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Anyone have a sonogram of thyroid??

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I've had several thyroid sonograms because of a benign nodule. They'll have you put on a gown and lie down with a pillow under your shoulders/upper back to make your neck a little more accessible. This is not painful, but the position can be a little uncomfortable for your back. After they put the slimy goop on your neck, they will slowly rub over your neck with their instrument. It's totally painless. When they're done, they will wipe off your neck and have you get dressed. Typically the radiologist has come in and checked the technician's findings and given me a verbal report right then. :grouphug:


Hope yours goes well!

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Sure, every year. It's a bit uncomfortable to lie in the correct position and have someone run the U/S equipment over your neck, but much less annoying than a dental cleaning, for example. Don't get too worried. It's much more likely to be a goiter than something serious. If you do have a goiter, you'll have to go to an endocrinologist twice a year and get an annual u/s. I don't have any trouble with my thyroid levels and I'm not on any meds.

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I had my annual this morning and when he was feeling my thyroid he said it felt enlarged so he wants to do a sono. I am trying not to freak out over possibilites of what is wrong with me. Anyone have one before?!??!!


I had this exact scenario a few years ago. It turned out to be a goiter due to my Hashimoto's. Try not to worry.

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Yep. I agree with everyone else... it's not a big deal.


The tilting my head back was odd, but it wasn't in any way bad. I enjoyed watching the monitor while the sonogram was being performed. :001_smile: I didn't even have to change my shirt, as I wore a very loose collar. The tech just tucked the paper/tissue stuff around my shirt collar to protect it from any wayward goo.


In my case, several nodules were found and I did need biopsies on them. The biopsy made me nervous, but even that was not a big deal. The worst thing about the entire issue was the 'waiting'. Really. I'm telling you this because I'm a big sissy when it comes to dealing with any heath issues from the neck up and it was honestly not a big deal.


In my research, I read that a *huge* percentage of the population has nodules on their thyroid and the vast majority are no cause for alarm.


I know it's easier said than done, but try not to worry. :grouphug::grouphug:

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Agreeing with the others. It's not nearly as uncomfortable as, say, a pelvic exam or a routine teeth cleaning.


And . . . if it helps your freak-out levels . . . even if it is something, it's very, very, very likely to be a treatable something.


Linda (who was diagnosed with and treated for thyroid cancer four years ago and feels great).


Right - I was going to make this same point. Worst case scenario (and the odds are very low, when you look them up) is still one of the most treatable cancers with the best survival statistics.


I get yearly needle biopsies and I won't lie, those hurt even with anesthesia, but I was told for most people they don't hurt - just the position of my particular thyroid nodules.

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