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What are you reading aloud : Oct 24


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We recently started The Phantom Tollbooth (dd8 and I). We've wanted to read it for a while, but it's our next Arrow lesson. So far, it's interesting. Very different!


I need to find a new story to get into with DS5. We started with The Trumpet of the Swan but he wasn't into it (though dd was liking it) and it kind of gotten forgotten about. I will finish it with her but want to find something he loves. He did really like Paddington when we read that and most of Pinnochio. He's much harder to please than she is. He has a strong need for pictures and he can only sit still so long. If we read at bedtime, he falls asleep. It's much harder with him, and I admit I already fear he won't be the bookworm that she is. He's more interested in math and science, so I do try to tailor books to him from that interest level.

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I have a DS 5, and a DD 6. We're reading The Phantom Tollbooth at the moment too!


Of course, my DD is getting quite a bit more from it than my DS, but he enjoys listening in. I've considered photo copying and enlarging the map at the beginning and giving him a car to drive along with us as we read. It may make things easier - as usual, I waited too long to think of it and it's probably too late now. That idea may have to wait for the re-reading a few seasons from now. :)


We also read Trumpet of the Swan, Little House in the Big Woods, Charlotte's Web, Mr. Poppers Penguins and The Indian in the Cupboard earlier this year (DD was probably already 6 and DS still 4). Again, she got more from it, though he listened along (less intently, of course!).


For my DS I try to read what peaks his interest and not worry about the lengthier books making it "through" to him yet. That pressure might discourage his love of listening, so I just let him fiddle as I read to DD and then keep his story times a bit simpler and shorter. He's loving FIAR.


I hope my hurried babbling gives you some idea of how we're balancing the same issue. :) I hope you get a lot of great responses, because we could certainly use more ideas!

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Reading "The Trumpet of the Swan" to both my girls (age 6 and 9) this week.


Also reading "The Hobbit" slllowly to my 6-year-old. She loves hearing old stories and old books for some reason, but has a limited attention span for it. So we read like 2-3 pages at a time. Sometimes I wonder if she is actually enjoying it, but she insists that she is and asks for it almost daily, and then asks for me to stop almost every time after 2-3 pages. Isn't that weird? Meanwhile my 9 yr old, who, if it is a book she likes, will want me to read it cover to cover in one sitting, cannot stand listening to The Hobbit.


We just left off at at a chapter end.. next chapter is "Riddles in the Dark" - I hope at least THAT one fascinates her enough to listen to the whole chapter! It's the most intriguing part!

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I am reading Ice Drift to dd's and I am reading the Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh to ds's. Next we are going to read Medicine Walk . Some day we will get to the Wind in the Willows. Someday.




I am also slowly reading through Kingdom Tales (part of MFW ECC). All 4 dc LOVE that book!!

Edited by wy_kid_wrangler04
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We're reading "Escape from Egypt" and "The Secret School" aloud (my 11 y/o and I).


My son, about to turn 6, is enjoying things like "A Storybook Treasury for Boys" and "A Treasury for Five Year Olds" and stuff like that. One of the first chapter books he sat still for was The Indian In The Cupboard.

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Still working our way through The Witches, but Ariel LOVES it. She begged me to read extra yesterday, including rereading the chapters from the night before so she could act it out more accurately. She usually listens politely but doesn't ask for more reading, unless it's a picture book. I'm kind of at a loss what to follow it up with. Maybe The Mysterious Benedict Society or Fantastic Mr. Fox.

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We JUST started The Wheel on the School .


I have a feeling it is going to take awhile. I'm not doing so great on the read aloud front for the big kids. . .but I'm trying to focus on the fact that we are staying on task in other subjects.


