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Does anyone have Beethoven's Wig?

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O.K., I'm not talking about the wig on his head.


I'm talking about the C.D. that puts words to classical music.


Are these songs any good or is it just gimmicky?


My ds can recognize and Metallica or Megadeth song in the first few seconds, but has no idea about classical music. Are these cds worth getting, or is there something else that would work better?

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We like it. (We only have the first one.) You can probably check out a copy from your library.


The first time through the songs, they have silly lyrics to them. The composer's name is usually somewhere in the lryics.


The second time through the songs, only the music is heard. This way, we get both versions.


The down side: lyrics are hard to get out of your head.


The upside: My kids remember the composers of the pieces. They enjoy both versions, and recognize them when they hear them other places. :)

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We own both CD's (Beethoven's Wig I and II). My kids think they're hilarious! How old is your ds? Mine are nine and under.


I think these recordings are good; they're fun and silly, but they sure do stick in one's head. After all of the "silly" renditions, each of the songs is played sans lyrics, so that you can hear what they really sound like.


A funny "downside": We were at a wedding at which two of the Wig songs were played. Our pew was shaking as we all sang in our heads, "Please--don't play--your violin at night..." and "All together, kings and queens of Eeeeeengland!"

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I just checked the library and put them on hold.


Lets see if I can get him to listen to more than heavy metal.


Although he does like Phantom of the Opera. He spent about 2 weeks being the Phantom. I can't tell you the number of times he jumped out of the closet as you walked by singing "The Phantom is inside your mind"

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I absolutely love it. I have all three and we get a big kick out of them. Well, I did for the first 50 times we listened to it. It's getting a tiny bit irritating right now, but I make them listen all the way through the cd instead of just to the words, so I get to hear just the music for half of the time.

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