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What world am I living in?

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I'm really sick and tired of being told to send my kids to school so they can experience the real world. Can someone please, please tell me what kind of fake world I'm living in? It feels very real to me!!!

Seriously in the last year I have been told time and again my older two are ready for some real world experience and I should send them to school. If I try to counter with saying, my kids are getting more real world experience than kids locked in a classroom all day, I'm told that it's not enough. My kids need to experience life with other kids. ?????? Last week we ended up having three outings with other kids on top of church, tball, and karate.

I'm just really fed up. I'm trying to let comments roll off my back but it's like lately the comments are coming fast and furious.

I just needed somewhere to vent. Thanks!

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Apparently, the other kids that your kids are hanging out with are actually fake. They are droids. The only real kids are the ones in public school. Your kids are slowly becoming droids, too. Now, if you didn't take them out to be with the other droids, and you just kept them at home all the time, they'd grow up to be mannequins. :D


Sorry, I must be drunk on too much roasted chicken and potatoes. I don't know what came over me.

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I am starting to think there is a whole other dimension solar system around us. There is a planet that my ds14 lives on, it has variable time. So read for 1 hour means 15 minutes Earth time, but you can only play on the computer 30 minutes means 1 hour Earth time? I am learning more and more about this wonderful planet all the time.

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Now, here is something you could try.


"Oh, they get plenty of real world experience. We give them lunch money and then beat them up for it later. At least once per day, we set them at their desks and throw spit-wads at the back of their heads. Every year we send them to the neighbors to peddle high priced twaddle no one wants so they can take an educationally meaningful trip to Cedar Point. We make sure their instruments are stolen or damaged at least once per year, have the neighborhood bully slam them up against the garage door to mirror that all important 'getting shoved against the locker and having your homework grabbed', and we make sure that we spend at least one hour per day swearing like drunken sailors."


:D ;) My mind goes to really weird places when people say these kinds of things. An awful lot of the things that kids must endure at school would not go down in the workplace or in college. The perpetrator of such actions would be bounced off the campus or fired from the job. Most of the "real world experience" I had in school never happened again in my adult years. So, I'm not exactly certain what I was supposed to learn from my incarceration in school that was in preparation for grown-up life. College and career were diametrically different from "school".



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My favorite was when I mentioned in passing when I was talking to my 20 year old cousin, who is seriously one of the most socially inept people I know, that we were planning on homeschooling. He said, "Make sure you give them lots of socialization!" I thought about saying, "Really? How did that work out for you?" but I didn't. :glare:

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The "real world" is getting more, um, (insert adjective here): for example the Asian who just married a cyberwoman. In these instances we like to quote Puddleglum (The Silver Chair, C.S.Lewis),


"Then all I can say is that, in that case, the made-up things seem a good deal more important than the real ones. Suppose this black pit of a kingdom of yours is the only world. Well, it strikes me as a pretty poor one. And that's a funny thing, when you come to think of it. We're just babies making up a game, if you're right. But four babies playing a game can make a play-world which licks your real world hollow. That's why I'm going to stand by the play world."

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I can tell you where I don't live. In the local high school who had a football player show up drunk to Homecoming and then steal and crash the football trainer's car! I really hate sending my son out the door every morning to PS but he just won't let me pull him out. 10th grade was far too late for that change and I get it. I just don't have to like it.

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I'm really sick and tired of being told to send my kids to school so they can experience the real world. Can someone please, please tell me what kind of fake world I'm living in? It feels very real to me!!!

Seriously in the last year I have been told time and again my older two are ready for some real world experience and I should send them to school. If I try to counter with saying, my kids are getting more real world experience than kids locked in a classroom all day, I'm told that it's not enough. My kids need to experience life with other kids. ?????? Last week we ended up having three outings with other kids on top of church, tball, and karate.

I'm just really fed up. I'm trying to let comments roll off my back but it's like lately the comments are coming fast and furious.

I just needed somewhere to vent. Thanks!


If the people telling you this are people you know, and they have told you more than once, you are being too nice in your replies. I will respond in a civil manner the first time someone gives me their unsolicited opinion about homeschooling. If they bring it up again, I'm not very nice about telling them this is our choice and none of their beeswax, and that they are talking out their elbow about something they know nothing about. :tongue_smilie: And that the real world is nothing like school anyway.

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I am SO tired of having family members offer "advice" when it isn't solicited. :glare:


I just don't get it. I didn't grow up with family questioning my decisions, they were there to support. My husband's family is the opposite. Everyone has an opinion and they feel the need to share it regularly. They ALWAYS do it when my husband isn't around. It's so annoying.


I feel a rant coming on so I'm going to stop for now. I don't have any advice. I just totally relate!


God Bless,

Elise in NC

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Had someone recently try and tell me (paraphrasing) that it was ok if kids got bullied or called names at school because they will learn how to deal with it. I didn't respond but was thinking about all of the poor kids out there who suffer daily with bullying. Especially those who have been pushed so far as to take their own lives. I just couldn't believe this mom thought that it was a good lesson for kids to learn how to deal with this. Sad.

