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The Teachers Lodge 9-13-2011

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This is Seriously?? Tuesday. As in the attitude of my youngest, and a predictable not-so-smooth day after an almost awesome day yesterday, makes me want to say, "Seriously??!" :glare:


What's for lunch today? Lunchables here. We were at the grocery store this morning and I didn't want to have to think about it!


Do any of you have a weekly pattern of having a great day one day and then a mostly out of sync day the next? Me: almost weekly. Actually, it probably IS every week. Drives me nuts!:001_huh:


What are you waiting for today? Me: my new cell phone (as my other one decided to get wet on Saturday) and possible good news through our business.


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Let's see.... I can't believe it's only Tuesday!


Lunch today was boring old sandwiches but we had some fruit left so at least there is a silver lining.


I am waiting for my oldest to learn that it accomplishes nothing to drag her feet thru her work. She still has to do it but dragging feet can hurt everyone after awhile.


Can't wait for field trip Friday this week!

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Lunchables; another thing I've never eaten. I'm going to take a field trip to your house, Scrap, and sample everything out of our pantry and fridge :D


My kids are having lunch with my brother, SIL, and nephew today. I'm not sure where they went, but I ate 8 mini-Hersheys w/Almonds bars here at home and I'm calling it good at that.


My pattern is more good-week, bad-week. I'm either on, or I'm way off. Usually way off LOL. It drives me nuts, too, but you know what? I'd still be way off even if my kids were at PS and at least this way the rest of the world doesn't know how far off track I am! If I had to contend with deadlines, teachers, and other parents I'd be hosed and definitely way more crazy anxious about it!


Today I'm waiting for my kids to rub my feet and bring me a tall, cold margarita. I wait for that everyday. It's yet to happen :tongue_smilie:!


I've dropped my cell phone in water before. Toilet water, at that :blush: and that was embarassing to call in. They laughed and sent my new phone right out, saying I was hardly the first person to do so. Whew!


Hope you get good news about your business!

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Seriously? Why can't I get along on only 5 or 6 hours of sleep? That's what God seems to require of me lately. . . After tonight Libby won't need a middle of the night pain killer (I hope - unless I need to ask the Dr. for a refill) so I will get more sleep (again - I hope).


Lunch - I'm going searching for another salad with protein in a minute. Can I brag on myself for a minute? As of this morning I've lost 14 pounds!


Pattern - No discernible pattern to the days. But I do have a pattern through out the day - if it is a bad pain day or a fuzzy headed day then if I stick to routines and just do the next thing, I manage to get through it with some level of peace for myself and the kids.


Waiting for - Myself to get up enough steam to go to the sandbox at the park to hide "artifacts" for archeological dig today.

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lunch today is leftover mexican, again. My dh buys way too much when he gets takeout.


My weekly schedule is varied so that I dont really have a chance to have good day / bad day. The only only days i have that are even similar are Monday and Friday. Everything else is different.


Looking forward to? Does finishing a report for work count? I have about 11 thousand lines of data to go over today looking for needles in my haystack.

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I ate 8 mini-Hersheys w/Almonds bars here at home and I'm calling it good at that.




Lunch: Jersey Mike's as it was nearby to the Urgent Care center (where we were this morning to get an x-ray of dd's foot). By the time we made it over to Jersey Mike's we were all really hungry & ready for lunch. (Dd's foot is ok, btw. Torn ligament, probably, not a fracture -- but we have to wait 2 days for a radiologist to read the x-ray for the final call.)


Wouldn't say we have a weekly pattern of in-sync/out-of-sync, but it happens sometimes. Today would end up being one of those out-of-sync ones (see above).


What am I waiting for? Maybe a big cup of coffee, but I don't think it's going to materialize unless I get up & make it (or do a Starbucks run). I can keep sitting here & hoping, though, because I like the idea of string theory. :D

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