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The Teachers Lodge 9-20-2011

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Good morning! Opening early today as I won't be around at lunch time!


Today's offerings include something from the medicine cabinet. I have pretty much anything you need for OTC treatment. My pick today is a topical cream for sore muscles. My ballet class last night really packed a wallop! :lol:


What's for lunch today? Here it could be anything from honey battered chicken nuggets to spicy chicken Hot Pockets to Lloyd's BBQ. I like my lunches during the week to be hassle-free. :)


If you haven't had lunch yet, what's for breakfast? I had a meal replacement bar (because I couldn't figure out what else to eat). And when I meet a friend later, I'll probably be having coffee.



Where are you going today? Here, I have a meeting this morning, then dd's voice lessons early in the afternoon, then one of dd's friends (it's a new developing friendship, yay!) has a volleyball game later this afternoon.


Talk to me! :bigear:

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I'll take some of that cream, too. I did half of the "No More Trouble Zones" with Jillian Michaels yesterday (ran out of time before I could do it all). I thought I did great and wouldn't feel it today... not so much.


Lunch today will probably be a falafel burger for me and some form of leftovers for the boy - either colcannon or roast beef or the other falafel burger. Right now I'm just trying to get my caffeine system going so I can wake up and function.


The only place I have to go today is to take DS to swim team practice. Then I bail out of there as soon as it's over to go get DD from school. Usually Tuesday also means DD's violin lesson, but it got rescheduled this week... I'm hoping that change will be permanent!

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Good morning!


Medicine cabinet--I stocked up on everything before we were no longer allowed to use payflex for otc meds. Had to give the baby tylenol last night--up all night, fever, congested. It's the first time he's been sick :(


Lunch--I really want soup.


Breakfast--after being up all night ran to McDonalds for bacon, egg and cheese biscuit and by Sonic to get a large coke. I need the caffeine and I don't drink coffee.


Today--DS 1 has Art co-op and then 4H meeting tonight.

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Good morning!


No OTC medicine would give me what I really need - some more sleep. I am trying to remember to take my vitamin D lately because I keep forgetting.


Breakfast will be 2 eggs, a mini bagel and strawberry jam.


Lunch is a problem because I'm out of greens. How can I do my salad with protein? Perhaps I'll make a "bed" of tomatoes.


Later today I'm going to a library in an adjoining town to pick up a copy of Gilgamesh. I was supposed to do this yesterday but ran out of time. Then in the evening I'll go to the Y as I do every night. Tonight is Zumba!

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Three sick kids! All of them on OTC and laying on the couches lolling about. I feel bad for them. On the other hand, there is something rather freeing about three kids old enough to take care of themselves and not whine too much about it. I check on them now and again, but I'm enjoying a free day of academic planning for the three ds's.


Lunch - They don't have much appetite so I think I'll do a light chicken and rice soup with celery, carrots, and onions. This is one of those times when all of that canning pays off. Chicken breast was one sale really cheap a couple of weeks ago and I canned 40 lbs. with rice and the above veggies. All I have to do is dump and warm. YAY!


Tonight, dh and I have to run payroll for the church and pay it's bills. Well dh does. I do the filing and print the budget reports and place them in everyone's inboxes. The kids will probably lay around while we are gone and watch Jurassic Park. Don't ask me why, but this is some sort of favorite flick for being the infirm in our nerdy household. I suggested "Enchanted" and was very verbally, violently, rebuffed! Pshah, how cn anyone not love Patrick Dempsey and Ms. Adams who so adeptly makes beautiful clothing out of rugs and curtains????? These males just would not know a good movie if it reached out and bit them on the butt!



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It's almost lunch time here.


Today's offerings include something from the medicine cabinet. No treatments needed so far today, but if the day continues in the same manner, I may need some Advil by the end of the day!


What's for lunch today? I'm making pasta fagioli for myself for lunch (and will probably eat it for dinner tonight and lunch the rest of the week). There's chili cooking in the crockpot for dinner for the boys and dd2 for tonight. DD1 will eat dinner at the dance studio (she'll probably pack a salad with chicken). The kids will probably have PBJ&N sandwiches for lunch (peanut butter, raspberry jam, and nutella) and some fruit.


If you haven't had lunch yet, what's for breakfast? Breakfast was pumpkin bread.


