need to be prepared to enter ps in the fall. On the other hand I don't want their last year of hs to be filled with stress and strife!


I just don't know what to do to salvage the year and my sanity. :sad:

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Can you list what you're using and a more detailed schedule? Maybe we can help make the rest of this year easier for you.


Ok, here goes:


12 yo: Math - TT, Science - Rainbow physics/chemistry, Writing/Grammar - BJU, Vocab - BJU, History - All American Vol 2. He'll do BJU Lit next semester.


9yo: Math - CLE, English, History, Spelling, Handwriting, and Reading - BJU. She'll do Science (BJU) next semester.


8yo: Math - CLE, Reading/Spelling/Dictation - Phonics Pathways/Reading Pathways, Handwriting - HWT, Read Aloud - currently Charlotte's Web, History/Science - tags along with 9yo and does notebooking.



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:grouphug: I have so been there. We re in our 6th year. Some days are just really tough. I was to the point this summer where I just didn't want to HS anymore. Then God quickly told me it wasn't an option for now. I was glad to have such a direct answer but it still is quite a struggle. I am working on fixing the things that are broken in hopes we can enjoy this journey for as long as it lasts. I also have to remind myself daily how big of a job this truly is.

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:grouphug: Take a week or two off to enjoy the beautiful fall weather. Ponder. Rest. Enjoy baking some cookies and taking afternoon walks together. Look at the stars together. Fold laundry together. Clean flower beds together. Read a beautiful book after lunch. Reconnect. You might want to change your curriculum up a bit to allow for an elective or two, just for enjoyment's sake.

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Thanks everyone. It helps to know I'm not alone. I think I'm going to try to take another look at our schedule. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.


We took 3 days off last week and spent some time with Grandma, saw a matinee of Dolphin Tales (great movie!), played some games together, etc. It was great! Then Sunday night came and I had a knot in my stomach thinking of Monday morning. :(

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one thing that might help would be "mom time." The kids are supposed to work on their independent stuff until their time comes up. So child A, B, and C works on spelling, handwriting, anything that could b e independent until their time comes up. They may not interrupt anyone else's mom time. While they are doing that, child D gets one on one uninterrupted.


If they run into an issue, they circle it and move on, then address it later when their mom time comes up. Also implement a "take a number" type thing. When you are working one on one with someone else, they can take a number.

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I've been having my first tough year, too. I have had knots often, too. And I love to teach!


What has helped me is to have the attitude that what we get done, we get done. School starts and ends at a certain time (like b and m school.) My oldest finishes up some things independently if he has to, but I make sure I am done earlier. I have made sure the things that bring me joy happen-projects, read alouds and art, I make sure to take breaks for myself btwn kids, I go out w/ a friend once a week and most importantly I have started a running list in my planbook of things that go well or I have enjoyed from the day. I don't let myself think about the things that haven't gone well. I concentrate on the good.


My knots have gone away to a great degree since I started the above and I don't feel so overwhelmed.



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Can you do a set amount of time for school? What gets done, does, what doesn't, doesn't.


I know my energy plummets after a certain number of hours. There comes a certain time when you're just done, you know.


I would consider cutting school to 4 days per week or make the 5th a fun day. We used to do our fun day on Wednesday, it made for a nice break in the week. You could extend the year if necessary.


I would also try to find some family bonding activities, nature study, geocaching, something educational, but non textbook.


You have a lot of textbooks, workbooks on your list. I might find ways to incorporate more living books, educational videos into your day.


I would also consider what admin work you can cut out. Do you need to keep grades? If not, stop. The 12 year old might be the only one I'd consider keeping.


I'd also write down skills you want to cover before next year, not just material coverage. Make those skill areas the priority during school time.


:grouphug: I can see how this would be hard, knowing it's going to be over. I would do what I can to preserve the family bond and put the academics a close second.

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-How much sleep are you getting? Maybe you need more sleep. Maybe THEY need more sleep. (Everyone works faster when they're rested!) Maybe some time apart, as in earlier bedtimes, to get that sleep would help. Or maybe you need to start a bit later in the day. Waking my dd up to start school doesn't work, just leads to a tired child and less getting done. :(

-You've listed a lot of BJU stuff. BJU stuff is generally teacher-driven, which can lead to BURNOUT. Great stuff, but you've gotta stay sane. Are you using the videos with it??

-When are you breaking for Christmas? Chart out what you need to get done, find a stopping point, and at least have something to look forward to.


Why are your 8 and 9 yo's doing separate BJU science when your oldest is doing Rainbow? Do Rainbow with your oldest and throw topical books to go along for your youngers. The youngers do the labs with oldest. Done. So your 9 yo is doing BJU for everything but math??? Whew. I like the BJU Reading, but that's about all I'd keep of that. I'd pick a read-aloud spine or use an audio (SOTW, Child's Story of America, whatever) for the history and be done with it. Spelling she can do on the computer. Calvert has a really terrific, fun, online spelling option.


Streamline this stuff out and see where it gets you. The world will not end if you change things for those youngers. They mainly just need the math and reading to be well-prepared for school. Take that back, they need to be writing their narrations. But that takes no work for you to implement. But that's what I'd do. Streamline a bit, get radical, get the joy back. They'll still be fine. I remember one year I had "Mom's Day Off" one day a week. I was just burnt out, and I told her to take a list and do something from it and leave me alone. And I would go read, do whatever I needed to by myself. Sometimes you need that. Now I send my toddler to my MIL one day a week. Maybe you could send the 8 and 9 yo's out one day a week and have just the 12 yo? Then switch and send the 12 yo one day a week? That way you could get more done, have less distractions, and have some fun time with just that one.

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