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My 8yo ds says he doesn't know how to talk in a quiet voice.

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Is this normal?


I mean the quiet voice; quieter than your regular voice, but not a whisper.

When I ask him to use a quiet voice, it almost makes him cry because he gets so frustrated about not being able to do it (he has anxiety issues). I just need him to have a voice to use in the mornings before daddy gets up, that's all. :tongue_smilie: Does anyone remember struggling with this as a kid, or have a kid who can't do this? He only has a 'whisper' and 'regular' voice.


Not a super big deal, but it's frustrating. :glare:

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My son has sensory processing difficulties and I swear he could not speak in a quite voice. When I ask him to use a "little" voice, he really thinks that he is and cannot understand why I am still getting after him. We do not use the phrase "inside" voice b/c for him that is LOUD also. As he has gotten older he has broadened his levels of voice but it really took come time. He also got anxious b/c he was truly not understanding the distinction in the levels of his voice.

Of course, I am sure when he is a teenager I will be complaining about how all he does is mumble and I cannot hear him and wishing he would speak up!

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