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This country living is freakin' me out!

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A 12 gauge on a snake? Overkill.




Just out of interest, other than a red mist, what was left after you used a 12 gauge on a snake? Pictures???


I am not making fun of you, honestly I am not, but a 12 gauge on a snake is like a sledgehammer on a snail.




I was thinking the same thing. I don't like snakes either, can deal with lizards but not snakes...You could try snake fence around a play area if you are worried. Don't know how reliably it works though.

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Small garter snakes are fun for kids. My son catches a few every summer, plays with it until I feel sorry for the snake, then lets it go. He doesn't even mind when they bite. I do not know anyone in our area who has had an issue with one getting inside. Embrace your new experience and have fun with it.



:iagree: I don't really understand the idea of moving to the country but choosing to learn nothing about it before you start KILLING things. I left the water and moved to a much more rural area and the snakes in the wood pile worried me enough to get DH to look at them too. So we goggled them and found out we had a nest of endangered babies. Lots of reptiles and amphibians are endagered all over the world. We used it as a lesson to teach the kids about snake safety and ecology. I just don't get blowing something out of the sky if you don't know what it is. :confused::confused:

Edited by Jennifer3141
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Why do you feel the need to kill harmless animals that pose no threat?

Leave them be. They won't go into the house. They do not bite you if you step on them (and would probably manage to get away). Call your kids and show them the beautiful snake (but teach them never to pick up any snake, just to be safe. Much easier than relying on them to tell apart the harmless from the venomous ones).


I agree that these are harmless, but they will go in the house, trust me! I moved out my dishwasher one winter because the pipes often freeze there and found a snake skin, now that gave me the heebie jeebies, but I hate mice more and moles. My husband and I were lying in bed one night and heard a funny munching noise, the next morning we found a half eaten mouse in the trap in our bedroom!:001_huh: I couldn't fall alseep after that without making sure I was all wrapped up in a blanket!

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:iagree: I don't really understand the idea of moving to the country but choosing to learn nothing about it before you start KILLING things. I left the water and moved to a much more rural area and the snakes in the wood pile worried me enough to get DH to look at them too. So we goggled them and found out we had a nest of endangered babies. Lots of reptiles and amphibians are endagered all over the world. We used it as a lesson to teach the kids about snake safety and ecology. I just don't get blowing something out of the sky if you don't know what it is. :confused::confused:


Where on earth did you buy the teeny tiny goggles? :lol::lol::lol:







I know, you're right. I'm sorry:blushing:

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:lol: In 15 years you'll feel better. Just teasing ladies. :D I'm not a fan of snakes or bugs and I stay away from the howling coyotes.




I wasn't clear in my writing (AS USUAL!!!) but it didn't take me 15 years to get used to it. I can't say when I started to get better...... after a year? Two? Five? I don't know, but I'm so much better now. I even appreciate many bugs.


I thank my lucky stars I've never seen the alien bug Wy_Kid_Wrangler did. :svengo: I still can't believe bugs can grow so large they weigh 100 lbs!!!





Poor Wy. I haven't been around much for a few days. That bug ate her arms and legs. I think she's still managing to type though....


Spiders still freak me out. I swear I had a crab living in a web in the corner of my barn. :scared:

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I don't really understand the idea of moving to the country but choosing to learn nothing about it before you start KILLING things.


Well, I guess in the process of selling my house By Owner, packing up a family of 5, homeschooling the basics, searching for a new home, taking care of our business paperwork, DH traveling, moving out of town, unpacking etc... I just didn't get around to doing that.

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I don't really understand the idea of moving to the country but choosing to learn nothing about it before you start KILLING things.


I know all about snakes, but we choose to kill them on our property anyway. We also kill groundhogs and foxes, don't let mosquitoes larva live, and pull weeds. We have our reasons for each of our decisions. For snakes, not only am I one of those who was probably born with a fear of them (yes, it can happen according to recent study suggestions), they also scare the ponies which could lead to injury. Groundhogs put holes in our pastures. Foxes eat our chickens. Mosquitoes eat us all and can spread disease. Weeds choke out plants we want to thrive. Not all "life" is considered equal around here.


Edited to add that we also kill mice and rats - when the cats don't beat us to them. I haven't actually seen a live one in quite some time. I have seen the cats eating dead ones.

Edited by creekland
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