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Work out thread

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I remember awhile back we had a daily work out thread. I liked that thread. Just like I like the daily "What's for Dinner" thread and the "Weekly Book" threads. :001_smile:


So, I've decided to start the daily work out thread again. I'll start the thread each day (sometimes maybe later than others).


Let's keep each other motivated by checking in, and have fun sharing tips, ideas, and other favorites stuff about working out.

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I'll start.


Today, I was a bit lazy and only did 40 minutes of running.


Does anyone else here run around their house for cardio? I don't have a treadmill and don't go to the gym, what with having three young boys with me at all times. So I just run around through my house. :tongue_smilie:

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I worked out today. I walked 4 miles, though it was supposed to be 8. It was COLD (40ish), and poured. It's one of our first winter-y type days - cold, windy, wet, and nasty. I gave up. I'll also add that my foot has been killing me lately, so a light day probably won't be bad for it. I am also traveling today and the extra hour was really handy! :001_smile:

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I'm just starting to run again after having my baby, so my stats may be a bit puny :)


Yesterday (I'm running 3x/week right now) I walked/jogged for 30 minutes and did a little over 2 miles.


I'm just telling myself - Baby Steps, Baby Steps :D



I am SO excited to finally be running again, though, I missed it SO MUCH!

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I'm just starting to run again after having my baby, so my stats may be a bit puny :)


Yesterday (I'm running 3x/week right now) I walked/jogged for 30 minutes and did a little over 2 miles.


I'm just telling myself - Baby Steps, Baby Steps :D



I am SO excited to finally be running again, though, I missed it SO MUCH!


For you ....


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I'm in! I re-started Insanity this week after running a half marathon last weekend. I did Pure Cardio today. LOVE that workout!


Hey LG or anyone else who has done Insanity. I'm in good shape. But, I started Insanity on Monday. My legs were SOOOOOO sore for three days! As in, they felt bruised. I couldn't go from standing to sitting or vice versa without considerable pain. What the heck is that!? I do feel much better today (day 5).

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It was COLD (40ish), and poured. It's one of our first winter-y type days - cold, windy, wet, and nasty.


40?! I would not have even gotten out of bed!




I'm just starting to run again after having my baby, so my stats may be a bit puny :)


Yesterday (I'm running 3x/week right now) I walked/jogged for 30 minutes and did a little over 2 miles.


I'm just telling myself - Baby Steps, Baby Steps :D



I am SO excited to finally be running again, though, I missed it SO MUCH!


Have patience and take it easy. Remember that snuggling with the baby is so much more important. :D

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I'm in! I re-started Insanity this week after running a half marathon last weekend. I did Pure Cardio today. LOVE that workout!


Hey LG or anyone else who has done Insanity. I'm in good shape. But, I started Insanity on Monday. My legs were SOOOOOO sore for three days! As in, they felt bruised. I couldn't go from standing to sitting or vice versa without considerable pain. What the heck is that!? I do feel much better today (day 5).


I was going to message you but since you are "live"...I am going to do the P90X/Asylum hybrid in a couple of weeks to prep for P90X2. It's only a month long. I will put up a private fb group for mutual support (so we can complain at will). Want to do it with me? Uhura is going to do the same hybrid.


I am in so much pain from doing Max Interval Circuit barefoot. I am not injured but my calves, hamstrings, and behind hurt so much more. I think I am convert to barefoot training.


BTW - invite to any of you want to do this elite training program with me. Get FINE before Christmas!

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I was going to message you but since you are "live"...I am going to do the P90X/Asylum hybrid in a couple of weeks to prep for P90X2. It's only a month long. I will put up a private fb group for mutual support (so we can complain at will). Want to do it with me? Uhura is going to do the same hybrid.


I am in so much pain from doing Max Interval Circuit barefoot. I am not injured but my calves, hamstrings, and behind hurt so much more. I think I am convert to barefoot training.


BTW - invite to any of you want to do this elite training program with me. Get FINE before Christmas!


Fun! Where is the schedule? I'm thinking of getting some of those barefoot shoes to try both for running and working out inside. If I go barefoot in my basement while I work out, I slide around too much in plank. I really need the traction. So, when are you starting?


When are you starting P90X2? We preordered, but I forget when it comes out.


ETA: Just found the schedule! I can do this! My concern was time, but it doesn't look like it's more than 1.5 hours in a day. The longest day is probably the yoga day. I HATE that workout!!!! I'm IN!!! Just let me know when to start!

Edited by Jennifer in MI
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I'm hoping for a three mile walk and 30 minute bike ride, but it is dumping rain here now and will be dark in a bit, so I may cut that short.


The weather has hit, so the timing of these threads will be perfect for me. The dark, blowing, dripping gloom can be a real drag up here.

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I'm hoping for a three mile walk and 30 minute bike ride, but it is dumping rain here now and will be dark in a bit, so I may cut that short.


The weather has hit, so the timing of these threads will be perfect for me. The dark, blowing, dripping gloom can be a real drag up here.


