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The Teachers Lodge 9-14-2011

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Happy Wednesday!;)


We have newly decorated the Lodge today to include some beautiful Autumn decor. I'm ready to see some COLOR!


What's for lunch today? Me: no idea because I'm still working on finishing breakfast! :001_huh:


What's ONE errand you have to run today (I know there are many, just list ONE ;) ? Me: the food bank. Hubby's next paycheck is going to be slim so it's a good time to go get a good supply of WAY discounted groceries. The food bank we use is pretty decent, too!:)


What's something new you started this week? All our extracurriclar stuff starts this week. Ballet for me, karate for the kids, Park Day, whew!:auto:


Talk to me! :bigear:

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What's for lunch today? Cheese tortellini (with vodka sauce for me), garlic bread, sliced strawberries and grapes.


What's ONE errand you have to run today The only errand left on my list is to go to the bank on our way to church this afternoon. DD1 had literature co-op this morning. While she was at class for an hour and a half, I was able to run all my other errands with the other three kids. We went to Target, the gas station, did the grocery shopping at Harris Teeter (triple coupons this week!!), and went to CVS! I felt rather impressed with my productivity when I picked dd up!


What's something new you started this week? Getting back into organizing my coupons and doing a menu plan for the month - I got away from it over the past month or so. I also started a new book study at church.

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Happy Wednesday!;)


We have newly decorated the Lodge today to include some beautiful Autumn decor. I'm ready to see some COLOR!


What's for lunch today? Homemade Pizza

What's ONE errand you have to run today (I know there are many, just list ONE ;) ? Library for some books on hold

What's something new you started this week? Our library has a special story time just for the homeschoolers in our area, so we started that back this week after a break for the summer.

Talk to me! :bigear:


I LOVE fall, but no fall colors in the Houston area EVER! :crying:


Right now, I'd just like to see beautiful blue...for RAIN!!!!

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Autumn? NO! We only had summer last week and it lasted for one week before the temperature dropped 20 degrees.


Lunch - salad with protein - black beans, I think.


One errand to run - Library


Something new - dd9 started back at speech today. I was happy to hear that she hasn't gotten worse over the summer (though I privately think she did slip a tiny bit).

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Lunch: Nothing. We ate breakfast at 11:30 this morning (bad mommy) and are eating supper out at 5:30, so just a snack at the midpoint today.

Errand: i need to pick up canned goods for my boys who are going camping with their scout troops this weekend. Everyone is supposed to bring their favorite canned veggie, and they are going to mix them together to make soup.

New This Week: My youngest loves critters, so we are setting up a bunch of habitats for him this week to observe: a terrarium which will contain a "pond", plants, lizards, crickets, and probably worms and a millipede or two; a vermicomposter (he wants to see how quickly they can devour our veggie scraps); an overnight insect viewer (we painted a plant hanger to match his bunk bed and hung it over his bed so he could hang his mesh insect carrier on it at night and watch the insects; he lets them go in the morning then starts all over with new bugs)

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Lunch today was soup, rice, steamed asparagus with garlic, and honeyed carrot medallions. It was supposed to be baked potatoes instead of the rice, but I forgot to turn the oven on. Duh. Fortunately the Asian gene pool compels us to always have a pot of rice going or in the fridge, so that saved the day - and our lunch :D.


This morning we dropped someone off at the airport, took my new uniform in for alterations, and did our library run for the week. I still have to go to the post office to drop of our most recent shipment of books from www.bookpig.com - it's pretty neat service, especially for little towns such as my own.


New this week we're going to start using Catholic Mosaic. Our extracurriculars have been in full gear for the past month already!


Scrap, how long have you done ballet? I've never been graceful or coordinated enough, but find it so beautiful to watch! My daughter tried briefly but unfortunately inherited my genes, which have served her much better at judo ... which, on no gi days, she wears a leotard and fancy dance skirt to, to the amusement of her coach and classmates.

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Chelli, may I ask - what do you use for your tomato base? I've tried to make a few different homemade pizzas but none have been a big hit. Do you use tomato paste? sauce? marinara? pizza sauce? No matter what I use the kids always say it's the sauce that tastes off.


