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Dr. Hive - Round red spot (1/4") with black center - tick?

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Does the black center look like a blackhead? I had what you describe on my upper arm for a couple of weeks, and I assumed it was a blackhead and I kept putting acne medication on it.


When I began presenting with symptoms of Lyme Disease, I realized what it was -- I had scrubbed it away (and left a hole in my arm) about 4 or 5 days b4 the symptoms presented.


I went to the doctor and was started on antibiotics immediately.


How long has she had this? You say it's new.


Can you look at it with a very bright light and a magnifying glass?

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No, it doesn't hurt, but it appeared out of nowhere, and it's just...weird. Although I can feel it, it's not exactly raised. My ds had a tick last year, and this looks different, but I can't think of what else would show up so suddenly.


To repeat ranch girl's question -- has she been out in the woods or tall grasses or rolling around on the lawn?


I might put a comfortably hot compress on it and see if it changes in any way.


I think I would definitely have it looked at tomorrow.

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Sheesh -- I can only say that you took a darned good photo and it sure looks like what I had on my upper arm that turned out to be a tick.


I know that isn't much help.


Please let me know what you find out if you go to the doctor.:grouphug:


ETA: I went back to your photo and looked closer -- the rosiness/pinkness that extends an inch or so around the outer part of the red spot -- is that her regular coloring or is that a circular rash? If it is a rash and part of what you are showing us, I have to say tick and you would want her on abx.

Edited by MariannNOVA
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Sheesh -- I can only say that you took a darned good photo and it sure looks like what I had on my upper arm that turned out to be a tick.


I know that isn't much help.


Please let me know what you find out if you go to the doctor.:grouphug:


ETA: I went back to your photo and looked closer -- the rosiness/pinkness that extends an inch or so around the outer part of the red spot -- is that her regular coloring or is that a circular rash? If it is a rash and part of what you are showing us, I have to say tick and you would want her on abx.


It only shows up with the camera, and she was crying and sort of pinching it before. Not a happy camper right now. I will be taking her in tomorrow for sure! No need to mess around.

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Oh, please do have it looked at.


My son is recovering from a case of Lyme meningitis with other complications. We never saw a rash or tick, but if there's any chance it is one, the earlier you get in and treated, the better, of course.


(Was that message okay? Socially acceptable? Ds was in the hospital twice and gave us some real scares, so I have to use all my self-control to not scream at every person I see to CHECK FOR TICKS! NOW! AGAIN! ;))

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Oh, please do have it looked at.


My son is recovering from a case of Lyme meningitis with other complications. We never saw a rash or tick, but if there's any chance it is one, the earlier you get in and treated, the better, of course.


(Was that message okay? Socially acceptable? Ds was in the hospital twice and gave us some real scares, so I have to use all my self-control to not scream at every person I see to CHECK FOR TICKS! NOW! AGAIN! ;))



:grouphug: Yes -- let me be the one to say that message was fine (:seeya:). I am the most paranoid tick chick on the planet. My dd31 is finally after 7 years (4 yrs becoming progressivly more disabled and 3 years of treatment) on the road to recovery and ready to return to med school and finish her education. Ds10 presented with a bullseye rash on friday night and I immediately started him on abx and we will see the doctor tomorrow. This is his second bout in 14 months. I think that everyone needs to react like their hair is on fire.

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It only shows up with the camera, and she was crying and sort of pinching it before. Not a happy camper right now. I will be taking her in tomorrow for sure! No need to mess around.


:iagree: When I had that on my arm, I did not see the rosy ring until the doctor put a really high intensity lamp on it - and there it was - a bullseye mark.

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:iagree: When I had that on my arm, I did not see the rosy ring until the doctor put a really high intensity lamp on it - and there it was - a bullseye mark.



This! Be proactive and insist on the light if you need to. In Michigan, one is hard pressed to find a GP that knows anything about ticks. I've known several people that have had Lyme's for months on end and nearly died because the doctors are so undertrained. You want that really bright light brought in along with a magnifying lens so that the doc can get a VERY good look at the rash and parameters of the reaction site.



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After further conversation with dd, plus showing the pic to a doctor friend, I'm having my dad come over and view it with his jeweler's loupe.


Last night I examined it more closely, thinking I should try removing it with tweezers, but the black spot is under the skin/part of the skin. No legs or anything peeking out to grab. My dad has lots more experience with ticks, that why I want him to check.


This morning my dd said she's always had a mole there, just the black part on it looks new to her. :001_huh: So major miscommunication, but I guess she was too upset after hearing the word "tick" to discuss things calmly.


My friend said it looks like a compound nevis (benign kind of mole) to her:






I'll update again later--thanks for all the care and input!


ETA: I forgot to mention, the red part around it was temporary. I took the pic without a flash, just the light in the bathroom, so it wasn't especially highlighted. I looked at it later in the same light when the crying had stopped (prepping for tick removal--shudder), and it was gone.

Edited by Mamabegood
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I'm well acquainted with ticks and Lyme disease and moles. My first thought looking at the picture is that it's a mole. I see no leg parts on the darker spot, and with a body that large, you'd be seeing legs.


It does look irritated though. I'd be talking to her ped about it, with the intention of seeing a dermatologist about it since it recently changed and is on a part of her body that a ped probably wouldn't be comfortable dealing with. (In my experience, general practitioners prefer to refer for moles on hands, faces, and genitals.)

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I'm well acquainted with ticks and Lyme disease and moles. My first thought looking at the picture is that it's a mole. I see no leg parts on the darker spot, and with a body that large, you'd be seeing legs.


It does look irritated though. I'd be talking to her ped about it, with the intention of seeing a dermatologist about it since it recently changed and is on a part of her body that a ped probably wouldn't be comfortable dealing with. (In my experience, general practitioners prefer to refer for moles on hands, faces, and genitals.)


Yes, he's referred her before for a couple of moles on her scalp. If my dad says it's not a tick, I'll still make an appointment for the mole but I won't be as worried. :tongue_smilie:

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Okay, my dad has looked at the mark with his various magnifiers, and is certain it's not a tick. Dd and I will be seeing my friend on Wednesday, so I'll ask her opinion about getting the mole checked, i.e., sooner rather than later or can it wait a couple of weeks.


Thanks again for all the helpful feedback--I really appreciate it! I'll update if there is anything new to share.

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