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How many of you . . .

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. . . really work at homeschooling for as cheap as possible?


I was just thinking about all the curricula I already have and that, really, it's probably enough for the next year and a half if not two years. So, I guess I'm wondering


1) If I should just make do with what I have (which is plenty) and then just order in a year or so what I REALLY need then




2) How many of you are serious bargain hunters and make it a contest with yourself to see how cheaply you can acquire homeschool material?

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Another frugal hsing mom here!


I work my butt off to find the lowest price and do my best with what we have. I plan a year ahead and start keeping my eye on what I might want, what the cost of it is and see if I can't get it for as cheap as possible.


If there are two or three programs I'm considering, price will greatly influence my decision.


I scour yard sales and thrift stores for classics and other books. Why buy Great Expectations for a number of dollars when I can get it for $.50?


I had a homeschooling friend recently sell a number of her things including Apologia's dissection kit for Biology and Chemistry kit. I won't need them until next year and the year after, but the price was awesome. I couldn't pass that up.

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I'll bite. I'm pretty cheap. Ok, really cheap. I buy whatever I think my kids or myself will need if the price is right. I am also a former extreme couponer. I did it before it was on a tv show and when the sales/coupons were amazing! I haven't couponed (sp?) for over 4 yrs but have yet to NEED to buy many, many things. I could go on and on about my love of my stockpile but I'll stick to the main homeschooling focus.


It only makes sense that I hardly ever buy new curricula. I bought WWE1 new and it about killed me. I looked on ebay forever and ever, but nothing was the right price (selling close to what it was new). So, I caved. And I'm still a bit upset about it (the cost not the book-love the book!). I think that's the only thing I've ever bought new.


My son is in First and I have all the materials I want to have through Third Grade. I've bought at used homeschool book sales, craigslist, charity shops, garage sales, etc. They're stored in boxes and labeled according to grade level.


However, my budget allows me to buy ahead. Some people cannot buy ahead no matter how great the deal b/c they may be more limited as to flexibility in spending month:month.



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I was one of these people until this year. Normally, I begin planning in January for the upcoming school year and I would scour websites with 'for sale' boards to get the best deal possible. However, for many reasons my 7th year of homeschooling was super burn-out year. I didn't pick my curricula until last month and then I bought new. In fact, I didn't even consider buying used from our local homeschool store or from online sources. This thread is reminding me of just how tired I was all.year.long. Here's to making my 8th year of homeschooling a banner year! :001_smile: :cheers2:

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Well, for me its do it cheap or... don't do it. We don't have extra money for anything at this time in our lives. We pay the bills and call it a pay check.


I have a lot of credit at the used book store and can get the books they sale just for the cost of sales tax. I also live next door to our public library.


My daughter is still young so I can easily use her toys or the chalk board for math. I can do lots of different things just with a peice of paper. I use a dry erase board for some of her handwriting. I don't say no when someone asks if I want something they are getting rid of.


I got hooked on phonics the complete set (all grades) for $7 at a library sale. School supplies were bought at the dollar tree. I paid under $10 for all of it.


I plan on going curriculum free for as long as we are able and working now to save up for later years.

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I really wish I could be frugal with homeschooling materials, and I do try to be. But living in a country where nobody homeschools means there are no homeschool curriculum options either, and if there would be, they would not be in English.


So, I order online like everyone else, but with much higher shipping costs plus import tax. I try to avoid curriculum-hopping and research the books I buy to death before ordering. We have not had any disappointments so far. :001_smile:

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