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Why is it snowing??????

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It's snowing here only because DH is packing to go on a camping trip with his boy scout troop. If he were staying home, the weather would have been bright and sunny!



ETA: DH just left for his camping trip - the snow is stopping. LOL!

Edited by AK_Mom4
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I LOVE it. My whole life, I've lived in places where we were lucky to get an inch once a year. In Houston, it was more like an inch every 3-5 years. The one time I remember snow there, it was a Sunday, we had to go to church, & when we came home, it was gone.


This feels like Christmas, like magic, like moving to a movie set. How incredibly wonderfully glorious!


The kids were surprised, though--You LIKE snow, Mama? But you don't play in it!


To which I answered, "You LIKE spaghetti? You don't play in it! :lol:

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I LOVE it. My whole life, I've lived in places where we were lucky to get an inch once a year. In Houston, it was more like an inch every 3-5 years. The one time I remember snow there, it was a Sunday, we had to go to church, & when we came home, it was gone.


This feels like Christmas, like magic, like moving to a movie set. How incredibly wonderfully glorious!


The kids were surprised, though--You LIKE snow, Mama? But you don't play in it!


To which I answered, "You LIKE spaghetti? You don't play in it! :lol:



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Well, since at least one CO ski resort is open and the platters are hung at our ski hill, it's time!


Whoo, Hooo!! Let it snow!! I am actually bummed that the snow is already melting, but that was a doosie of a storm. We had tons of limbs and trees down, power out, and even a tree fire two houses down when the heavy limbs touched a live power line.

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