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A question about grade level


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My DD, who is 5 1/2 is doing well with our "kindergarten" curriculum. What we are using is listed in my signature.


We are almost done with the K HWoT and her handwriting is great for a 5 year old. We are about 70 pages into Phonics Pathways and she can read simple sentences. We are doing Singapore 1A at a slow pace but she is doing well. We completed the addition unit and I am supplementing with Math Mammoth Addition 1. I plan to have her go through the entire MM addition workbook and then we will go back to Singapore for subtraction, work through that unit, and then do the MM Subtraction 1. That will get us to Christmas break. My plan was to then do the remaining SM 1A in the spring, also going slow. I figure that could get us into late spring. My plan was to start SM 1B in the summer/fall at the start of what would be her "official" 1st grade year, based on her age.


I have FLL, GWG, WWW, SOTW, RSO Life, HWoT 1st grade book, ETC 3-5, and finishing Phonics Pathways for 1st grade. I also have Artistic Pursuits, Drawing with Children, some fun logic books and Kumon books on time and money.


So, for this Winter/Spring what do you suggest I do? Should I just focus on getting her reading fairly independently and having a firm grip on the SM 1A material or should I forge ahead and start with all my 1st grade curriculum? If I forged ahead, we would still do SM 1A at the pace we are going but add all the LA, history, and science for 1st grade.


In one way I feel this is the only year she really has to be a "kindergartener" with a lighter load and the fun that goes with it but I also know she is capable of doing the 1st grade work. We won't stop having fun in 1st grade, but you know what I mean. :lol:


Thanks for any advice!

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IMO K-2 has very little to do with content and very much to do with attention spans and building a good attitude towards learning. It's very common for K'rs to start K doing all 1st grade level work.


I think it is a mistake to push grade level too early. Keep moving forward with reading and number sense (math). Take time to play with numbers -- divide toy carrots among her "bunny" toys. If you add to that reading her some interesting kids lit and maybe some experience-based science, you're doing awesome. Math (number sense) and reading are the two great anchor points in early education. Don't distract from those until they are solid.


If you want to "dip" into some of your 1st grade materials, try doing something interest led. Remember the point isn't to teach "knowledge" but to peak her interest and get her excited about learning. This is a great time to spend a month learning about horses or flowers or...whatever.

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One of the exciting things about Homeschooling is losing the need for grade levels and working to the level of the child. One of my favorite discussions is when someone asks me what grade my child is in, and I reply, "Which Subject?". As for official paperwork I just keep them in the grade that is age appropriate, it makes everything much simpler, and even tradidtional schooled children work at different levels. As for moving ahead, you will know when she hits a wall and needs to stay in a subject for a while. So go ahead and use those materials as you want and keep the other for days when she just wants mastery instead of stretching.

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IMO K-2 has very little to do with content and very much to do with attention spans and building a good attitude towards learning. It's very common for K'rs to start K doing all 1st grade level work.


I think it is a mistake to push grade level too early. Keep moving forward with reading and number sense (math). Take time to play with numbers -- divide toy carrots among her "bunny" toys. If you add to that reading her some interesting kids lit and maybe some experience-based science, you're doing awesome. Math (number sense) and reading are the two great anchor points in early education. Don't distract from those until they are solid.


If you want to "dip" into some of your 1st grade materials, try doing something interest led. Remember the point isn't to teach "knowledge" but to peak her interest and get her excited about learning. This is a great time to spend a month learning about horses or flowers or...whatever.


I agree with this completely.



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One of the exciting things about Homeschooling is losing the need for grade levels and working to the level of the child. One of my favorite discussions is when someone asks me what grade my child is in, and I reply, "Which Subject?". As for official paperwork I just keep them in the grade that is age appropriate, it makes everything much simpler, and even tradidtional schooled children work at different levels. As for moving ahead, you will know when she hits a wall and needs to stay in a subject for a while. So go ahead and use those materials as you want and keep the other for days when she just wants mastery instead of stretching.



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Thank you for all your feedback.


I was discussing this with a friend this afternoon and it dawned on me that I could start one thing at a time that is considered "1st grade" work and see how it goes instead of diving in with everything. Duh! I think we will keep it very heavy in the 3 Rs and add in the others as she is ready.

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My oldest was ready for first grade work in language arts about halfway through kindergarten. What I did was add WWE and Song School Latin. We were already doing AAS 1. This added some challenge to her days but still allowed us plenty of time for fun. We made sure to get outside a lot and spent time baking and doing crafts, which we don't have as much time for now that she's in second grade.

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In skills subjects, I just keep going - handwriting, math, reading, etc.


For content... My middle son is just starting a "K program" (light one), though he won't be "K" until next year. I'm not doing history with him anytime soon. I don't think he's ready for SOTW and such. Even my oldest, who LOVES history, probably wouldn't have enjoyed SOTW as much in K, though he did great with it 1st (and now in 2nd, he's read all 4 volumes). I prefer to focus on reading in K, but sneak in some history and science and such via library books. My middle son will probably be doing 1st grade math in "K" and reading decently in "K". I will likely hold off on WWE1 until he's actually first grade, but maybe not. He will be 6 during the first semester of "K", so if he's ready a little early, that's fine. He does have good fine motor skills, so we'll just see what he's ready for at that time. It may be a factor of listening comprehension - whether he's ready to answer the questions and such yet. I think he'd be fine with the copywork later this year.


I don't think it much matters what you do when, as long as your child is not being overloaded in K (I'd keep it an hour or less, preferably), and your child is progressing well in the skills areas that are important.


Definitely introduce one book at a time. Most of what we do is not correlated, so we start a new level of various subjects all throughout the year. Keeps things interesting. :D

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