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I feel so good.

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I posted last week in the drug shortages thread about my difficulties getting b12 shots.


Last week I hunted down a dose of b12, bought it and took it to my doctor's office for them to give me the injection.


I feel so good. I am looking around my house at all the stuff I got accomplished in the last three days. Just thinking about how foggy and lethargic I had been for months makes me want to cry.

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I'm so glad for you! I get B12 injections every month myself, so I understand how happy you must be. When I was in college, I had to buy my B12 at the college pharmacy and take it in to the doctor's office for my injections. Nowadays, my doctor's office provides it. But I'm hoping they don't run into any shortages.


Glad you got your shot. :)

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I'm glad that you got your injection. I realize that the shots are probably stronger, but can you supplement with pills too?


I try to use the pills but they don't do much. It is an absorption issue. Mid way through menopause I simply stopped being able to absorb B12 through diet. I understand some celiacs have the same problem. I am not celiac by my dd is gluten intolerant. I have no idea what the underlying factor is. I really should investigate.

Edited by Denise in Florida
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Over the years, I've had some doctors tell me you get a pick-me-up from injections, and other say that you don't really, that the energy boost is psychosomatic. It may depend greatly on the individual, and also on what your B12/Folate numbers are at the time, and how often you're getting injections.


There have been times when I've gone long, long stints without getting injections (usually related to insurance fumbles and doctor errors...sigh...) and then my numbers would get really low again, and then the doctors would flip out, scold me for not keeping on top of things and then sign me up for a series of super-boosts, eg: 1 shot a day for a week, followed by 1 shot a week for a month, and then on into a regular monthly schedule. That's usually when I feel the big energy rushes: during a super-boost series.


What are your current numbers? Did they tell you?

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