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Is this possibly SPD?

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I thought it was normal for kids to freak out at the sound of a car alarm, or to be terrified and cry all through a cleaning at the dentist, or to scream at the least pull while having their hair brushed.


However, as my two younger children are getting older, I notice that they pretty much take all these things in stride. Only my oldest reacts this way. She had an ultrasound yesterday, and you would have thought it was surgery without anesthesia.



Does this sound like a sensory issue?

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It is one thing to have an aversion to something. To dislike a taste/texture/sound is normal. For someone to utilize self-calming strategies to get through these times, is expected.


To have an over-the-top, way out of proportion reaction, is not. To dislike something that is in the normal range for most humans (ie not liking tags in clothes), to the extent of screaming/flailing/cowering in fear, is not expected.

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I thought it was normal for kids to freak out at the sound of a car alarm, or to be terrified and cry all through a cleaning at the dentist, or to scream at the least pull while having their hair brushed.


However, as my two younger children are getting older, I notice that they pretty much take all these things in stride. Only my oldest reacts this way. She had an ultrasound yesterday, and you would have thought it was surgery without anesthesia.



Does this sound like a sensory issue?



www.sensory-processing-disorder.com is a very helpful site. tips/suggestions/FAQ's/Descriptions.


sounds like auditory hypersensitivity to me. I recentlly did the full out work-up with the child development center at our medical school. (multiple area's of concern.) results pending. if you plan on going through your children's hospital or medical school, get on their waitlist ASAP as it can take MONTHS to actually be seen. (they have big intake questionnaires to get on the waitlist)


read carol kranowitz's book "the out of synch child". she also has a website.


More detailed hearing tests are required to determine just what is going on (not that basic one done to see "if" they can hear. that one was a waste of time. I could have told them what the results on that basic test would be.) - and those are not done until at least seven or eight because of how much cooperation is required of the child.


another thing to consider is she does she have hypersensitivity to some types of food and removing them could help her immensly. gluten/casein/yeast/soy are big culprits in SPD kids. sometimes it's all of them, sometimes one, and sometimes none. there are some lab tests that can determine sensitivity - (for gluten, the blood test most docs do only diagnosis celiac. needs a stool test.),

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