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Do your kids play an instroment? What one

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We've started all of them on piano only so far. Once they have a basic knowledge of music, we'll encourage them to choose another instrument (or vocal lessons) if they're interested. I suspect only one of them is going to be really musical (actually she's climbed up on my lap asking me to put some music on right now lol)

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My oldest plays violin, cello, viola, concert harp and piano. She's doing a doctorate in violin performance and pedagogy. She plays a pretty mean tin whistle, too! :D


My next plays cello, piano and organ. She got to play her cello in Brazil two years ago with the Navy Glee Club and once got to play the HUGE pipe organ for a concert at USNA's chapel. She was the church organist through high school. She and her sis made good money for many years playing weddings. Oh, and she played the cymbals and the second largest bass drum for Navy--no marching cellos... :D


My next played violin for several years, but now just does piano.


My next plays the bugle for Scouts.


And my last plays cello, piano and Celtic harp. She's dropped her youth orchestra (too much travel) and now is in the college orchestra. All the girls have been in it for many years.


We spend a fortune on music...


Wow, that is one musical family you've got! But the logistics of managing all of those lessons, classes, and instruments must have been a bear ....

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He's 3. I was just being silly. :D All the rest of the kids are correct. We shall see what he wants to play in a few years. :)



These last few weeks have been WAY to hectic because I seriously thought you were serious :blink: ! I am looking at my 5 and 7 year olds and thinking 'there is NO way what so ever he MUST have a prodigy on her hands' :lol: I am SO glad we have a week off of school next week because I need it ;)

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All of mine play the piano. They started at 3 or 4 and my mother takes them to a parent& child music class that focuses on piano. In first grade, they start private piano lessons.


My two oldest are talking about trying guitar, so I think I'm going to sign them up to have "private" lessons together after Christmas.

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My 16 yo daughter plays piano, electric bass guitar, guitar, and she took drum lessons, but has not been doing much drumming lately, even though we have a drum kit.


My son plays guitar.


My youngest plays piano, guitar, and wants to take drum lessons. If it weren't for her, our drum kit would be doing nothing but gathering dust...

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Both of mine started with piano when we got one. They were, I think, six and nine at that point.


After a couple of years, my daughter switched to classical guitar. She played that for about a year before she left for college. She still picks it up and play occasionally, but she is also teaching herself to play the ukelele. She minored in music, with emphasis in vocal performance.


My son continued with piano longer, but eventually switched to pipe organ. He played that for a couple of years until he wanted to start voice lessons and we couldn't afford both. He also did snare drum lessons with the bagpipe band for about a year and a half.

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DD15 plays the flute. She dropped piano a few years ago after a couple of years of lessons after Kindermusik (they learned to play the glockenspiel, tin whistle, and a mini-recorder there.) She just played a solo for the youth symphony on Sunday :thumbup: and last night she found out she had been bumped up the the Philharmonic group (the highes onet, with adult symphony music.) We're very excited.


DD13 has played the piano since she was 6 or 7 when she graduated from Kindermusik, and she picked up the clarinet just over a year ago. She worked really hard in her first year of clarinet and made the youth symphony this year, too.


DS9 has played the piano for a few years. He wants to join the youth symphony, too, in a few years (it is affiliated with our local symphony orchestra and does an amazine job with the kiddos.) He is trying to decide between trumpet and horn, but dh is rooting for percussion.


Flute is a wonderful instrument. She can't go wrong there. :D

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Piano and recorder right now, probably moving to flute once her hands/arms are big enough that she can use a standard one (I've looked at the modified ones for Suzuki flute, and decided that doing a couple of books of Suzuki recorder first and transitioning to flute later was a better choice, just based on cost).

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Ds22 played guitar for a little while--part of his homeschooling journey was to get familiar with an instrument. DH taught him--I think Dh was secretly hoping to imbue ds with a little "chick magnetism." ;):D


Dd11 is in her 3rd year of piano, and her second of viola. Viola is just at school and isn't particularly well-taught, but piano is "her" instrument--she's fully invested and loves it.

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DD - piano (accomplished), flute (accomplished), piccolo (pretty fair but did not pursue her technique as far as she could have), clarinet (intermediate), various recorders (accomplished), and violin (beginner), classical guitar (beginner).


Ds #1 - piano (only two years but he still plays by ear), trumpet (just beginning)


Ds #2 - violin and piano (beginner - intermediate)


Ds #3 - no, hasn't expressed an interest though I still hold out hope.



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DS15 plays drums, cahon, bodhran (all percussion)


DS14 play guitar, banjo, mandolin and is begging for a bouzouki (plays other people's bouzoukis at Irish sessions and saving up)


DD9 plays violin and fools around on piano (also recently began learning tunes on a tin whistle)

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Dh- piano, trumpet

Me - piano and voice

Son #1 - Bass guitar, electric/acoustic guitar

Daughter - piano, violin

Son #2 - Drums, piano

Son #3 - String bass, piano, violin, viola, guitars(you name it), mandolin, cello, drums (Can you guess? He's a strings teacher/conductor!)

Son #4- violin, piano


We currently have: 2 drum trap sets, a myriad of guitars, piano, trumpet, mandolin, violins, and the bass in our music room.

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The Misses, 15 and 14, have been playing piano for five years. They began guitar lessons in early summer and will plan to begin voice lessons in late autumn.


The guitar teacher is also giving Miss M-mv(ii) some instruction on the ukelele.

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