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What is your opinion on Sonlight?


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We used Sonlight Core 3 American History Part 1 and we loved it!!! My boys are 9 and 10 and history was their favorite subject by far. Almost every single day they begged me to read another chapter of the history book and the read-aloud and I often read another chapter because we enjoyed the books so much. (I read ahead in several books because I wanted to know what happened.)


The pros of Sonlight for us were: excellent books, planned schedule (although we adapted it slightly because we read books quicker than scheduled), and good discussion questions in the IG.


The only con for us in this Core was the Landmark book. I didn't care for it, although my kids thought it was just fine. I added several of Joy Hakim's History of US books instead.

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We have used 5 cores so far---and LOVE it!!! The reading lists are amazing, the history just comes alive with the books, and once I learned to use the IG---we started to get SO much more out of it! The only part of SL I really do not care for one bit is the LA. It just does not work with my kids. Everything else, though, is fantastic and my kids entire school years through high school are all planned out around those SL cores.

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