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Even though I'm a hybrid... :)

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Last night we had a get together for the kids for trick or treating..four or five kids that have been hanging out together for a few years now.


A nice little party was put on by one of the families.


At pickup & drop off we (as a group) were talking about how the their experiences were going at their schools, and the news has traveled that mine is doing the hybrid experience.


I had a lot of affirmation and support and "go team" sort of comments. That was really nice; it was my first "public outing" so to speak of doing this and being open to comments outside the regular PS system with parents.


I just thought it was really sweet and really nice for the kid to hear other adults validate the choices we've made recently. She was proud of herself and participated in the discussion with how things were going.


So if that's the only time it happens, I'm glad it did.

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