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Pre-Algebra or Algebra, that is the question


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DS11 (in a private school for gifted kids) adores math and wants so badly to be in Algebra 1. He is one of those kids who gets the concepts very quickly, but is sloppy and hates to write down his steps. His math teacher's take is that he is ready intellectually ready, but has not developed the necessary work habits. His school is letting us decide whether to keep him in Pre-algebra or move him to Algebra , but cautioning us that he could get super frustrated because of his work habits. He scored poorly on the placement exam to get onto Algebra because of sloppy errors - (eg failing to reduce fractions). But showed understanding of the concepts well enough to prompt a parent conference.

The main benefit of leaving him in PreAlgebra is that presumably they will work on work habits. The teacher explained the focus of the year will be building work habits and exploring the why behind math tricks. We are in week 4 of school and DS reports he has learned little.

He is currently taking AoPS online Algebra class and is about 1/3 the way through. His teacher (who was unfamiliar with AoPS) said another option would be to continue taking Algebra on-line and Pre-Algebra at school.:confused:



What would you do?

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If he's currently taking the AoPS online Algebra course, wouldn't prealgebra at school bore him to tears? That might even encourage sloppy work habits rather than the reverse.


I'd move him up to Algebra at school, where he'd like to be and where it sounds like he belongs, but on the condition that he spend more time being careful. Use his desire to join his friends as motivation (though I don't know whether moving him back down would be the right consequence if he fails to follow through on being careful). Better work habits might take some reminding in the very beginning.

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If he's currently taking the AoPS online Algebra course, wouldn't prealgebra at school bore him to tears? That might even encourage sloppy work habits rather than the reverse.



If he's doing well with AoPS online class, I'd think he'd probably do great in a regular algebra class. Especially if he's excited about it and self motivated. If he's having many problems with accuracy and carrying out and presenting multi step problems, it may be good to step back. My DS is doing AoPS algebra this year and last year doing NEM (pre-alg/early alg) it was definitely a confidence, accuracy building year. And we still have some struggles in this area. :tongue_smilie:

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Often those visual-spatial kids who get math concepts quickly but hate to write things down do BETTER when in more challenging math. My son used to make careless errors and do sloppy work until he was accelerated to more challenging work. He's still not great about showing his work, but the careless errors have stopped.


I would definitely put him up to Algebra if you've got that opportunity (sounds like a very accommodating school, btw).



Mom to DS 11 & DS 9

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If he's 11, the Algebra 1 grade wouldn't go on a H.S. transcript. I'd be inclined to put him into the more challenging class and use any so-so grades to teach him a lesson about the importance of being careful. Better to learn the lesson in middle school than in H.S. when it actually counts.

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You all confirmed my own instincts. So comforting to hear. Even though he is in Middle school, DH is worried about a poor grade impacting later applications to high school. Also, DH was convinced DS could not be making so many careless mistakes; it must reflect a lack of understanding. So, today the three of us went over the entire exam. DH is finally convinced DS understands concepts; DS reports he understands the importance of writing down each step AND including the units in the answer, e.g. inches cubed.


DS is bouncing-up-and-down thrilled.:lol: Now to schedule a meeting with his teacher and the chair of the math dept and make it happen. Why oh why couldn't he have carefully answered the questions? He wanted to do well.:tongue_smilie:

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Ds, age 11, has the same problem. His work is extremely sloppy and makes careless mistakes because of it. Even though he would be able to work through algebra, we kept him in pre-lagebra. He participates in the epgy program which is challenging. On top of that he works through another program so he learns how to carefully write out all steps.


I agree with the previous posters that it's better to make mistakes and learn in middle school than having to deal with it in high school. I believe we already made the mistake of letting him get away with too sloppy writing which continuously comes back to bite him in the butt.

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You all confirmed my own instincts. So comforting to hear. Even though he is in Middle school, DH is worried about a poor grade impacting later applications to high school. Also, DH was convinced DS could not be making so many careless mistakes; it must reflect a lack of understanding. So, today the three of us went over the entire exam. DH is finally convinced DS understands concepts; DS reports he understands the importance of writing down each step AND including the units in the answer, e.g. inches cubed.


DS is bouncing-up-and-down thrilled.:lol: Now to schedule a meeting with his teacher and the chair of the math dept and make it happen. Why oh why couldn't he have carefully answered the questions? He wanted to do well.:tongue_smilie:


fwiw, a later school (hs or college) should view a "B" in Algebra as better than an "A" in pre-Algebra. In other words, they will consider the level of work, not just the GPA, especially if it's just one grade bringing it down. It sounds like ds is ready to prove himself, so hopefully those easy errors will be in the past!

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