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Are you still a "land line" person?

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when I give out numbers, I also give out the number I want people to call. my homephone. my brother (51) is the only one more likely to call my cell, which is frequently on vibrate so I don't hear it. everyone else who calls me calls home first and only calls the cell if I'm not home. I do warn people - call my cell, and I may not get the message for days.


dh (60's) couldn't do business without his cell. (or his hardwired business line)

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I must be really old, but I truly prefer using my land line phone over my cell phone.

Hold on to your hat....I don't even own a cell phone. Shock! Amazement! Incredulity! Yep. Don't have one, don't want one. As it is, I rarely use the land line. Definitely not a phone person here.

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I prefer the landline and will only use a cell phone when I absolutely have to (which isn't often). If we had to get rid of one, it would be the cell phone. They drop too many calls and it can be difficult to hear on them. We only keep them for emergencies and a few calls back and forth when the kids are out or if hubby is on a job site.


I'm older... so maybe age has something to do with it.


I also get REALLY bugged when we're actively doing something and people feel compelled to answer their cell phones when it's not an emergency issue. There's no way I'd be tied down to something like that. We don't even answer our landline if we're eating or watching a movie unless we suspect an emergency. It can wait.

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Don't people just call the number that you give them? I have a cell phone but I don't know my number so I don't give it to anyone other than my dh and my kids. All other personal and business calls come through my land line.


Every place (dentist, hairdresser, doctor, etc.) asks for multiple phone numbers. Too bad I didn't start this policy of not giving out my cell. I give out all of them, but they seem to default to the cell as everyone's preferred/best method for receiving calls.

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We are mainly cell phone people. We do have a land line only because the kids are home by themselves for 2 hours while I head to work in the afternoon. We feel better if the kids have access to landline phone even though my 16 1/2 year old son has a cell phone (minutes are limited).


We can't afford for each kid to have a cell phone. :( If we could then we would do away with land line phone.

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I must be really old, but I truly prefer using my land line phone over my cell phone. Am I alone in this? I find it so frustrating that so many young folks (under 35 :tongue_smilie:) and professional offices always prefer to use cell phones. I just don't use mine that often, so I don't always catch missed calls on it. However, I never miss a call/message on my land line, b/c I can see it blinking at me when I walk in the door. Even when I tell younger friends that I do better with the land line, they STILL often call on the cell!


Anyone else like me?


I still have a land line and plan to keep it indefinitely. For one thing, I use it as a filter, because I don't want every call to come to my cell. I want my cell to be more for people who truly do want or need to talk to me, not just every pest that wants to waste my time. If it's just the dam* hairdresser confirming my appointment that I just made yesterday, then yeah, she can leave a message on my home phone. :glare:


Secondly, I keep it because none of my children have cells (although dd14 might be getting one soon) and I want them to have a landline for friends or for 911.


Finally, if I'm making a call from my house, I prefer the land line. I can't hear as well on my cell and it's just plain less comfortable to talk on.

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We haven't had a landline in 3 years. :) Saves us a lot of money. The only thing I miss is the ability to call my cell phone when I've misplaced it!:tongue_smilie:


That is what the magic jack is for:) We have our "landline" via a magic jack hooked to our computer via DSL. We can call just about anywhere for $20/year:D

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We get horrible cell sevice in our area. Even though, most people around here use cells. I hate it! Almost every call gets dropped or I can only understand evey other word. So annoying! People give us nasty looks when we tell them not to text us. We simply can't afford it.

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We have a land line . . . our internet comes through it somehow. We do not have cable TV. I prefer to use the land line when I am home.


Same here. We signed up for a deal with the phone company where we locked in our rates so that they are guaranteed to never go up. We get our internet through the phone line, and our satellite service is also hooked up to it. Also part of our landline phone package is unlimited long distance, which is wonderful, because mine & dh's parents are long distance, as is EK's best friend. I talk to my mom every evening just to check on her since she is a widow and neither my siblings nor I live in the same town she does.

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I prefer having a landline - we have a prepaid cell phone for emergency purposes. We actually dropped the landline for a while, but it wasn't any cheaper, and we don't get great reception in this area.


I also just don't want to be accessible 24/7.

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I must be really old, but I truly prefer using my land line phone over my cell phone. Am I alone in this? I find it so frustrating that so many young folks (under 35 :tongue_smilie:) and professional offices always prefer to use cell phones. I just don't use mine that often, so I don't always catch missed calls on it. However, I never miss a call/message on my land line, b/c I can see it blinking at me when I walk in the door. Even when I tell younger friends that I do better with the land line, they STILL often call on the cell!


Anyone else like me?


