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Anyone go from fertility treatments to birth control later?

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Dh and I went through some fertility treatments early in our marriage and then decided to stop and go with adoption. We have 3 wonderful kids--23, 16 and almost 15. We have been married for 18 years (oldest ds was 7 when he came to us).


For a time I was on birth control pills to regulate my cycle, etc. but stopped those a few years ago.


Now, due to some changes in health issues, there might be a greater chance of pregnancy resulting. Likely still a very small chance, but more of a chance than before.


Honestly, we are over the "want to have a baby" stage of life.


Trying to decide if we want to use some form of bc or not. Would have to talk to the doctor about bc pills again but we might lean more towards NFP or something along those lines.


We would not be upset about a surprise but it just isn't want we are thinking now.


Has anyone else done the fertility stuff to abandon that and later be looking at bc options?

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My girls were fertility babies and after the cost we decided to be happy with 3 children. Later we had our boys without any help after being told we would never get pregnant on our own (never say never). Now we are debating being done and some of the meds I am taking cause birth defects so we are taking precautions to avoid pregnancy.

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I have PCOS and used gonal-F/IUI to conceive my oldest. Baby #2 and #3 were thanks to low carbing and metformin.


We aren't sure what to do for long term bc at this point-using condoms currently, and DH is open to a vasectomy but I'm not sure I want him to do anything permanent. We both feel very done as of right now, however.

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I haven't, but I had a sister who had her tubes tied after adopting her son. She didn't have any bio kids, but her doctors couldn't find any reason why she couldn't in spite of years of trying. Also, my sister-in-law and brother took 9 years + fertility treatments to get pregnant, but once they fixed the problem, she was very fertile. She used bc after having 2 kids, but I am not sure what kind.

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Yes. We did some very high tech treatments. Later, I was able to conceive on metformin alone. Then, when my #5 baby was 5 months old, and I was 41, I conceived our surprise #6, before having had a period or taking metformin or anything (it's a long story). Now I have the Mirena, at 43 y.o.

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Our first two required fertility drugs. Our third was a surprise. In fact, I had JUST SAID to DH the week before, "I really envy people who get surprised by a pregancy. Our two were always well-planned, with days marked on the calendar and forced teA". :lol:


Then the next week I drove all the way to school to cut for cadaver anatomy and drove all the way home and said, "I couldn't cut today. It has never bothered me before, but I just couldn't cut today".


The week before I had been craving hot wings like MAD. I was in Anatomy class in the morning, I'd to eat hot wings on the lunch break and then cut in lab. I said,"We look like chicken on the inside. I eat chicken. Then I dissect people. IT'S LIKE I'M EATING PEOPLE!!!" :eek:


So, anyway, yes, she wa a big surprise, one we are thankful for everyday. And, DH had the snip a few years later. ;)

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Our first two required fertility drugs. Our third was a surprise. In fact, I had JUST SAID to DH the week before, "I really envy people who get surprised by a pregancy. Our two were always well-planned, with days marked on the calendar and forced teA". :lol:


Then the next week I drove all the way to school to cut for cadaver anatomy and drove all the way home and said, "I couldn't cut today. It has never bothered me before, but I just couldn't cut today".


The week before I had been craving hot wings like MAD. I was in Anatomy class in the morning, I'd to eat hot wings on the lunch break and then cut in lab. I said,"We look like chicken on the inside. I eat chicken. Then I dissect people. IT'S LIKE I'M EATING PEOPLE!!!" :eek:


So, anyway, yes, she wa a big surprise, one we are thankful for everyday. And, DH had the snip a few years later. ;)

LOL. I miss cadaver lab, 10 years later. Fortunately, I never had to deal with it while pg though. That might have not been so fun in the early morning. I still remember my freshman year anatomy class when I had to reach into a bucket of cow eyeballs at 8 am (had to pull one out to use for my dissection). Now that would have been fun while pg and dealing with nausea.

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I had surgery and then fertility meds to conceive my first. Then fertility meds to conceive my twins. We had planned on having two, so three was a bonus! After having them I decided to get the IUD, I've known too many people who get a surprise pregnancy after having extensive fertility treatment and thinking they were done.


I am also on some medications that cause serious birth defects so my husband got a vasectomy as well, now we are double protected :lol:. As you can see we weren't taking any chances.


I guess it just really depends if you want another child. If you really don't I would not leave it up to chance. If you are happy either way then you can be a little less careful.


Good luck with whatever you choose!



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My first took years of trying. We couldn't afford testing.


After switching jobs and changing medical insurance, I was diagnosed with PCOS. Clomid and Metformin worked for pg #2. Metformin and accupuncture worked for pg #3. Metformin alone worked for pg #4 and 5.


I took the pill for 6 months after DD was born. It had a too many side affects, so we used condoms for 6 months after DS was born. After this baby is born the plan is something permanent.

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