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My dd is very upset with me

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My dd has a chore which we pay her for to clean out the pool filter. So this afternoon she comes up running into the house and says there is a dead rodent in the filter. I go and look and yes, there is. So eventually I throw it away. SHe thinks I am horrible. What should I have done? It wasn't her pet or anything and we can't keep it in the filter (not that is what she wanted). I don't know what she wanted me to do.

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Also I wanted to be clear that I wasn't saying you should fish it out of the garbage (though I'm guessing it's in some kind of plastic bag) just that maybe it could be an option if she wanted to bury it. I definitely think she should have some part in doing whatever it is she preferred you do. I mean you already had to get it out of the filter! I would not want that job.

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I think she didn't want anything dead to be in there. You are paying her to clean it out, she's lucky she didn't have to deal with it herself. :ack2: I reached into the sump pump once thinking I was picking out a fallen sock and it was a rodent. Yikes!

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I get at least 4-6 rodents (chipmunks or mice, usually) in the pool filter every summer. My yard is filled with little rodents. I chuck them into the overgrown bushes behind my back fence. Did you ask your daughter what she wanted you to do with it? They are pretty gross by the time you scoop them out, so it wouldn't be easy to bury them or even put them in a baggie.

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