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not hiring holiday help-Walmart

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Honestly, I've never really understood the drive for seasonal help. So many ppl I've known who work retail, (and when I did) are eager to pick up more hours around the holidays that you'd think there'd be enough staff to pick up extra hours.


They don't want the part-timers to cross into full time hours, that's why. My friend is working retail 38h/ week, practically full time, right? But if she were full time her whole benefits and vacation situation would be completely different.

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They don't want the part-timers to cross into full time hours, that's why. My friend is working retail 38h/ week, practically full time, right? But if she were full time her whole benefits and vacation situation would be completely different.



I second this.


I have worked for Wal*Mart and Sam's Club. They do not schedule you for more than 37.5 hours a week if you are full time. Part time is up to that amount I think. They were extremely anal retentive about it. You couldn't even go over by a few minutes.


They will hire a bunch of part-timers rather than risk the full time status.


This isn't new though. Back in '93 I worked for Bank of America, I was part-time but couldn't work more than 20 hours a week or they had to give me benefits. I might have gotten 10 hours a week. They had several tellers.

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I worked there through high school and college, and our store usually had 6-8 college kids who would take a leave of absence during the year, but come home to work Black Friday weekend and most of December. This is what I did during my senior year of high school and first two years of college. If they have a lot of college kids on LOA coming home, that may be their seasonal help.

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I know this makes no sense but I must barge in a say...They need to hire seasonal help just to GUARD the black friday items to make sure NO ONE takes items BEFORE the black friday begins since they have all the items rolled OUT before the sale begins (except the electronics)!! *Ok off my soap box*

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I second this.


I have worked for Wal*Mart and Sam's Club. They do not schedule you for more than 37.5 hours a week if you are full time. Part time is up to that amount I think. They were extremely anal retentive about it. You couldn't even go over by a few minutes.


They will hire a bunch of part-timers rather than risk the full time status.


This isn't new though. Back in '93 I worked for Bank of America, I was part-time but couldn't work more than 20 hours a week or they had to give me benefits. I might have gotten 10 hours a week. They had several tellers.


For Walmart employees hired after 2002, full time is 34 hours a week. That's up from earlier years. Sorry your store was touchy about scheduling- ours routinely schedules full timers 40 hours a week but does want them to monitor their time to not go over that- they don't want to pay overtime unless it's really necessary. They provide me (I generally work 2 8 hour days a week) benefits- vacation and personal time, and I can buy insurance for myself there.

There is a lot about Walmart that isn't positive, but they have treated me very well and I appreciate the vacation and personal time- many part time jobs don't grant those benefits.

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