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If anyone's needing a cure for insomnia (for themselves, not the dc)...

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Boy have I got the book for you. http://www.amazon.com/Learning-Disabilities-Identification-Jack-Fletcher/dp/159385370X Goes into the whole history of the different labels, theories on identification, how they parse whether a written expression disorder is due to ADHD, LD, or what. All the things you've ever wanted to know. Read a couple pages before bed and you'll sleep like a log, I promise. :)


Don't buy, but if you can get it through your library, it's worth glancing at. Just bring your toothpicks.

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I just got MC back from the library, because I wanted to read it again. I'm thinking I missed stuff the first time. :)


I think through time we can see a change in behaviors, some resolve, others emerge, and it makes it interesting to go back and take another look at the same resources to see if they are even more relevant...or not.


MC got me thinking, more than ever, if sensory processing trouble is at the root of all the issues we've ever had in our house. I truly thank God for all the research and writing that's been done in the last ten years on SPD. It was so stressful in the early years with my oldest dc's, not knowing what was wrong and having no way to help.

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