Yep. If I use my mobile phone for too long, I get a headache. So I'll almost always use the landline when I'm at home, and don't often make long calls from the mobile.


(BTW.. us Brits call cell phones "mobile" phones. Another instance of linguistic diversity.. thanks for that phrase Rosie ;) )

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Every place (dentist, hairdresser, doctor, etc.) asks for multiple phone numbers. Too bad I didn't start this policy of not giving out my cell. I give out all of them, but they seem to default to the cell as everyone's preferred/best method for receiving calls.


So at your next appointment say,"I need to update my contact numbers. Could you take (cell number) off? It no longer works as a way to get a hold of me." Kind of a pain to remember who you've told, but once you've done it you won't get those pesty cell calls any more!

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I'm am such a land-line person that I just ruined our 13th wedding anniversary.


DH decided that he wanted a cell phone (he's been hinting broadly and I kept arguing that we didn't need one), so he went out and signed himself up and he got me an Apple i-phone as an anniversary gift :glare:


When he handed it to me, his first words were, "Now don't be mad, but..."


Never, ever hand your wife a gift prefaced by those words.


I went off big time.


He returned it the next day...but he kept his. I keep laughting because he thinks he's so cool with his cell phone, attempting to text. He's 52 years old and has lousy vision. His reading glasses are so far down on the end of his nose that I'm surprised they don't fall off. Oh yeah, really cool, Grandpa! :glare:


When I actually have time alone, out of the house, the last thing I want to do is answer the phone. I'm too busy enjoying blessed freedom!


I never answer the land-line during the day. The vm gets my calls and I return them as needed.


I will never be without a land line.

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We considered getting rid of our land line to save money, but there is no place in our house to leave the cell phone where we can hear it from any room. I don't want to carry the cell phone with me everywhere I go in the house, so we stuck with the land line. I only use the cell when out and about in the car.

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I'm home all of the time anyway!


I also don't have long distance. This is fine most of the time, until someone local tells me that they only have a cell phone and that number is in another area code :mad: I do have a calling card that I bought about 8 years ago for $20 that had 2000 minutes on it. I still have 600 minutes left (and part of that was used up at a greater rate for callign a friend in Europe).


I also do not have call waiting or caller id on my home phone. People assume that I have caller id, and just start talking. The entire time, I'm wondering who is calling me. When they give me a chance to get a word in, I always say, "And who is this?" I then let the caller know that I don't have caller id, and that when you call me, you have to say who's calling (The old-fashioned, polite thing to do, though I don't say that part).


My phone bill is $15.64 a month. I have as many minutes as I'd like, locally :p


Most people who email me ask if I'd like to call them to discuss things (such as speaking engagements). I tell them it's better to just email me. My children think that when I'm on the phone is the best time to ask me questions :rolleyes:

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I responded that I have my land line for safety, and that's one of the reasons I first got my cell, also. Those with kids and without cells, does it ever bother you to think of stuff like car trouble, especially with the kids?


Way before marriage and kids and cell phones, a friend and I had the car die on the interstate. Late at night, of course, nowhere near an exit, very few cars going by. Finally, this truck stops, and the biggest, roughest looking guy I have ever seen in my life offered us a ride to the exit.


Now, my friend was male, but honestly, Truck Dude could have snapped him like a twig. We decided to accept, figuring that he wouldn't take no for an answer if he had bad intentions anyway :tongue_smilie:


And it was FINE, but scary and a bad situation. I at least feel a bit better being able to point to my cell phone and say I've already called the cops, and AAA, and dh, and the Canadian Mounties, and the Texas Rangers, and all of them should be showing up any second now, yep, lots of help coming my way! Even if I felt like it were safer to accept a ride, I would feel safer if my Good Samaritan knew that others were in contact with me.


Which is my very long-winded way of saying that I would want a cheap emergency cell if I didn't have my regular one. My cell-less cousin took my 11-yr-old for a bit of shopping the other night, and I belatedly wished I had given dd my phone. If they had been late returning, it's nice to know if they are just stuck in traffic, or if I need to hop in my car and go looking for them.

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So at your next appointment say,"I need to update my contact numbers. Could you take (cell number) off? It no longer works as a way to get a hold of me." Kind of a pain to remember who you've told, but once you've done it you won't get those pesty cell calls any more!


Why didn't I think of that!? :D

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My cell phone is for emergencies only. The only people who have the number are my parents and my husband. I HATE cell phones. I'm usually home, so my land line is fine. If I'm out of the house I'm doing something (driving, shopping, watching my kids' sports, worshiping at church, or spending time with friends) so I'm not available to talk anyway. I'll get messages when I get home.

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