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When we post prayer requests, let's remember it's obviously religious, not CC

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This isn't in reference to any particular thread; I see it all the time: Someone posts a prayer request or a question about prayer, and adds "obviously, Christian content."


If we think about it for a second, we'll realize that non-Christian people also pray! Non-Christian does not equal non-religious. In addition to being inaccurate, it strikes me as something that might be accidentally hurtful to a devout non-Christian.

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there was a thread about this exact thing in the past couple of months. i definitely agree with you. prayer doesn't equate to "obviously christian". i think people tend to put CC in the topic though to keep it from derailing - at least that was pointed out in the other thread.

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There was a thread about this a while back and if I remember correctly the idea was that the CC referred to specifically Christians praying because , as a Christian, they wouldn't ask someone to pray to a God they don't believe in. It is akin to asking someone to commit idolatry... One of the "big ten". :D


So after that I noticed some people putting "prayers, positive thoughts, etc." in their titles instead.

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There was a thread awhile back -- summer 2010 and again it showed up when I had posted asking for prayers/positive thoughts - and I put CC in the thread title.


Can we please put this thing to bed once and for all?:confused:


If someone doesn't want to open the thread, they don't have to. Why in the world do we have to walk around on eggshells?


And, sometimes, I intentionally put CC because I typically ask for prayers AND positive thoughts -- but out of habit, the word 'prayers' comes first and I do not want to offend.

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This isn't in reference to any particular thread; I see it all the time: Someone posts a prayer request or a question about prayer, and adds "obviously, Christian content."


If we think about it for a second, we'll realize that non-Christian people also pray! Non-Christian does not equal non-religious. In addition to being inaccurate, it strikes me as something that might be accidentally hurtful to a devout non-Christian.


I know what you mean. For example, the thread title might read:


Prayers for my ingrown toenail, please! (Obviously, CC)


I do notice those, and think, 'Well, no, it's not *obviously* CC, because I'm sure plenty of people aren't Christian and still pray.'


But, if I know the poster, and know that they're Christian, then yes, it is obvious to me that their request for prayer contains Christian content. But I don't really think that's what they mean.


A thread title could have obvious Christian content, but simply asking for prayer does not make it so.


(And fwiw, I'm a devout conservative Christian.)

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I don't care who prays for me (what their religion is). If I'm going to ask for prayer on this board, I'm not going to specify I only want Christians praying....I find that...tacky & a bit snobbish. If I only want christians praying for me, then I'll ask specific people I KNOW to pray for me.

If a pagan friend asks for prayer, I will pray for her - sure it's to my God, but I still prayer & keep her in my thoughts nonetheless. I wouldn't then turn around & tell her "don't pray for me to your god"

Justy my 2 cents. I agree it's a petty issue for a message board.

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Most do not use it to mean Christians Only. It's a habit formed because some people complained in the past about opening threads and finding Christian content. Of course the word "prayer" in the thread would probably give people a clue that it's religious and includes Christians BUT the point is that 99% of those who use it are trying to avoid giving offense. But now someone is offended because of it.

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