Where are you going today? DD1 has dance classes from 4-8pm. I'm dropping pumpkin bread off for a friend that just had a baby. Ds has scouts from 7-8pm. And dh and I have to work (cleaning company) tonight from 9-midnight (my dad will be here with the sleeping kids).

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Good Morning. Only the OTC cabinet is open? Hmm. I don't need anything from there. Day 3 of my 3 day migraine typically calls for a bit more than that.


Breakfast is my usual homemade granola with fruit. One dd is very slowly eating a strawberry poptart (unfrosted is all I will buy) and having a banana and milk. The other dd is already gone on a field trip (dh gets to help chaperone :lol: I wish one of the moms would take a picture for me). They had oatmeal and peaches for breakfast.


Lunch is far away in my mind. I missed it yesterday. I can't picture it today yet.


Today, I'm going over to the art school to pay for older dd's and dh's spot in the pottery class. She has to stay in the beginners class until her hands are big enough to be in the intermediate class. Sometimes size really matters.

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Faith, sorry your kiddos are sick! I'm glad, though, that they are old enough to attend to themselves for the most part. I'm with you. I'd pick "Enchanted" over "Jurassic Park" any day. But, then, I'm not a boy! :D


Jean, tomatoes aren't green! ;) Time to go to the store, I think!


Kristi, did your McD's not serve Coke? I'm just wondering about the extra run to Sonic, although that sounds really good right now!


Sarah, glad someone can commiserate with my on the muscle (and maybe back) pain! :lol:


Okay, time to get ready for the day. I think I might be taking a Tylenol today, too. I really LOVE ballet, and my body does too, usually, but I've been away too long and so now the body is complaining. Good thing I know how to make it quiet! :D


C U later! :auto:

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Morning to you! It's dinner time here! We've been battling the sickies in our house, too, lately, with all of us coming down with it in turn. The last cold just left the big kid so now it's dh's turn again. He kindly brought home cold 2.0 for us to work our way through.


What's for lunch today? Lunch was ditto - leftovers from dinner making exactly what we had the night before. It could have been worse - bbq chicken, baked beans, corn and biscuits usually gets a good reception here.




Where are you going today? Today was activity day! Group PE at lunch time, then the usual errands (library, post office..) and finally golf before we hit up the grocery store for dinner. Dh is cooking and I'm taking a few minutes to go through my packages I got. :D

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Good morning! Opening early today as I won't be around at lunch time!


Today's offerings include something from the medicine cabinet. I have pretty much anything you need for OTC treatment. My pick today is a topical cream for sore muscles. My ballet class last night really packed a wallop! :lol:


What's for lunch today? Here it could be anything from honey battered chicken nuggets to spicy chicken Hot Pockets to Lloyd's BBQ. I like my lunches during the week to be hassle-free. :)


If you haven't had lunch yet, what's for breakfast? I had a meal replacement bar (because I couldn't figure out what else to eat). And when I meet a friend later, I'll probably be having coffee.



Where are you going today? Here, I have a meeting this morning, then dd's voice lessons early in the afternoon, then one of dd's friends (it's a new developing friendship, yay!) has a volleyball game later this afternoon.


Talk to me! :bigear:


OTC- Icy hot for dh's sore muscles from hauling wood, and benedryl for his wasp stings. Poor dh.


Lunch was leftover chicken, rice, and gravy. Breakfast was leftover peanutbutter Rice Krispie bars. :leaving:


We may meet an old friend for dinner tonight. Other than that its, school, housework, and cooking.

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Oh, I forgot to mention that my mid-morning snack will be at Starbucks! Coffee will definitely be had!


I need to find a ballet class for my dd that can be taken either in the morning or mid-day. Our nights are already full up! But because dd is 13, finding classes for her at the time that I want is difficult.


Okay, off to get coffee. . .

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So far, no OTC meds needed here today although I probably just jinxed myself.


Lunch today was at Tim Horton's. I had a BLT, Sweetpea a Toasted chicken club and wait for it, Boo Boo had Mac and cheese although she did actually try my BLT and loved it.


Errands are done now so we are in for the rest of the day. Dh has jury duty this week and he actually got seated on the jury so I plan to have dinner ready when he gets home.

