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Celiac disease question

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Ds1 has had a history of GI problems (severe esophagal inflammation with high levels of eosinophils and frequent unexplained stomach-aches). He also tested positive for the genetic subtype most likely to develop celiac disease. He had a celiac panel which was determined to be inconclusive because he is also IGA deficient. A scope in April came back negative for celiac.


Ds was GF for 10 weeks and we just put him back on gluten yesterday. He was fine yesterday, but having diarrhea today (about 24 hours after gluten exposure). He's typically not prone to diarrhea. Does this sound like a gluten reaction? I was expecting a quicker reaction if gluten was the problem, but I don't really know how quickly someone with celiac might react to gluten either.

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Does he have EE?



We never got a definitive diagnosis. His scope showed 45 eos per high power field which would be very unusual for just GERD. However, we opted not to put him on high dose meds and re-scope because he's not symptomatic right now. Without re-scoping on meds, the dr won't assign an EE diagnosis, though we suspect he probably does have EE. The dr said that it's unnecessary to treat him unless he becomes symptomatic, so the diagnosis seems a moot point unless it flares again. (A few yrs ago, he had so much esophagal inflammation that he was in horrible pain, sometimes didn't sleep a wink all night, wouldn't eat for days up to 5 days at a time, and often couldn't swallow non-liquids. At that time, drs--and we went to a lot--weren't helping us find answers, but the eosinophils in his esophagus came up when they were scoping to rule out celiac.)

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Was it a full 24 hours later? When my daughter was first diagnosed we noticed her stomach aches were happening in the morning after eating gluten the night before. So, when you say 24 hours, was it one instance of eating gluten and then no other gluten for 24 hours and then diarrhea?


My understanding of CD is that people have different reactions. The longest I have seen my daughter's delayed is 8 hours (it's significantly shortened since going gluten free). If she eats straight gluten (like accidentally a muffin that's not gf), she's vomiting within an hour. If it's cross contamination, anywhere from 30 minutes to 8 hours. If it's a trace amount, about two hours and then diarrhea kicks in.


What's more important (in my opinion) is how he felt while he was gluten free. For my daughter, the stomach aches, constipation/diarrhea, dark circles under her eyes and paleness went away. Her weight went up and she started getting taller.


If he's doing well being gf, then I think it's something to consider. :)

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We never got a definitive diagnosis. His scope showed 45 eos per high power field which would be very unusual for just GERD. However, we opted not to put him on high dose meds and re-scope because he's not symptomatic right now. Without re-scoping on meds, the dr won't assign an EE diagnosis, though we suspect he probably does have EE. The dr said that it's unnecessary to treat him unless he becomes symptomatic, so the diagnosis seems a moot point unless it flares again. (A few yrs ago, he had so much esophagal inflammation that he was in horrible pain, sometimes didn't sleep a wink all night, wouldn't eat for days up to 5 days at a time, and often couldn't swallow non-liquids. At that time, drs--and we went to a lot--weren't helping us find answers, but the eosinophils in his esophagus came up when they were scoping to rule out celiac.)


It's not uncommon for my child to react up to 24 hours after exposure to a food allergen or gluten. If I were you, I'd eliminate it immediately and then try one more time at a later date. (It's so hard to ever be 'sure' of a food reaction when there are usually a hundred different variables at play in a child's life! So frustrating! Especially when it's delayed!!!)


:grouphug: for the EE. It's a rough road.

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Whoa!! I think we have our answer. Ds had horrid diarrhea all afternoon/evening---barely running to the bathroom in time. He's never had anything remotely like that--even with a nasty tummy bug. I'm thinking that it must be a gluten reaction. Poor kid!

Edited by Staceyshoe
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