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I Am About to Lose My Mind (Free dogs!)

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I have:


1. One intact bi*ch in standing high heat.


2. One just-turned-one-year-old intact male who is quite certain he should be doing SOMETHING, he's just not entirely certain WHAT.


3. One neutered male Pembroke Welsh Corgi who in normal times is the boss of the household (hence his registered name, "Curlingstone's General Tso") and does not put up with any nonsense from the other two. Currently, he is not pleased with the behavior of EITHER dog, and is so preoccupied chastising the bad behavior of each that he's driven nearly mad.


Of course, both dogs are being kept completely separate but it matters not. Scent travels. The crying and whining and fawning and parading and strutting and Corgi-snarking is constant and is driving me over the brink!!!


Want one? Or three? They're finished champions with obedience titles, great with kids, chickens, crowds, cars, crates, you name it. Free. I almost mean it. :banghead:


I need a Mike's.



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I had my dobie intact when I rescued a 'fixed' chocolate lab. Yeah, she wasn't. And that week went into heat.


Hooo it was bad. Even if I had gotten him fixed right away, it'd take the hormones weeks to go down so yes, the strutting, whining, yes, it's hell, and I'll offer you as many Mike's as you need. We got to the oint where we couldn't take him and the vet told us to give him Benedryl-which did *nothing*. That high pitched whine is like nails on a chalkboard.


But, I've always wanted a Pembroke Corgi, and I'll gladly take him off your hands! I love little bossypants dogs. Especially ones who snark.

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Astrid breeds and shows, not everyone needs to "fix".


Astrid, quit whining. You don't get to whine until you've done the same thing with horses. Bigger, stronger, way more obnoxious! 8)



This was what I was going to say!!!! I am thoroughly sick of the winking going with dd's mare. She's 21 for heavens sake!!!

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Astrid breeds and shows, not everyone needs to "fix".


Astrid, quit whining. You don't get to whine until you've done the same thing with horses. Bigger, stronger, way more obnoxious! 8)


:D Thanks for the support, RM! HOrses---Well, I do remember those days. I had a gorgeous black and white Appy mare (Absarokee Sunset daughter) and had a boarder for a short time with his "gelded" QH. Well, pride cut was more like it. NO barn manners either. Charming. Oh man I did NOTHING but repair stall walls forevah! Thank dog the boarder's husband was transferred and they moved across the country. Some poor barn in Iowa has to deal with him now!



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Could you post a pic of your corgi? Pretty please?:D

LOL! Gratuitous Corgi Pics, coming right up! :D

Here's Yoshi, our rescue Corgi. I do obedience with him, so he needed a registered name for his ILP number. Dd chose "Curlingstone's General Tso" because "Curlingstone" is our kennel name and Yoshi is bossy like a little general, and spicy too. Plus, he was previously owned by a Chinese guy who was a dealer in one of the Asian rooms at the big casino here in CT, and Yoshi came to us speaking only Mandarin. :001_smile:


The Leo in the first three pictures is our 1 year old male. He and Yoshi are best buds. I especially love the picture of them running-- Yoshi looks so happy!







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LOL! Gratuitous Corgi Pics, coming right up! :D

Here's Yoshi, our rescue Corgi. I do obedience with him, so he needed a registered name for his ILP number. Dd chose "Curlingstone's General Tso" because "Curlingstone" is our kennel name and Yoshi is bossy like a little general, and spicy too. Plus, he was previously owned by a Chinese guy who was a dealer in one of the Asian rooms at the big casino here in CT, and Yoshi came to us speaking only Mandarin. :001_smile:


The Leo in the first three pictures is our 1 year old male. He and Yoshi are best buds. I especially love the picture of them running-- Yoshi looks so happy!




Gorgeous dogs. Yoshi is so adorable and I'm drooling over your Leo. What a breath taking dog. I love Leos:001_wub:

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Two Words:


Spay. Neuter.




Gee, thanks; I had no idea! You mean I shouldn't just let them go at it under the porch? ;)


Sorry, we breed (not these two, now) show and train our dogs. The rescue Corgi we show in obedience IS neutered. Believe me, I"m the first person to preach the Gospel of Spay and Neuter. Show dogs must be intact.



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Why must show dogs remain intact?? I am just curious. I have a toy pomeranian who was bred to show...but was "imperfect" (she had a teeny white patch on her all black fur) so, we inherited her...fixed of course.


