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Summer break....I don't think this is going to work out for us...

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We have been on summer break for 1 and 1/2 days now.


The fighting, the bickering, the "I'm booooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrred", the sneaking onto the computer without permission, the begging for Wii, the moaning, the groaning....


We have VBS next week and then I think the next week we will go on back to our school routine. I can't see this going all the way to July 7th. It just seems like a bad idea.


These kids cannot amuse themselves for 10 minutes. I am tired of of having to make suggestions. "How about Legos?" "Legos are booooring." "How about Imaginext?" "Imaginext is booooring." "How about going outside?" "There's nothing to doooooooo outside." "How about cleaning my kitchen cabinet doors?" "Mo-om"


How about diagramming some sentences and doing some math drills and some penmanship sheets?

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OMG that is my house everyday not just on vacation days, If I try to leave them to have freetime for an afternoon so I can clean the house etc all heck breaks loose., I am not even going to attempt a whole summer break.


I know what you mean!! I was just trying to take off the month of June!!!

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For the first time in 8 years, we took two weeks off for Christmas this past winter. Just 14 days.

I hated it and I'll never do it again. We take individual days here and there, but we won't break like that again unless we're headed out of town. No way.


I think when we hear moms of public school kids say they can't wait until their kids go back to school in September, THIS is what they're talking about. It's not that they don't want their children around, they are just *sick and tired* of hearing how booooored everyone is.

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We're going to do school-lite, but in the meantime, I'm having DS#1 build me a solar oven. I'm trying to think of other projects he could work on, as well. Any ideas?


Oh, you thread hijacker you!!!


How did you know that I have been thinking of building one of these too? I mean, the sun is there and it's hot and the oven makes my kitchen hot. Why not just let the sun do the cooking for me?


What style are you looking at? I like the box ones, but the the folded ones that fan out look easier to build. Did you see that cob solar oven that someone built in their yard? Very cool and nice looking to boot!

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Seriously? Bored = chores.


I do try to be better on our days off about being available for projects (I just made a cake with Peyton), but otherwise they need to figure it out. Luke just headed down to the creek to tromp around. Peyton will do art all day long if nothing else presents itself.


They know if they tell me they are bored and they turn down my first suggestion, the next suggestion will be chores. And if they continue to complain that suggestion becomes a requirement.


Bored = chores. It's formula that every mom should have in her arsenal.


ETA: I take my summer vacation VERY seriously. It must not be messed with. Period. I would rather them veg in front of the tv (which we don't have) than cut my time off short because they are bored. I'm a mean, selfish mama!

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I have a no boring rule and stiff consequences for any violators. Here are a few of my stand by ones.


1. Clean the refrigerator vegetable bins.

2. Go pick lint out of the dryer vent.

3. Clean out the garbage can.

4. Dust the wooden blinds.

5. Vacuum the rug...They can whine away and you don't hear them.

6. Clean the windows. (We have over 20.)

7. Take a shower

8. Get me a cup of tea while I ponder this...


We have been on summer break for 1 and 1/2 days now.


The fighting, the bickering, the "I'm booooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrred", the sneaking onto the computer without permission, the begging for Wii, the moaning, the groaning....


We have VBS next week and then I think the next week we will go on back to our school routine. I can't see this going all the way to July 7th. It just seems like a bad idea.


These kids cannot amuse themselves for 10 minutes. I am tired of of having to make suggestions. "How about Legos?" "Legos are booooring." "How about Imaginext?" "Imaginext is booooring." "How about going outside?" "There's nothing to doooooooo outside." "How about cleaning my kitchen cabinet doors?" "Mo-om"


How about diagramming some sentences and doing some math drills and some penmanship sheets?

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how about something like load them up and go for a picnic or something? Something away from the hosue for a day?


You mean like outside? Where there is no air conditioning? That would incite whining like you never heard!!! And I am sure the playground equipment at the park is probably heated up pretty good by now. Can't go to the YMCA much during the summer, the only open swims are early in the morning or late in the evening due to the summer childcare program having first dibs on the pool.


I have been trying to convince my husband to invest a little money and time (or maybe a lot of both) into making our yard more fun. We have a gorgeous huge tree that is just begging for a tree fort. Something like that would probably get them outside more.

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Bored = chores. It's formula that every mom should have in her arsenal.


HEAR HEAR!!! There are always toilets to clean, floors to mop, weeds to pull, meals to be made...... I rarely get the "I'm bored" statement anymore. They're young too! I'm glad I had a mom who taught me to do this. Of course, you see where that came from... :)


My 9yo can entertain herself just fine but my middle one HAS to be in social contact with others at ALL TIMES. This makes for some interesting days.....

