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I am absolutely LIVID with my dr. office!

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This in no way mitigates what happened to the OP, but some of those doctor office forms can have clauses giving them permission to discuss your care with certain others. One thing that was discussed when HIPAA first came out was whether it would be good to have a form that said that you gave consent to discuss care with anyone who accompanied you to a doctor, for example. This can be helpful with elderly folks who are relying on children to help them make medical decisions and remember what was said at the doctor's.


I'd ask for a copy of my file including any HIPAA releases or consents.


My husband had to take a POA and even then somebody tried to get my MIL, who has alzheimer's and can answer questions most of the time, but can NOT remember how to even HOLD a pencil, let alone SIGN something, sign a paper that stated it was ok to discuss her medical with her son. Who takes to the appts and to the ER etc. etc. :glare:

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It's definitely been my experience. It's a real pain in the neck with a deployed spouse too. Someone will call and rather than give me the info, insist on calling back when he's available. Um, ok. Call back in 9 months or so then. lol!



Exactly! I have a Power of Attorney for my son so that I can pay his bills and handle his affairs while he is deployed. Some companies are a nightmare, even when they have a copy of the POA. I usually explain that they can talk to me or not get paid, their choice, and they decide to talk to me. ;)


As for the OP, I believe it is commons practice to leave messages on answering machines and cell phones. They identify their office and ask "Jane Smith" to return their call. But I would be surprised and upset if they told the person what or why they needed you to get in touch with them.

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bethanyniez;: This is exactly the case. *Exactly.* I did not have surgery. I have no life threatening illness. My dr. just loves to run extra tests, run tests again (and again), 'just to check' and 'just in case', if something is the *slightest* bit off absolute normal. Then, she wants a follow-up visit to review the results. Then she wants me to repeat the test to *make sure* the good result is still good, then have a follow up visit to discuss that. It's just TOO MUCH, and unnecessary. I don't have the time or money for that, told her so at my last appt, and the office STILL kept calling.



Your doctor's office is RIDICULOUS. Run the tests TWICE and demand that you SHOW UP to review results? No, absolutely not. She is required by law to send you all test results. Just call the office and let them send them. All labs today mark the normal ranges anyway on almost everything so you can find out if you are good. But to show up just so she can tell you, "Hey, you are high on this. Let's recheck in 6 months" or worse, "Hey, your test results were just fine. Thanks for coming in! (Ca-CHING)"


Not gonna happen. I'd find another doctor if anyone tried to do this.





But they sure lost themselves a patient, since they did not follow the wishes I made sure to share with them regarding my care. If following HIPAA guidelines is all they're worried about, then they're fine. But if respecting their patients is important to them, then they have some improving to do.



That's perfectly reasonable. And I'd let them know why you are changing practices.

And I appreciate the suggestions regarding being careful who I list as an emergency contact in the future, and will be sure to remember that when filling out paperwork at my new doctor's office.

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My husband had to take a POA and even then somebody tried to get my MIL, who has alzheimer's and can answer questions most of the time, but can NOT remember how to even HOLD a pencil, let alone SIGN something, sign a paper that stated it was ok to discuss her medical with her son. Who takes to the appts and to the ER etc. etc. :glare:

That actually makes sense. The only alternative is for your husband to file a suit for guardianship in court and who needs that hassle. So getting Mom to sign is the best way even if it isn't easy.

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