We also have a dorky (daschund/yorkie) recue pup, also fixed early.


I am just wondering why the intact rule.



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LOL! Gratuitous Corgi Pics, coming right up! :D

Here's Yoshi, our rescue Corgi. I do obedience with him, so he needed a registered name for his ILP number. Dd chose "Curlingstone's General Tso" because "Curlingstone" is our kennel name and Yoshi is bossy like a little general, and spicy too. Plus, he was previously owned by a Chinese guy who was a dealer in one of the Asian rooms at the big casino here in CT, and Yoshi came to us speaking only Mandarin. :001_smile:


The Leo in the first three pictures is our 1 year old male. He and Yoshi are best buds. I especially love the picture of them running-- Yoshi looks so happy!




That really made me smile--it was my first thought--What a happy dog! My dd thought so, too!

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LOL! Gratuitous Corgi Pics, coming right up! :D

Here's Yoshi, our rescue Corgi. I do obedience with him, so he needed a registered name for his ILP number. Dd chose "Curlingstone's General Tso" because "Curlingstone" is our kennel name and Yoshi is bossy like a little general, and spicy too. Plus, he was previously owned by a Chinese guy who was a dealer in one of the Asian rooms at the big casino here in CT, and Yoshi came to us speaking only Mandarin. :001_smile:


The Leo in the first three pictures is our 1 year old male. He and Yoshi are best buds. I especially love the picture of them running-- Yoshi looks so happy!




Gorgeous dogs! I love Yoshi and I think he's very well named.


Now my youngest wants a Corgi of his own. I've always thought he was Corgi like.

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Why must show dogs remain intact?? I am just curious. I have a toy pomeranian who was bred to show...but was "imperfect" (she had a teeny white patch on her all black fur) so, we inherited her...fixed of course.


We also have a dorky (daschund/yorkie) recue pup, also fixed early.


I am just wondering why the intact rule.




Funny, I was just going to PM you to tell you how much I love your profile pic! :-)


The primary purpose of showing dogs is to judge breeding stock against the Breed Standard for that breed. Every breed has a "Breed Standard" which is the document, written and accepted by the Parent Club, about what the perfect insert-breed-name-here should look and act like. Of course, NO dog is perfect, but the goal of most breeders is to better the breed by breeding a dog and a b*tch which most closely conform to the standard, thus passing on those traits. Also, they want to win in the show ring, and so dogs with impressive show records are often used repeatedly for stud. Since the purpose is to judge breeding stock and help breeders chose animals for their breeding programs, the dogs are intact.


This can lead to overuse of studs, and it creates a host of problems, especially in a small breed like ours, but that's a whole 'nuther topic!

We breed EXCEEDINGLY sparingly, like RARELY, and ONLY for health and temperament and conformity to the standard.


NOW, in our breed, at our Club Shows, we've always had Spay/Neuter classes, and they typically have the HIGHEST entries of any class at our show. That said, there is a lot of research that says that if you can manage it, it's much healthier to keep dogs intact at least past their first birthday. Dogs in Europe are rarely spayed or neutered.


Thanks for asking!



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Gorgeous dogs! I love Yoshi and I think he's very well named.


Now my youngest wants a Corgi of his own. I've always thought he was Corgi like.


Then by all means, get that kid a Corgi! They really are great dogs. SUPER smart, portable, and very happy. Tuff little guys, and always ready for fun.


And we didn't name him; he came with the name Yoshi. We just gave him the registered name.



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May I ask how much a good quality (not necessarily show quality) Corgi would cost from a breeder? (Not asking you to name your prices, just an idea of what is "normal.")




I'm not a Corgi breeder, but for a quality non-show Corgi you're likely looking at something in the $500-$1000 range. You can also see if there is a Corgi rescue near you.

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Funny, I was just going to PM you to tell you how much I love your profile pic! :-)


The primary purpose of showing dogs is to judge breeding stock against the Breed Standard for that breed. Every breed has a "Breed Standard" which is the document, written and accepted by the Parent Club, about what the perfect insert-breed-name-here should look and act like. Of course, NO dog is perfect, but the goal of most breeders is to better the breed by breeding a dog and a b*tch which most closely conform to the standard, thus passing on those traits. Also, they want to win in the show ring, and so dogs with impressive show records are often used repeatedly for stud. Since the purpose is to judge breeding stock and help breeders chose animals for their breeding programs, the dogs are intact.