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We've been on break for the same amount of time and so far, so good. Both my kids are good at entertaining themselves, though. They are 6 years apart, so I think that helped some. Our dd had all those years to be used to being alone. I started hs her in 3rd grade, and ds learned then to spend some time alone as well. They also play pretty well together.


Do they have friends come over any? We have a few from our neighborhood and we had 4 over yesterday afternoon for a few hours.


Why not get together and make a list of fun days of things to do together?

If they are involved in the process, they'll probably enjoy it much more.


We go on vacation next week, but have started a list for when we get back. I posted this also on the summer school thread. My dh is a public school teacher, so he'll be here, too. We have so far:


Dad cooks a gourmet meal

Picnics at all the area state parks

Scavenger Hunt

Star Wars marathon

Kids cook all day

Board Game marathon ( or even the same game all day to see who wins like Yahtzee).


Amy of GA

Darin's wife for 17 years

11yo dd

5yo ds

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I'm scheduling my younger kids' summer. My oldest (12 yo) has begged me not to make a schedule for him, and I have tentatively agreed to leave most of his day unscheduled. The only parts of his day that will be scheduled are those that intersect with others in the family or with shared resources (i.e., computer). HOWEVER, I made it clear that any complaints of boredom will result in the return of the schedule.:D

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I can feel your pain. Dh is taking older two with him to United Methodist Conference tomorrow and I'm soooo ready. I'm trying to change out last years stuff with this years curriculum and make lesson plans. They go outside for 5 minutes, then one by one they come in the door, slamming it along the way. All I want to do is get a little planning done and read.


The pool isn't open because the ps isn't out here until Friday. However, all the other kiddos are out. Doesn't make a lot of sense to me but we can only go to the pool at 4.


Next week, we are starting school lite. I just can't stand it anymore. And, I don't know if anyone feels this way, but I just don't want to be around people right now. We just got through with a brutal baseball season as far as scheduling goes and I feel my 4 need to chill and reconnect with each other. The neighbors call bright and early, wanting my ds's to come over but, for now, I told them they need to stay home. For one thing, it leaves my dd alone which she hates. Another thing, we've been around these people so much that I want them to learn to get along as a family first.


Their friends have "excess" to say the least. However, both their parents work and travel, and they go to a private school. There is nothing wrong with that so to speak, but the fact that they get everything and anything they ask for just plain irks me. (Said in my best southern draw.) It just seems they come home so discontent with what we have. I just think too much of this isn't a good thing.


I like your idea of game marathon. I think we will give that a try.

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Seriously? Bored = chores.



They know if they tell me they are bored and they turn down my first suggestion, the next suggestion will be chores. And if they continue to complain that suggestion becomes a requirement.


Bored = chores. It's formula that every mom should have in her arsenal.




This works for us too. If you are bored, go clean your room. The garbage can needs cleaning too. The steps need vacuuming et cetera.


Have you tried putting box together of project materials and letting them make the projects alone? The project does not have to come out right but just so they do it. Call it a following directions lesson.


Ya know, as soon as you start the school work the complaining starts again. Either way you can't win GGGRRR

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The whole "summer break" thing is an issue for us here also. For some reason, I wind up feeding myself a lot of guilt when they aren't using their time wisely or are blowing a period of time playing the Wii or tv or computer or some other useless time-waster. The alternative requires me working harder to help them occupy themselves than I do during homeschool. It makes me weary because I look forward to some time just organizing, reading, planning, without the continual looking over their shoulder. sigh


We aren't done with school yet. This is our last week. Dd wants to run a marathon next year, so I'm thinking of creating an exercise schedule for her. I need to create some type of schedule and stick with it so we don't just waste our lives. I just wish I was one of those extremely driven people who required some new skill to be perfected over the summer months. I have really good intentions, but...



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we school year round...mostly because I can clearly recall what would happen at the beginning of each school year when I was a child....we would spend the first few weeks relearning what we had forgotten over the summer....'if you don't use it you lose it...' I suppose.

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Oh, you thread hijacker you!!!


How did you know that I have been thinking of building one of these too? I mean, the sun is there and it's hot and the oven makes my kitchen hot. Why not just let the sun do the cooking for me?


What style are you looking at? I like the box ones, but the the folded ones that fan out look easier to build. Did you see that cob solar oven that someone built in their yard? Very cool and nice looking to boot!


Oops, sorry - didn't mean to hijack.


If it was me, I'd build the folded ones that fan out, but I'm leaving the final decision up to DS. Hey, who am I to stop him if he wants to build a cob solar oven? :D


I haven't seen the cob oven in the backyard - do you have a link?

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We do the bulk of our schooling in the summer....... its too hot to go outside and do much else then swim in our blue blob. We hardly do any schooling in the fall or spring when its gorgeous out. (so by the time summer rolls around I'm desperately trying to cram the curriculum into the kids and fulfill the 180 days :lol: . ).

