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The Teachers Lodge 9-14-2011

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But how did it get to be 11:30, already?? :confused:


On the news front, we DID get the good news for our business!!


In other news:


Whats for lunch today? Here: no idea - and it's lunch time already!:001_huh:


What do you have going on today? Here: I hvae a meeting at 1:30, then ballet at 5:30. Kids have karate at 5:30. I'll be dropping them off a bit early, obviously.:)


What's your most fun subject for today? Here: not really sure, although I do enjoy doing Read Alouds with my kids. We're currently reading through Otto of the Silver Hand.


Talk to me! :bigear:

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It's THURSDAY! Yes, yes it is...but it's 9/15/11...you're a date behind! LOL!


On the news front, we DID get the good news for our business!! Yay!!


In other news:


Whats for lunch today? I made two quiches today (ham and cheddar). We ate one for lunch and will save the other for breakfast for tomorrow.


What do you have going on today? Well, I have both girls that I babysit today. Thank goodness it is naptime for them! LOL! My oldest has dance class at 4pm (until 8:30). We will drop her off, then drop off the girls I babysit at their houses. We'll come home for a quick dinner and to change for soccer practice. The two middle kids have soccer from 6-7:15 this evening.


What's your most fun subject for today? Hmm...there were no tears over math today, so I guess that makes it a good day. Nothing "fun," per se.

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Ooh! A time warp! Cool!


News: My photography is now being carried by a local art gallery. Woo hoo! And, today I signed my volunteer form for our town's international film festival! Last year was so much fun, and I am really looking forward to this year... and hoping to convince dh to join a pitch panel and pitch a screenplay he's been working on.


Lunch: We had tuna salad sandwiches and dill pickles. (We were supposed to have a chicken cordon bleu casserole, but I forgot to put it in the oven early enough, so we'll have that tomorrow.)


Today's Haps: Re-instituted Quiet Time!!!! We used to have a 90 minute quiet time every day. Since we moved a month and a half ago, quiet time fell by the wayside. When I told the kids we'd be starting with quiet times again today, they all cheered! I'm glad that they are excited about it because I really missed that daily time of "guaranteed" quiet.


Fun Subject: No one particular subject, but the anticipation of a break at quiet time and the crisp breeze coming through the open windows today seems to have reinvigorated every subject and made them more enjoyable.

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What was the good news for your business?


Lunch - salad with protein (probably chicken)


Going on - After I had a huge mommy tantrum this morning which included throwing frozen food onto the floor, I realized that I've reached my breaking point. So today I've declared naptime/quiet-time from 1 - 2 pm. I've also declared today a neighbor kid free day (thus sparing me from dealing with the Neighbor Diva for one day). There is still too much to do - I'm behind in finances, grading, laundry etc. but hopefully I can get some rest and regain some equilibrium.


Having said that, I just realized that we have a chiropractor appointment at 4:30 which is stressful because it makes it extremely hard to have supper on the table around 5:30. Not sure what to do. The chiro is next door to a grocery store, so I'm thinking we might be eating deli take-out AGAIN. . .


Fun school - Doing an experiment for Zoology: Swimming Creatures with dd9.

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Congratulations on the good business news, Scrap!


Lunch today was steamed rice with red beans, with a side of bell peppers and a ramekin of fresh cherries.


Today I have tee-ball practice, baseball game and two soccer games. My brothers coach two of the teams, so they're splitting efforts and each attending one game (baseball, soccer); my parents will end up at the other soccer game and I get tee-ball practice, which ends early enough that I'll catch the last few innings of the baseball game.


I also need to pack because we're taking a quick trip this weekend. That requires me to first unpack from our last quick trip a few weeks ago :blush:.


Our most fun subject today? We spent an hour at Starbucks this morning, with the kids doing logic puzzles and me working the daily crossword puzzle. That was pretty fun, and they don't even realize they're doing a school subject LOL.

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News: My photography is now being carried by a local art gallery. Woo hoo!


Very cool! That's pretty major, congratulations!


There is still too much to do - I'm behind in finances, grading, laundry etc. but hopefully I can get some rest and regain some equilibrium.


Oh, Mama. I feel like I'm always a day late and a dollar short on getting around to everything that needs to get done. It's incredibly stressful, and I waver between just focusing on taking that one next step and freaking out because it feels impossible to see myself ever catching up. All that to say, I completely empathize.


