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Math Journals, Multiple Kids, Living Math, Math Hour

Amy Jo

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I'm intrigued by the idea of Math Journals, and by MOTL's 5-a-day concept (I've been enjoying the ideas on blogshewrote). I'd love to just have a math hour with the kids, going through new concepts (one on one or as a group), maybe reading a living math book (we like Sir Cumference and The Number Devil) and doing some life math. Then having just a simple notebook to work a few problems in. Perhaps throw in some Life of Fred, and have worksheets like MEP as a supplement.


Anyone do something like this? Ideas?


Could one use the elementary Life of Fred in this manner?


Anyone make a review chart (that's supposed to be the best part of MOTL) from a scope and sequence? I've seen them for graduated review of Bible verses, but never for math.


I feel like I've learned a lot from this board, Liping Ma's book and the First Grade Diary. I'd like to make math less have-to-do-this-workbook-page, and more fun/free/game-like.

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We do this, sort of ;)


We have a Math Journal-right now it's a "family" math journal, filled with resources, fun questions I found online, books that I want to pull from the library (or order), difficult procedures that DS might forget, and my own personal scope and sequence for pre-algebra that I culled from various curriculula (helps me with the "big picture" to make sure we don't miss anything).


We use a lot of different math curricula and resources here, so it's very helpful to have this family-created "guidebook" sitting on our table. We use LOF (elementary for younger, and Fractions and Decimals for older), a wonderful older series of living math books by Marion Smoothey, Right Start Math games, some MM supplements, Math Trek books, AoPS Alcumus, xtra math, dice games, Lial's BCM, origami books, string games like Jacob's Ladder, card games like Make 10 for younger and 24 for older...you can see why we need a central place to organize ourselves LOL. Singapore is still our spine, but we do a lot outside of it.


For older, I make mind maps which outline the concepts I want to cover before we hit pre-algebra next year, including fraction review, decimals, percents, ratios, rate, proportion, etc and then I make notes on which resources I'd like to use to make sure each of these are covered adequately. Sometimes it's just straight up SM, CWP or IP. Other times, I might use a math game, an online resource or explanation like Khan Academy, or dig deeper using Alcumus. It just depends on the topic. For younger, he really enjoys games, cuisenaire rods, Fractured Fairy Tale Math and LOF elementary, math tricks and Monopoly. Each of these resources serves to cover a particular item from the scope and sequence for 2nd grade math. He also uses SM (and a little MM) but when he digs in his heels regarding workbooks, I have lots of other resources at my fingertips.


Anyway, this is a bit how we use our math journal :)

Edited by Halcyon
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Here's what we do:


Dd only does one MM3 math sheet per day, first thing as a warm-up. I go over the concept with her and then work with my ds.


Ds does a mix of RS A, Miquon orange, and Singapore Essentials. I chose these based on mood and rotation. He usually does 2 out of 3. Often a lesson will be heavy with manipulatives and ds will come up with his own questions and spin something into me needing to teach another concept. He likes a workbook, but he is VERY play/figure oriented.


During reading time we do a chapter or more of LoF elementary. We also will read a living math book and the kids play chess everyday. We also play other math games.

Dd also does a lesson from TT4 in the afternoon. She thinks it's fun and I like the review aspect.

As far a journals, we did start one, but it fell to the wayside. I'd like to pick it back up next year in January.


My goal is math immersion so to speak. I'm treating it like Latin we also do 2 programs. DD is strong in languages and very mechanical and creative. Ds needs a direct instruction approach. My goal is to stregthen their weaknesses while indulging their strengths.

Edited by JenC3
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Thanks - I really want to make some changes - we need to be more relaxed yet still get things done - I forgot how 'exciting' life with a 2 year old is! I think for now I'll use some of my Family Math games, order LoF:Apples and try out some math journal stuff; maybe do what MOTL suggests and only teach new concepts 3 days a week. What worked last year isn't now. :svengo: Time for some mental simplification!

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