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Does the Number '666' Freak You Out?

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The phone numbers in our area have 666 as the the first 3 digits.


I had a friend who lives in an area like that.


It doesn't bother me. I am a Christian, but I see it as just a number. Yes, the Bible says it is the mark of the beast, but that doesn't mean every time we see the number it is evil. We really don't know WHAT it means - but I am confident that when it is representing the mark of the beast, I will know it.

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NPR did a story a couple years ago about some archeologists (??) had revisited those old texts and said that the "number of the beast" is actually 616.




The latest volume includes details of fragments showing third- and fourth-century versions of the Book of Revelations. Intriguingly, the number assigned to "the Beast" of Revelations isn't the usual 666, but 616.
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Ack...I can't believe I just typed it. I just noticed the number of visitors for the site was 666 (I did it again ~shudder~).


It's silly, I guess, but if my total at the store is $6.66 I'll grab a pack of gum or something to change it.


In a weird, culturally superstitious way, akin to how I feel about walking under ladders or the number 13. I know it's silly and it's baseless, but I'll still have that flash of :eek: when confronted with it.

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Not at all.


I did get a chuckle when wealthy friends of the retiring President Ronald Wilson Reagan (add the letters :tongue_smilie:) purchased him and Mrs Reagan a home at 666 St Cloud Road in Bel Air.


Mrs Reagan, having a little clout (and being highly superstitious) was able to pull strings in town and got the address changed to 668.



Edited by Spy Car
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In a weird, culturally superstitious way, akin to how I feel about walking under ladders or the number 13. I know it's silly and it's baseless, but I'll still have that flash of :eek: when confronted with it.


That's how it is with me, too. I know better but I still feel a tad uneasy. It's the same with a black cat crossing my path.

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It doesn't bother me. I am a Christian, but I see it as just a number. Yes, the Bible says it is the mark of the beast, but that doesn't mean every time we see the number it is evil. We really don't know WHAT it means - but I am confident that when it is representing the mark of the beast, I will know it.


This. It's just a number, and in the Bible it's symbolic. When it pops up at random it doesn't bother me at all. I am also not bothered by 13 or black cats or other superstitions--and I do think that being freaked out by 666 is superstitious.


Christians believe in a loving God who is a god of reason. He is not going to curse anyone because of a number on a receipt or address--nor do those things make us somehow more vulnerable to evil spirits.

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No, not at all. I'd have to believe in what makes the number important, in order for it to bother me. Since I don't...it doesn't.


I don't think you need to even know, much less believe in, the reason behind a superstition to have some reaction to it.


I have no idea what the deal with the number 13 is, or black cats crossing your path, or walking under ladders, or breaking mirrors, or opening umbrellas inside. I just know that they are supposed to be "bad luck," and while I don't really believe in luck, I also prefer not to have bad things happen to me ;), so the idea that something could be a portent of bad things eeks me out a bit. 666 works the same way for me. I completely disagree with the biblical reasons for finding it scary--that isn't how I think Revelation is meant to be interpreted--but it's so culturally associated with bad luck/bad things that I probably would have a silent moment of "Oh no!" if my lunch rang up to $6.66. I'd still eat it, but I'd have an "eek" moment.

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While I'm not bothered by it for something like a grocery total (other than that better be $6.66 not $666.00) or the number of members present at the hive, I don't particularly want it tattooed across my forehead.


That is true, but I'd personally be equally against having 888 tattooed across my forehead, and 8 is my favorite number. (It's so round and inviting, and it looks like a tiny snowman, and my mom and I were both born on the 8th.)

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It doesn't freak me out b/c "greater is He who's in me than he who's in the world", BUT........


OVer 20 years ago when my dh and I lived in MI, I was getting my license or something renewed. In walks a man carrying a license plate and he was returning it b/c it had that group of numbers.


Also, and I can't remember this well, but even earlier than MI, about 25 years ago, when dh and I lived in Milwaukee, WI we went to the store and the total actually came to that and we grabbed something or it was close to it.


Fast forward to last week. I told my 12 yo dd about these 2 situations last week. I told her if it happened again or was about to, I'd grab anything at checkout to "add" to the total bringing it up. Well, don't you know our local grocery store sells fresh homemade pizza. It's regularly $11.99, but on Mondays it's $7.99. Well.........they had a coupon for $2.99 bringing it down to $5.99. You guessed it. I knew it was close and was in position to grab something. The total came to $6.65. I couldn't believe it.


I do stay away from that number. Will not get a phone or house number with that string of numbers.


OK, am I weird, or are others with me on this? :D

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I had a friend who lives in an area like that.


It doesn't bother me. I am a Christian, but I see it as just a number. Yes, the Bible says it is the mark of the beast, but that doesn't mean every time we see the number it is evil. We really don't know WHAT it means - but I am confident that when it is representing the mark of the beast, I will know it.






No, but 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 gives me chills.


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I am not a superstitious type so no. On the other hand, I wouldn't personally choose it in something if I had a choice. Like I would not have a Vanity Plate made that said 666.


On a strange note, we lived in NM for four years. There was a highway numbered 666 and it had a lot of deaths on it-it was a one lane highway in very rural area where drinking and driving was popular and that is why there was a high death rate on it. Nonetheless, the legislature changed the highway number because of complaints.

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I'm superstitious by nature, but this number doesn't do anything for/to me.


Maybe because I didn't grow up with a Christian background.


13 makes me squirm a bit (as in room numbers, floor levels, anywhere that can become a timeless void LOL), but Friday the 13th doesn't phase me so much anymore. Not since my kid was born on it, and we both survived unscathed :D

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I was a friday 13th baby too, and I like to think that my parents were darn lucky! :D


666, meh. I guess there is a little twinge, I wouldn't choose it (I wouldn't want to give the false impression of supporting the dark side) but after a second or two I doubt I'd even think about it...

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NPR did a story a couple years ago about some archeologists (??) had revisited those old texts and said that the "number of the beast" is actually 616.




No, the number never freaked me out but I found this positively amusing. I have been telling people this for years but it doesn't seem to make any difference at all. :confused:

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