This can lead to overuse of studs, and it creates a host of problems, especially in a small breed like ours, but that's a whole 'nuther topic!

We breed EXCEEDINGLY sparingly, like RARELY, and ONLY for health and temperament and conformity to the standard.


NOW, in our breed, at our Club Shows, we've always had Spay/Neuter classes, and they typically have the HIGHEST entries of any class at our show. That said, there is a lot of research that says that if you can manage it, it's much healthier to keep dogs intact at least past their first birthday. Dogs in Europe are rarely spayed or neutered.


Thanks for asking!




Thanks so much for explaining all that to me. I guess it all makes sense.


My son absolutely LOVES Corgis....and between you and me, he may be getting one soon:D They are cool dogs! Yoshi is beautiful...


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Thanks so much for explaining all that to me. I guess it all makes sense.


My son absolutely LOVES Corgis....and between you and me, he may be getting one soon:D They are cool dogs! Yoshi is beautiful...



He's a lucky boy indeed. Corgis are friends for life. I've been in large working breeds my whole life and Yoshi is our first Corgi. I cannot tell you how impressed I am with the breed, and how much enjoyment the little guy brings to our lives. It's an amazing breed--- SO much fun!


Be sure to post pictures when the Corgi joins your family!



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My show dog is a 15 month old Blue dane (dog) he is 38 inches at his shoulder, and apx 165 lbs. He has discovered "females" and oh my heck... He acts like he never saw leash much less pass his CGC with flying colors at only 8 months old. When the ladies are near he "forgets" his manners and mops the floor with me.

Have you ever seen what a male dane can do when he decides to "mark" in the house... oh my.. yeah no fun!!

Keeping an intact dog (male or female) is the hardest part of showing dogs. It's much easier to have an altered pet.

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Astrid breeds and shows, not everyone needs to "fix".


Astrid, quit whining. You don't get to whine until you've done the same thing with horses. Bigger, stronger, way more obnoxious! 8)

I haven't done horses, but we have a house cow that is bread every year. I am very scared of bulls. I hate going into the paddock to milk with a bull prancing around. The neighbours must get a laugh seeing me slinking from bush to bush, hoping the bull won't notice me.

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Then by all means, get that kid a Corgi! They really are great dogs. SUPER smart, portable, and very happy. Tuff little guys, and always ready for fun.


And we didn't name him; he came with the name Yoshi. We just gave him the registered name.





He's getting a Corgi. DH is like this :blink: on the idea of another dog. (We have three others -bassett, lab mix and some hairy small dog he brought home of questionable parentage)


My Mom - who has had two Corgis and her current is a rescue - says youngest must have a Corgi. She who must be obeyed always wins. :D

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  • 3 months later...
Are you sure you're not talking about my dh?:lol:




Best line of the thread!


ETA: I didn't really this was an old thread. Sorry. I had searched something else, and this came up, and I forgot I wasn't looking at recent posts. It was still a funny line.

Edited by Cindyg
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You don't get to whine until you've done the same thing with horses. Bigger, stronger, way more obnoxious! 8)


Well, we have never had a stallion here but BOY OH BOY do our geldings think they are still stallions when our floozy mare goes into heat. I have 2 of them that still want to strut their stuff........and she is 25 and he is 31.......WAY too old for this business.


We put her on Regumate now full time. Very expensive but keeps her from going into heat and keeps peace in the pasture. She was always fine to ride in heat, she would just drive the others nuts.......and educate the neighbor kids:glare:


Do they make something like Regumate for dogs to keep them out of heat? Would that be OK for a show dog?

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Oh, no. Nonononono. No way. Thanks for sharing though. I feel better knowing that I don't have it that bad here after all.


Everyone in the family is complaining about my new puppy. She's in the terrible two/three stage that kids go through. She's been very naughty, but she means well. LOL

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Astrid breeds and shows, not everyone needs to "fix".


Astrid, quit whining. You don't get to whine until you've done the same thing with horses. Bigger, stronger, way more obnoxious! 8)


Yes, but the horses are a bit quieter, and not in her house! I think Astrid needs more acreage.

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