Errand: i need to pick up canned goods for my boys who are going camping with their scout troops this weekend. Everyone is supposed to bring their favorite canned veggie, and they are going to mix them together to make soup.


That's a neat idea; reminds me of Stone Soup, which is a favorite story here. I'll have to suggest that at the next scout meeting, where we'll be planning campouts for this year :)

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Lunch was a little bit of leftover chicken with black beans stir-fried with mushrooms, red peppers, leeks, garlic, and basil in olive oil with a hint of soy sauce and served over pasta.


Errand - going up to mil's tonight to pick up two packages. Our mail delivery here is so unreliable that we now have a lot of mail sent to mil's.


New - the leaves of our oaks and maples are beginning to turn...very pretty!



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What's for lunch today?


Picked up Dairy Queen on the way back from several errands (chicken fingers, fries, and mini-blizzards for the kids; added cucumber at home to tell myself the kids had one vegetable!


What's ONE errand you have to run today?


meet a co-op teacher to get her copies to be made for our first day next week; I'm the director and take care of those kinds of things because I have the debit card. I had 6 other errands that I did while out.


What's something new you started this week?


Ds gets to take a music class at the school where my dd is taking a class. It starts tomorrow. It's a small private school that allows homeschoolers to come. We know the music teacher and love her. The third grade music class just happened to be at the same time as my dd's class. Yeah!!! Dd is taking High School Study Skills this semester and Cotillion next semester.

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Because inquiring minds want to know :D I have been taking ballet for awhile. First time when I was about 3, second time when I was in 7th grade, 3rd time when I was in college, and now on and off since 2006. I REALLY like it. And now my overweight self seriously needs it!


I don't do well at a gym. Exercise for exercise' sake is pointless to me. I want to have FUN; I want there to be a PURPOSE. So I take ballet. A couple of summers ago, I decided it shouldn't be kids having all the fun during the summer, so I took 3 ballet classes a week for 8 weeks! I was in great shape by the end of that 8 weeks! Now, I've been on a "sabbatical" for several months but won't do that to myself again!


When I take ballet, not only do I feel better, I'm more flexible, and I'm more aware of the food I put into my body.


So, there's the loooonnnggg answer to a short question!:lol:

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Chelli, may I ask - what do you use for your tomato base? I've tried to make a few different homemade pizzas but none have been a big hit. Do you use tomato paste? sauce? marinara? pizza sauce? No matter what I use the kids always say it's the sauce that tastes off.



I feel your pain! Believe it or not, the one that tastes the best to us is Walmart's Great Value brand pizza sauce. It tastes like the sauce we used at this pizza place I worked at in high school. HTH

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Nap time! The lights in the Lodge will be dimmed for the next 15 minutes in order for the teachers to rest their eyes! :D


I missed nap time. :glare: I really need that nap.


Lunch was my favorite tomatoes and basil with balsamic salad.


My one errand was picking up my older dd's retainer. She's finally out of the braces.


New this week? Oh, I can't handle new right now. Cello lessons start next week, but I'll deal with that next week.


What time is afternoon coffee and chocolate? I need a double since I missed the nap.

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I don't do well at a gym. Exercise for exercise' sake is pointless to me. I want to have FUN; I want there to be a PURPOSE. So I take ballet.


I'm the same way :D I used to fence but there aren't any good clubs where I currently live so I'm just not doing much of anything exercise-wise. I live in the kind of town filled with trophy wives whose job is to spend hours at our local gym (aka Meat Market) and my 'friends' do not understand why I'm the only person in our town without a membership or interest in joining them there. (How to nicely say, "I'm just not that into you ... or your gym ..." ...? LOL.)


I'm glad you're back into ballet ~ sounds like it's really good for your soul!


I feel your pain! Believe it or not, the one that tastes the best to us is Walmart's Great Value brand pizza sauce. It tastes like the sauce we used at this pizza place I worked at in high school. HTH


Noted! Thanks!

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