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This may be draconian, but I got it from my Mom. Bored is not allowed.

Find something to do or enjoy the doing nothing. If you tell me you are bored I will find something for you to do.


I keep a list of things that in the novelty alone is a little fun such as:


washing the windows or mirrors (what kid can resist a squirt bottle)


putting socks on your hands and dusting all the baseboards


rearranging the junk drawer (treasures galore)


If I have been pushed too far they get no fun at all like washing the sinks and toilets and weeding the garden.


I am most never hear, "I'm bored". (Which is really too bad, my baseboards are in sad shape)

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I don't often hear it but one day in particular, I instituted martial law and made both kids sit on chairs in the living room for an hour without doing anything. They could not talk, get up, read, play any games whatsoever. Just sit. For an hour. It was a looooonnnnnggggg hour for all of us but I am pretty sure I have not heard anything about being bored since that time. But if I do, they're going right back to the chairs.


I do like the idea of having extra chores available (although that's their consequence for complaining about having chores to do...hmmmm, can I use the same consequence for two different things?

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My daughter has been out of public school for 3 weeks (we moved to a different state and will be homeschooling in the fall) and is bored to tears. She and my son have been fighting and bickering for the past 2 weeks.


They've been so bored that they were happy to help with chores (we've been so busy moving and getting unpacked, and there wasn't much for them to do in the past few weeks). They were both excited to help me fold laundry yesterday and they were actually fighting over who would sweep the floors this morning.


I think I'm going to start a set of lessons with them this summer. I've been slowly buying their curriculum and last night I put it out on the bookshelves in our computer room; guess where I found both of them? On the floor in the computer room reading (or just looking at pictures, in Mac's case). Elle's excited about learning latin, so when that package comes, we'll set up a schedule. Mac will be happy to do some of the workbooks I picked up for him.

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I'm working on a Summer List, items 1-25. If I hear "I'm bored", they'll be directed to do #XYZ, whatever that happens to be. Betcha bottom dollar they'll find something more enjoyable:tongue_smilie:



#1 Sweep kitchen

#2 Clean toilets

#3 Juggle soccer ball

#4 Vacuum stairs

#5 Pick up doggie doo

#6 blah, blah, blah...


Little parental sarcastic humor to amuse myself!

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We just got Wii Fit, and I'm not going to have bored children this summer! Their friends have been coming over to play and swim for 4 or 5 hours a day, and they spend at least 3 hours after that taking turns playing Wii Fit. It's seriously the best thing we've ever bought. I'm going to be nagging THEM to play the Wii all summer :D

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I've already heard "I'm bored" too much. I have placed cleaners in the guys bathroom and that is next on the list. We just went over our summer school-lite program, but that won't start for a couple of weeks.


I am not the "entertainment director".


Now if his friends were home I would only see him in passing until dinnertime.

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We have been on summer break for 1 and 1/2 days now.


The fighting, the bickering, the "I'm booooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrred", the sneaking onto the computer without permission, the begging for Wii, the moaning, the groaning....


We have VBS next week and then I think the next week we will go on back to our school routine. I can't see this going all the way to July 7th. It just seems like a bad idea.


These kids cannot amuse themselves for 10 minutes. I am tired of of having to make suggestions. "How about Legos?" "Legos are booooring." "How about Imaginext?" "Imaginext is booooring." "How about going outside?" "There's nothing to doooooooo outside." "How about cleaning my kitchen cabinet doors?" "Mo-om"


How about diagramming some sentences and doing some math drills and some penmanship sheets?


This is one of the reasons we school year-round. Everyone does better with a routine and a little WORK! :001_smile:

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This is one of the reasons we school year-round. Everyone does better with a routine and a little WORK! :001_smile:


I am a proponent of year round schooling too. I just wanted to take off June! One lousy month, I just wanted one lousy month!!


I guess I will take a break when I get the last one graduated.

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Seriously? Bored = chores.


I do try to be better on our days off about being available for projects (I just made a cake with Peyton), but otherwise they need to figure it out. Luke just headed down to the creek to tromp around. Peyton will do art all day long if nothing else presents itself.




This is totally OT, but I LOVE the name Peyton. Just love it. :)

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Each and every time a child whines about being bored, demands that you supply entertainment, or sneaks entertainment that is forbidden (like the computer), you should supply their need for something to do by giving them chores.


Really, follow through with this. It takes just a couple times for them to suddenly realize their own ability to entertain themselves appropriately.


When I do this, I usually give a half-an-hour chore of some sort. It's just enough to make them feel the pain a little, and spark their consciousness to greater creativity.

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