I hear you! The last two years, I've trained for the Disney Marathon in January. These last couple months with those long runs were SOOOOO hard!!! This year, I'm not signed up and it's such a relief to work out inside!!!! I don't miss the cold wind smacking me in the face before the sun comes up!


Can you get one of those attachments to your bike so you can ride inside?

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Fun! Where is the schedule? I'm thinking of getting some of those barefoot shoes to try both for running and working out inside. If I go barefoot in my basement while I work out, I slide around too much in plank. I really need the traction. So, when are you starting?


When are you starting P90X2? We preordered, but I forget when it comes out.


ETA: Just found the schedule! I can do this! My concern was time, but it doesn't look like it's more than 1.5 hours in a day. The longest day is probably the yoga day. I HATE that workout!!!! I'm IN!!! Just let me know when to start!


I am planning for November 14th. Meeting ShaunT on the 12th in SD! Yay!

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Have patience and take it easy. Remember that snuggling with the baby is so much more important. :D


I really do need to remember that. Baby is 6 weeks old now and I'm fighting the itch to do more than I should. I'm staying on week 1 of Couch to 5k for a bit while I get my sea legs back :).


As it is, I nurse right before I leave and nurse right after so he doesn't feel too neglected :D.



You guy are making me want to try this P90x stuff, though! I'll save that till Baby is MUCH older - LOL

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Well, I don't know that I really exercised today. I am hoping to start soon. I've not been feeling great and I'm just soooooooooooo exhausted with kiddos. I ordered ChaLEAN Extreme which should come Monday, I'd think.


I have eaten a bit better though not perfectly. I'm going to be kind to myself about it this weekend, eating well, but not stressing. Then I'm going to be FOCUSED though. I'm hoping that everything goes PERFECTLY so that we will adopt the children Feb 7th or very close to that (can't be before). So that is my first goal date, 90 days from Nov 9th. If it takes a little longer, that just gives me a little longer to progress. I just want to look as good and be as healthy as I can as I accept the privilege and challenge of becoming their parent.


And we're doing it as a family. We each have goals, not necessarily exact numbers, but healthier (though what that means may be different for different ones of us).

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Today was week 12, day 3 of my current round of p90x... Almost time to put another round in the books! I have p90x2 on pre-order as well. Not sure what I'll do before it gets here. Most likely I'll do a 'cardo intense' recovery period (all cardio/running, plus ab ripper for two weeks) and start a 'mini-round' while of X while I wait for X2 to show up on my doorstep :)

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What are they called?


I am not sure. I saw them at the expo before the Detroit marathon this year. Let me google it and see if I can't find it.


Eta. Google search "indoor trainer" and click on the first link. They have a bunch of them there. All sorts of price ranges!

Edited by Jennifer in MI
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Today was week 12, day 3 of my current round of p90x... Almost time to put another round in the books! I have p90x2 on pre-order as well. Not sure what I'll do before it gets here. Most likely I'll do a 'cardo intense' recovery period (all cardio/running, plus ab ripper for two weeks) and start a 'mini-round' while of X while I wait for X2 to show up on my doorstep :)


Why not Asylum? It's a month long. Would fit nicely between the end of this round and the arrival of P90X2.

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Didn't get to exercise yesterday. I had to run errands during nap time (when I usually work out) cause DH was home to stay with the kids. Definitely feeling the lack of it this morning, blech.


Today the plan is my usual routine of stretching, a little yoga, sit ups etc and then 30 minutes on the stationary bike. Can't wait :D (And I can't believe I just said that, lol. I don't necessarily enjoy exercising, but I definitely enjoy the way I feel after I exercise. It's like a shot of energy in the middle of the day!)

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Yesterday I walked for an hour (leisurely - only 2.5 miles) and did the 30-Day Shred. I am commited to doing all 30 days in a row! I've tried this before but I really, really need to do this so I can get one of the Beachbody programs. I don't want to spend the money unless I can prove commitment, KWIM?


I've been stagnated at this weight since April or so. I need to jumpstart it again and lose the rest of this crazy weight.

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I remember awhile back we had a daily work out thread. I liked that thread.

I LOVE this idea. :D

On another board, I start the same exact thread every morning. Very motivating and encouraging.

I'll try to post as often as I can. My problem is that I usually check in to the boards at the very early morning hours only, so I may be a day late in posting.

Today I did 10 Minutes Pilates from my new DVD. Really like this.




and some other stretches and moves

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Yay! Love this thread!


I've been working out like a maniac for a few weeks. My goal is at least 6 hours per week. Last week's total was 6 hours 50 minutes. I am mainly concentrating on aerobic combined with strength training.


Hoping for 45 minutes - 1 hour today. Loving Leslie Sansone's tapes, plus I do some exercises from physical therapy--ball and core strength + leg strenthening.


And I am LOVING this book--Younger Next Year for Women. So incredibly motivating. I don't agree with the evolutionary parts, but the rest is awesome.


I've also ordered Vonda Wright's book, Fitness After 40. I've been enjoying her videos on Youtube. She is an orthopedic surgeon who is interested in helping those over 40 be really fit and strong.

Edited by Tracy in Ky
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