(pout alert)

I'm just so tired and HUGE already. . .and I'm only 23 weeks. I get overwhelmed when I think about how huge and uncomfortable I'm going to be in a couple more months. I can hardly get dressed as it is!:glare:

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DD the Elder -- The Three Musketeers (Pevear translation)

DD the Younger -- Little Town on the Prairie, Aesop's Fables

Both kids -- Five Children and It

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We are 3/4 through Peter Pan and Wendy.


Our other read aloud (she reads to me) is Mother goose rhymes - it's really helping her, because she has a habit of putting in extra words (or leaving them out). The poetry/rhyming is helping her to understand that it was written to be read a certain way - even if her additions/subtractions don't mess with the meaning.

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Guest IdahoMtnMom

My kids are only 3 and 4 and we are continuing to work our way through the World Treasury of Children's literature. On tap this week are


* Mr. Gumpy's Motor Car

* Mrs. Cimkins Bathtub

* Puss and Boots

* The Happy Lion

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Tales from Egypt by Roger Lancelyn Green for daytime history & The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan for Bedtime this week....


Also finishing up the Gilgamesh series of 3 picturebooks by Ludmila Zeman. (finished with Mesopotamian studies last week, but had to wait for the books to arrive from backorder...)


I need to start the MCT Literature course I ordered...but my 12 yo is enjoying all the historical fiction that ties to the history so much that I'm hesitant to change anything....Upcoming reads include Mara, Daughter of the Nile, The Golden Goblet, & Theodosia and the Serpent of Chaos...He finished The Red Pyramid and The Throne of Fire last week)

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We finished The Wind in the Willows Friday night. It was wonderful! I linked to our family review.


We're going to start Mary Poppins tonight. I've never read it, and I'm excited.


We're continuing with The Bronze Bow and The House at Pooh Corner. We'll probably also read a lot of D'Aulaire's Greek Myths and maybe Black Ships Before Troy because that's where we are in history.

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For our daily read aloud we started Redwall by Brian Jacques. I'm going to gain ten pounds from reading about the feasts.

For our history read aloud we will be doing An Island Story to review Rome's influence on Britain, and we are working our way through a beautifully (and graphically) illustrated book of Celtic myth and legend called The Names Upon the Harp.

Our current listening selection was supposed to be Peter Pan, but we sort of got hooked on the Silver Chair. So the Silver Chair it is.

For Bedtime, we don't have a chapter book this week, but will probably read some A.A. Milne, and some folk tales from the library. Currently both boys are requesting The Cow on the Roof, and I like The Rooster Prince of Breslov very much.

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The book that originally got my dd into reading chapter books was a Great Illustrated Classics version of Black Beauty. I really love the Great Illustrated Classics because they have an illustration on each double page. That was enough to get my dd at about age 4 to let me read it to her.


Right now, we are reading the Little House series, and she is wanting to read Caddie Woodlawn next.

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We're reading the Lord of the Rings and are somewhere in the middle of The Two Towers (the battle of Helms Deep has just finished! :001_smile:) So far this school year we have also read Pride and Prejudice and Jane Eyre. We loved them both! :001_wub:

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ds8--we just finished reading the last story in Just So Stories. We have picked this book up off and on throughout the years. Somehow it never clicked (except The Elephant's Child which even my toddler loves---I think because we have the picture book version of that). But ds8 finally started to like the stories. We're also reading Burgess Bird Book (again) and playing around with choral poetry reading with Paul Fleishman's book Joyful Noise. (My son is on the spectrum and I'm hoping choral reading will help with his prosody speech skills).


ds4- I've been reading a chapter or two of the Winnie the Pooh books to him as well as some of AA Milne's poetry (he doesn't care for the poetry just yet). For bedtime we've been reading every, "Jack and Annie!!!!!" Magic Tree House book there ever was. (Momma is trying to keep her enthusiasm up to match her little man's) He is obsessed with them and actually doing spontaneous oral narrations and learning a bit of history etc. He's been asking for the research guides. So far those aren't a big hit---but my 8 year old likes them.


dd15months is getting the Eric Carle treatment1 ;)

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