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Anyone exclusively using a mobile wi-fi device for internet?

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We have been using one for 2 years now. It is faster and more reliable then satellite but no where near as fast as dsl. We can watch youtube or short videos but nothing long like netflix. Like you we have no other options :(


Waaaahhhh! I feel like I'm the only person left on the planet who does not have a blazing, fast internet with limitless download capabilities. :(

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I would not want to have mobile, only, access.


My Droid 2X overheats frequently, and probably ought to be under recall, from what I'm reading.


I am in my latter 50s, with two cataracts slowly growing. Mobile screens are too small for persistent use.


Still can't find a way to disable autocorrect, so e-mails (and posts here) often feature wacko substitutions for what was intended.


So many people typing with thumbs is going to result in orthopedists raking in millions of dollars from patients with osteoarthritis.

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I would not want to have mobile, only, access.


My Droid 2X overheats frequently, and probably ought to be under recall, from what I'm reading.


I am in my latter 50s, with two cataracts slowly growing. Mobile screens are too small for persistent use.


Still can't find a way to disable autocorrect, so e-mails (and posts here) often feature wacko substitutions for what was intended.


So many people typing with thumbs is going to result in orthopedists raking in millions of dollars from patients with osteoarthritis.


What I'm speaking of is a device that is specifically for receiving wi-fi, which your computer, laptop, etc. then uses as it's source for the web. I'm not speaking of only using my phone as my web access. :001_smile:


P.S. I hate auto-correct, though sometimes it's good for a laugh. :D

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We do, we live in an RV and have only mobile internet. We started with the 5GB plan for $50 from Verizon with a card that you plug into the computer. Then I got a computer with the Verizon capable internet built in. We had these for 2 years and now that our contract is up we switched to smartphones and I have a tethering plan with my blackberry. Its $20 a month for 2 GB. I stream Netflix on my computer fairly seamlessly in most places. I get fairly good internet signal for email and forumns in places I dont even have cell service, which doesnt happen anyway unless in the backwoods here in Minnesota. I cant stream video well in those places though. It all depends on where you plan on taking it. We were limited to satellite anyway at our home so we had the mobile internet even before we went into the rv completely.


If money wasn't an issue around here, I would get a seperate wireless plan for the computers and get a mobile wifi device, or mifi as its called.

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We have a Palm Pixie from Verizon and use that as our internet hotspot. We can connect up to five devices. I had to add a line to our family plan and purchase the monthly data package. The total is less than $40. All other internet options for us were $70+ for much slower, limited service.


What proximity does a device need to have to the Pixie in order to connect? IOW, could dh use his iPad in the family room, while I'm on a laptop in the bedroom and dd is on the desktop in the office?


And yes, I pay $70/month for internet that is slower than mating elephants. :toetap05:

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We have a device from Sprint and a Cradlepoint converter. Bottom line = we HATE it. Will soon be going back to cable internet connection. This system is too slow to stream most video without a million stops. And it is constantly dropping the connection. Very annoying. I definitely do not recommend it as your only connection. If that is all you have available then you will have to learn to live with frustration.

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We do use our Android through PDAnet for our complete internet access on our computer and also phone.

Our only option would be HughesNet where we live. We did not want to go with that option/could not afford it.


We have a 3G connection through PDAnet and our Android. It has changed my life. I kid you not. I had dial-up only for over 3 years. It was so hard.


It works. I will never go back- and if the power goes out- I have the internet in my hand.



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We have Verizon MiFi here, on the $40 unlimited plan that isn't available anymore.


It works fine. The only other options here are dialup and satellite. We had dialup for a while :lol: and after getting used to that, this 3G connection seems super fast. No, I can't stream Netflix movies (well I CAN, but only if I want to pause every minute or so), but if I really want to watch something on YouTube I can do that as long as I'm willing to let it download/buffer/whatever completely and then replay it. DD (3) has no problem with Starfall or playing games on Sesame Street or PBS. My DH can and often does play video games on the PlayStation Network. My FIL plays on XBox Live through their MiFi.


You can't get the unlimited plan anymore, but if I was getting it right now, I'd still do it. If I already had $70 in my monthly budget for internet, I'd just sign into the account and buy another plan whenever the current one was used up. There's $20/500MB, so $80 (4 plans per month, bought one after the other, if needed) would give you 2GB. If my math is right.


Does it go out? Sometimes. It did not go out during Tropical Storm Lee. Occasionally I have to reset the connection or restart the MiFi receiver. At least here, it's more reliable than dialup (which went out every time the wind blew the lines) or satellite (SIL's connection drops if it rains, if it's too cloudy, etc, etc).


Proximity hasn't really been an issue for us. I can connect to the MiFi (living room) all over the house and in the yard. My wireless right now is detecting my ILs' (across the street) and neighbors' (behind the ILs, on the closer side of the next street over) MiFi too. Connecting multiple devices at the same time can slow it down a lot depending on how much data you're using. If DH is playing video games, my using the internet interrupts him. We can both browse online at the same time though.

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