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The Teachers Lodge 9-19-2011

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Hi ya, Scrap!


Lunch - salad with protein - today's salad will have a Mexican theme with refried beans, guacamole etc.


I'll drink what I drink with almost every meal : cool, clear, water (which makes me want to break into a Sons of the Pioneers song, but you might be too young for that. . . )


History - the Ancients. Dd9 and I started to read "Maroo of the Winter Caves" today. We alternate reading aloud. Ds14 is reading Gilgamesh. I thought that his previous reading would take much longer and so I'm not ready with the right translation. We will go to a local library and pick it up today. More trouble but it is penance for my bad planning.

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Lunch for me today was a frozen black bean burrito. Super healthy, I know. Boo-Boo had PB& J and Sweet-Pea had a pita pizza panini.


I had water to drink with lunch today and I have had a healthy dose of Tim Horton's coffee which is my own personal addiction. My Mom gave me a gift card to Timmy's for my birthday yesterday so I have put it to good use.


In history, we are finishing up Ancient Rome and will soon be moving into the Middle Ages (SOTW book 2).

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It's Monday. Today's special feature is a padded room. :tongue_smilie: Please reserve me space in the padded room for Tuesday and Wednesday...those are my "crazy" days!


Lunch today? The kids had random leftovers while I was out picking up the little I babysit from her Mother's Morning Out. I had 2 slices of pumpkin bread as a late breakfast, so I wasn't hungry.


What do you like to drink with your lunch? a glorious, cold can of Coke. I know, so bad for me, but it's my vice. The kids drink orange juice or Emergen-C with water for breakfast, water throughout the day, and a small glass of milk with dinner.


What era of history are you and you your kidlets currently studying? We're taking a year off from our history rotation and focusing on world geography for this year.



We just had mini bacon meatballs with toasted ravioli and sugar snap peas for dinner. Now we're heading to dd2's first Girl Scout meeting. She's so excited! I still have a ton of stuff to do when I get home tonight...clean the kitchen, mop the floors, work on grading some assignments, work with dd1 on some co-op homework, prepare her Science exam for later this week, fold 1 last load of laundry....and then collapse!

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Thanks for the padded room. I need it. Apparently, I am the worst parent a child could ever have. My youngest felt terrible after she told me that (and cried in her room for a while), but once I told her that her brother used to call me a "mean old hag" when he was mad and frustrated, she felt better.


I had no lunch today. I have another migraine and no stomach for food. My mom made the kids something. I get migraines from cinammon or soy saunce - even if it's in the air, which is killer this time of year.


I always drink water with lunch. Actually, the only three things I drink are coffee, water, and organic red wine.


In history this year, youngest is studying prehistory then ancient Egypt, and finally the age of chivalry. Older is in the ancients right now, but is tracing the history of science along with the history of philosophy instead of traditional historical events.

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I had a yummy cup of the best, sweetest clam chowder I've tasted in a while, along with a caesar salad. I always drink unsweetened tea with extra lemon at lunch. In fact, I drink that all day long (switching to hot tea in colder weather, which I do sweeten with honey)....


We are studying the reconstruction period following the Civil War, but also taking at look at what was going on with westward expansion and in the rest of the world at that time period....

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I just realized I haven't answered my own questions! That's how my morning was! Now to answer those questions, then get ready and take off for ballet, then a meeting.


Lunch was Taco Bell. I know, I know. The problem, or what I'm going to blame as the problem, is that we live in a major metropolitan area and it is WAY too easy just to run out and pick up lunch from Burger King, McD's, Arby's, Taco Bell,etc and be back home within a 10-15 minute time frame! For someone as lazy as me, that's just too tempting and easy! :D



What I like to drink with lunch? Usually Pepsi. Another vice. I need to make a concerted effort to drink more water!


History: we are now in the age of knights and castles, etc. Should be great when we go to the Renaissance Festival AND The Estrella Wars in the spring as a follow up to what we've read about! :coolgleamA:



Okay, off I go again!:auto:

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