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Had someone recently try and tell me (paraphrasing) that it was ok if kids got bullied or called names at school because they will learn how to deal with it. I didn't respond but was thinking about all of the poor kids out there who suffer daily with bullying. Especially those who have been pushed so far as to take their own lives. I just couldn't believe this mom thought that it was a good lesson for kids to learn how to deal with this. Sad.



One of my relatives is a retired teacher. She feels that homeschooling is depriving my kids of the opportunity to deal with bullies - a valuable "life-skill." She believes that dealing with bullies builds character.:confused:

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Now, here is something you could try.


"Oh, they get plenty of real world experience. We give them lunch money and then beat them up for it later. At least once per day, we set them at their desks and throw spit-wads at the back of their heads. Every year we send them to the neighbors to peddle high priced twaddle no one wants so they can take an educationally meaningful trip to Cedar Point. We make sure their instruments are stolen or damaged at least once per year, have the neighborhood bully slam them up against the garage door to mirror that all important 'getting shoved against the locker and having your homework grabbed', and we make sure that we spend at least one hour per day swearing like drunken sailors."


:D ;) My mind goes to really weird places when people say these kinds of things. An awful lot of the things that kids must endure at school would not go down in the workplace or in college. The perpetrator of such actions would be bounced off the campus or fired from the job. Most of the "real world experience" I had in school never happened again in my adult years. So, I'm not exactly certain what I was supposed to learn from my incarceration in school that was in preparation for grown-up life. College and career were diametrically different from "school".




:smilielol5: :lol: :iagree:

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Now, here is something you could try.


"Oh, they get plenty of real world experience. We give them lunch money and then beat them up for it later. At least once per day, we set them at their desks and throw spit-wads at the back of their heads. Every year we send them to the neighbors to peddle high priced twaddle no one wants so they can take an educationally meaningful trip to Cedar Point. We make sure their instruments are stolen or damaged at least once per year, have the neighborhood bully slam them up against the garage door to mirror that all important 'getting shoved against the locker and having your homework grabbed', and we make sure that we spend at least one hour per day swearing like drunken sailors."


:D ;) My mind goes to really weird places when people say these kinds of things. An awful lot of the things that kids must endure at school would not go down in the workplace or in college. The perpetrator of such actions would be bounced off the campus or fired from the job. Most of the "real world experience" I had in school never happened again in my adult years. So, I'm not exactly certain what I was supposed to learn from my incarceration in school that was in preparation for grown-up life. College and career were diametrically different from "school".



I'm sorry but that made me :smilielol5:I'm still not sure what all the 'good' parts are about hanging out with the ps crowd!
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One of my relatives is a retired teacher. She feels that homeschooling is depriving my kids of the opportunity to deal with bullies - a valuable "life-skill." She believes that dealing with bullies builds character.:confused:


So the parents of kids who commit violent acts or commit suicide as a result of bullying can rest in the knowledge that their kids must have had LOTS of character. :glare:

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DH's favorite line is, "Well, at least he was socialized!"


We read the news of local drug sting at the high school, kids drinking and driving, kids bullying, kids getting arrested for whatever.......kids failing school or dropping out.


DH still will say, "Well, at least he was socialized!"



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Just don't answer. You're not going to change their minds! If it's a family member, simply state that hsing is going well and you're not going to discuss it. And then don't. If they simply will not listen, leave.


It really does get easier--when they see what hsing has produced. I found those obnoxious comments lessened greatly when #1 went to college classes at 15, and had the highest grade in the class...


Vent away, but for your own sanity, just refuse to discuss it.


Amen and Amen. :iagree: It's not even worth discussing it with some people more than once. Just ignore them. Does it REALLY matter what they think afterall?

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I'm really sick and tired of being told to send my kids to school so they can experience the real world. Can someone please, please tell me what kind of fake world I'm living in? It feels very real to me!!!

Seriously in the last year I have been told time and again my older two are ready for some real world experience and I should send them to school. If I try to counter with saying, my kids are getting more real world experience than kids locked in a classroom all day, I'm told that it's not enough. My kids need to experience life with other kids. ?????? Last week we ended up having three outings with other kids on top of church, tball, and karate.

I'm just really fed up. I'm trying to let comments roll off my back but it's like lately the comments are coming fast and furious.

I just needed somewhere to vent. Thanks!


You need to google that animated YouTube video on socialization, where the one character keeps asking about socialization. It'll make you laugh so you can stop banging your head against the wall.


Sometimes I think it's ignorance, sometimes perhaps a bit of rationalization (so they don't feel "less" about their choice for their kids), sometimes just busy-bodiness. Homeschool kids typically get a much broader perspective of the real world than their peers who are in the insulated yet surreal world of school. Even better, as your kids get older and you help them w/time mgmt to finish what they need to get done, they have time to really explore what they're interested in.


For those who are just giving unsolicited advice, I might think up a short retort of some sort about the unreal world of high school or something benign about being so much "in the real world" that you're hardly home .... :001_smile:

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