Can you do a breakfast for dinner kind of thing? Oatmeal, cereal, pancakes ... or it seems like you're focusing on protein, so maybe an omelette? Those are all pretty quick and easy, and if you're by the grocery store it's as easy to pick up a carton of eggs as it is a deli sandwich. Grab some frozen veggies, too, and either steam them for a side. You can make an omelette savory with Italian seasonings, and maybe some seasoned deli chicken bits.

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I'm channeling Jean in Newcastle today by having spinach with my protein. :D


Eternalknot, you and I really need to meet. We seem to be a lot alike - especially

with packing/unpacking issues. :p Besides, I still need to introduce you to PopTarts! ;)


Jean, every day at our house is like the one described and, amazingly enough, we still get stuff done!

Go figure!


Okay, need to finish lunch and go off to my meeting. Later!:auto:

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Whats for lunch today? We had tacos! It's our co-op day and the cooking class makes lunch for the group :)


What do you have going on today? Co-op and scouts, plus the various errands to run and things to do around the house.


What's your most fun subject for today? Hard to say. I think it was history. The kids got really into the project we did. :D



Can you do a breakfast for dinner kind of thing? Oatmeal, cereal, pancakes ... or it seems like you're focusing on protein, so maybe an omelette? Those are all pretty quick and easy, and if you're by the grocery store it's as easy to pick up a carton of eggs as it is a deli sandwich. Grab some frozen veggies, too, and either steam them for a side. You can make an omelette savory with Italian seasonings, and maybe some seasoned deli chicken bits.


Breakfast for dinner is always a hit around here! I keep cooked sausage in the freezer so I can whip up biscuits and gravy and throw some fruit on the side when we're in a hurry. When it's just the kids and me I make a quick batch of french toast instead.


Tonight The Kid made dinner. We had an hour between activities so I ran home and he made us beanie weenies. :D Yeah, not the most nutritious thing but it was hot and filling!

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Thursday? This week is going by too fast.

I had no lunch today because I had to drop of the paperwork at the youth symphony instead of eating.

Congrats on the good news.

Fun subject? Does cuddling with waffles and cartoons count as a subject? If not, then math had to be because that is the only one I've done so far. I have all the way until judo time to knock out the phonics, reading, handwriting, and read aloud. :) The older is in school today so little one and I have been enjoying the cold, wet weather on the couch with cocoa.

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Karen, Cuddling with Waffles & Cartoons sounds like a GREAT subject! :D


Thanks on all the congrats!


My meeting today didn't happen. :( I called the client 1 1/2 hours beforehand to announce

a change of location for our meeting. Not only did I not see said client, he never even called me back! Grrr.

I know life happens and there's probably a logical explanation but ....




Now that I've had my afternoon cookie and milk :D it's time to get other things (15 min declutter of my room, help dd pack for her trip tomorrow, make sure we all have clothes ready for tonight) done before our various activities tonight (karate for the kids, ballet for me).


Off I go again! (Hey, where's the running or spinning plates smilie??)

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On the news front, we DID get the good news for our business!!



Congratulations! What was the news? Can you share?




For lunch today, I forced my kids to eat a big salad. After the salad, they could eat one of the corn dogs Grandma brought over. (Why doe she do that!??!? She knows I don't like the kids to eat that stuff!!!)


Today, we had an early morning orthodontist appointment. It was then impossible to get the kids back on track, even though I resorted to yelling, threatening and sighing.


Our most fun subject? Reading with my 8yo, because it is the only subject anyone completed. :glare:


Tonight, I am already planning on sitting at the computer and watching Waiting for "Superman" (borrowed from the library). I've been trying to find time to watch it for four days. Dh is out of town and has been for a week. It will be up to a week longer before he's back. Whenever he's gone, I ache with compassion for single moms. It's hard doing everything, all the time.


On a much happier note, a friend is stopping by in about an hour. She's half my age and a sweet young woman. I really enjoy her company!


Jean, I had a mommy tantrum today, too. Some days are just like that. I hope the quiet time was just what you needed. I'm behind in everything, too. As a matter of fact, I just realized today that I never removed a sold vehicle from our auto insurance and that we've been paying premiums on it for an extra two months. :tongue_smilie:

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