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Backache as part of a virus, flu?

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Dh is sick -- achy, nauseous, tired. Threw up last night after eating a normal meal for the first time since Sunday. Lots of cramps after that.


Then, in the middle of the night, dh woke up with intense pain all along his spine. He was moaning and moved to the couch in hopes of getting more comfortable. I got up with him and rubbed his back with Olba oil which seemed to help some (but not a lot). Dh has a high pain threshold so it was alarming to see him in so much obvious pain.


What in the world is going on? Can this kind of backache be part of a virus? It seems so weird. He has had meningitis before and it's not like that (that was head/neck pain) -- this is all the way to his lower back along the spine.



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Yes, severe backaches and other muscle soreness can be part of a virus.


Does he have a primary care physician? If he's not feeling better this morning, I'd call and talk to someone at the office.


Several years ago my husband had horrible muscle pain all over, just after he'd had a mild upper respiratory bug. He could barely walk. His doctor ordered bloodwork to check for West Nile virus, which would need to be reported to the state health dept. That was ruled out, but he did have breakdown products of muscle cells in his bloodstream. The explanation he was given is that some viruses can attack muscles. They did have him come back after 48 hours for a re-draw to make sure the muscle damage wasn't continuing. He gradually recovered over several days.

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The last time I had the flu it was with severe back pain up and down my spine. It was awful, and simply part of the flu. Everyone around me who had the flu that season had the same exact thing. Nothing helped, meds, rubs, hot baths. The back pain lasted for about 2 days of the experience- which was almost a full week with that particular flu. I want to say that was about 3 years ago.

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Could he have a kidney stone or kidney infection? They can cause all kinds of crazy symptoms, especially lower back pain. I don't know about pain up the spine, but definitely they can cause nausea and vomiting.




Uh oh, maybe. He has had one before. Is that a doctor or ER thing? He is talking to a friend of ours who is a doctor right now, so hopefully we'll know what to do soon. Poor guy.

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The last time I had the flu it was with severe back pain up and down my spine. It was awful, and simply part of the flu. Everyone around me who had the flu that season had the same exact thing. Nothing helped, meds, rubs, hot baths. The back pain lasted for about 2 days of the experience- which was almost a full week with that particular flu. I want to say that was about 3 years ago.


Wow, that sounds exactly like how he's feeling. Thanks.

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See the doctor! My husband was just in the hospital for 4 nights... young, healthy guy... had some minor lower back pain for a few days... then one day he had head-to-toe rigors (shaking) and 2 hours after tylenol his temp was 103.7. He was treated for sepsis and kidney and prostate infection.


It was quite a serious thing and I wish we'd had some warning. With nausea and back pain you could be looking at a kidney infection or stones or something else... better safe than sorry!!


And oh MY the hospital bills- antibiotics at home started earlier would have saved us a fortune!!! I about DIED when I saw the bills! Nearly $30K before insurance!!

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Yes! I had strep throat last month and had a horrible backache at the same time. I googled the relationship between the two, but didn't get a whole lot of info. The backache lasted a bit longer than my medicine, but after 3 days (after the antibiotic was finished) the ache was gone.


I hope that your dh does NOT have a kidney stone!!!

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