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We're healthy here so far. I made a giant pot of homemade chicken soup yesterday. I wish I could send you all some. I broke down and bought the local, pasture fed chicken finally and it cooked very nicely.

And paying $15 a chicken surely makes you want to use every last bit. I predict a lot of chicken stock will be made this winter at my house. :D


It's a stay at home day for us. I'm trying to narrow down what our extra activities are finally going to be but the darn 4-H dog guy ins't calling me back.



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They do serve coke, but Sonic coke-well coke with Sonic ice is the best!


That was gonna be my guess


Oh, I forgot to mention that my mid-morning snack will be at Starbucks! Coffee will definitely be had!


:drool5: YUM

So far no meds needed but I bet before the day is over some Advil will be taken. My body is starting to feel like someone is doing this to me. :smash:


Breakfast was a cup of coffee


Lunch was some tortilla chips for me and the kiddos had whatever leftovers they wanted. Yeah it is a "you're on your own day" :blushing:


Going -- I really hope no where. I want to stay home!!



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Baseball mom, I feel you on the :smash: That's what ballet from last night is making me feel like today. However, EVERY minute of it was worth it!


Lunch for me will be a litte after 1pm. I had a pumpkin scone at Starbucks with my Pumpkin Spiced Latte with an extra shot of espresso, much needed!


We're off again in a bit to dd's voice lesson. Going to drop her off a bit early so ds and I can go to FedEx Office and make copies. I think I'll ask dh for a 3-in-1 printer for Christmas so I can stop making runs to FedEx Office.


Tomorrow is go, go, go for me, somewhat for the kids. Thursday SHOULD be a "light" day. DD may have the chance to 'shadow' a friend for the day at a local performing arts charter school that goes through high school. She has stated that she'd like to go to high school "with other people". ;)

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School called on account of totally unprepared teacher. I was going to say "loser teacher" but I've decided that I refuse to call myself that. There are difficulties in my life - and many of them rest directly with me. (Sigh.) One of the main difficulties is that I am not on top of anything in my life. House, school, you name it, I'm trying to play catch up. So today we spent an hour looking for denatured alcohol, a long scientific thermometer and other supplies for our chemistry experiment. (I asked ds yesterday to give me a list of stuff to get together so that I could run around and get stuff at the last minute yesterday but he didn't.) I've called around homeschool stores, hardware stores, drugstores and various supply stores and none have exactly what I need. I've now ordered it from Home Science tools but obviously we won't have it today. Now I'm going to go and track down the copy of Gilgamesh that we needed two school days ago for ds' history. I'm working on my problems to solve them. That counts for something, right?

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When my muscles ache, nothing feels better than a long, hot bath. Heavy on the epsom salts, a wee bit of baking soda, a liter of water and a trashy magazine :)


Lunch today was Hungarian food.


Today we went to the airport, and flew home. We spent the weekend in San Diego. Tonight we have soccer and scouts, and I have a meeting with my nephew's teacher.


And hey, Scrap - cheers to new friendships!

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Lunch is a problem because I'm out of greens. How can I do my salad with protein? Perhaps I'll make a "bed" of tomatoes.


When I'm lazy about washing and spinning greens, I just slice up some cucumbers and tomatoes and call it a salad LOL. Even better is dicing it all up and mixing with a vinaigrette. It's somehow more filling, the smaller the pieces.


They do serve coke, but Sonic coke-well coke with Sonic ice is the best!


Sonic ice rocks my world. My husband used to chew ice and it drove me batty to the point I stopped making or keeping ice at home. Our house had zero ice. Then when I got pregnant, I was craving ice and he was my knight in shining armor! He took me to Sonic, confessed it was his where he had his ice needs met (since I banned ice from the house LOL) and I've been a regular ever since :D.

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I need to put more veggies and fruits in my regular eating habits. I'm sadly lacking in that area and thus, so is my family. *sigh* Time to get on track with that.


Jean, I hear ya on not being on top of things. Me, neither!


Eternalknot, absolutely!


Karen, the precursor to dd's statement was a discussion dh and I had with both kids about

how throughout life there will be friends they will meet who won't know Jesus. DD's response was

that's why she wanted to go to a public high school (to be a witness for Him). I won't let her go to a

mainstream public high school here but I will consider a couple of charter schools and the community college.

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