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The Teachers Lodge (aka Bistro/Lounge)

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Happy MOnday! Okay, well, it's Monday.


Opening early today lest I forget to open at all!


My 2dc are still sleeping, thankfully, and will for a bit . . . if the dog will just learn to NOT bark at everyone that passes by the window! Sheesh!


What's for breakfast today? Me: 2 strawberry PopTarts accompanied by some wonderful darjeeling tea. Kids: 2 PopTarts and Emerald Breakfast on the Go.


Even though it's early do you know what's for lunch today? Me: have an idea but no definites yet.


What may throw off your routine today? Here: our desktop computer stopped working on Thursday and we haven't been able to meet up with the computer guy until today (or, rather, he with us). So, of course, this morning is when he can swing by to pick up the computer. *sigh*

Thankfully, we still have the laptop, which is what I'm using now.


What are you looking forward to this week? Here: everything starts this week, all the extracurricular activities: 2 ballet classes for me, karate for the kids, and our co-op starts on Friday, plus our homeschool group's Park Day. AND dd13 goes on her first ever trip to the beach this weekend! Going with the youth group from church but I think I might have to figure out how to go to the beach this weekend myself so I can take pictures!:D


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Breakfast - 2 eggs, 1 lower calorie buttered English muffin, water


Lunch - salad with protein


Throw off my routine - Libby.

Also - this is the first time that I am not going to remind the math tutor in any way of our standing lesson time. If he does not come, I will be majorly ticked off and might fire him. (I reminded him the past because there were weird things like holidays messing up our schedule. I'm not sure exactly why I'm so worried that he won't come but there were "flaky vibes" that made me wonder!)


Looking forward to - the Y is open again! I'm looking forward to getting back to my exercise routine.

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Wait. This is a lodge now? :D


My two kids are watching a little TV this morning. DD and I had "girl time" in the bathtub and what a wonderful way to start the week. We both smell good. :)


What's for breakfast today? DS had toast with homemade strawberry jam. DD had a corndog (don't ask me why!!) and I had a couple of cups of white tea. I've had a week and half off of Weight Watchers and I feel sick.


Even though it's early do you know what's for lunch today? Homemade chicken soup.


What may throw off your routine today? The house is a mess. I had a good friend stay here for 5 days over Labor Day and honestly, I was pretty sad when she left. So I let the place go a bit too much.


What are you looking forward to this week? We're going to have another park day with our friends this week sometime. And then we're moving out of ancient Greece and onto ancient China in History Odyssey. After that, cycle one finishes up FAST it looks like. :)

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What's for breakfast today?


The kids had cereal. I had coffee and snacked on some nuts. I was craving them.


Lunch: probably chips and salsa and guacamole


What may throw off your routine today?


I have to be at our church this afternoon to meet with our children's pastor. I'm going to be in charge of our fall festival event in October.


DD has hit some harder problems in her Algebra 1, so I need to find some review stuff for her. I also have to figure out how to keep her from self-destructing with it. Because I have a math degree, she believes I want her to love it and do perfectly in it, but I don't and I told her that. She's upset because she knows math is important for college entrance exams. She is my reader/writer, not my mathemetician, and I'm glad she is!



What are you looking forward to this week?


Being home. We were gone all last week out of state to take care of my special needs nephew for my sister and b-i-l to go away for their anniversary.

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What's for breakfast today? Most days we have fend for yourself breakfasts, so the kids made themselves everything from frozen yogurt bowls to Egg in a Basket. I'm sticking with a cup of tea for now and will get myself some toast in a bit (I can't eat first thing in the morning).

What might throw us off this week? Me. I realized this morning that I forgot to give the girls their weekend reading assignment on Friday (and those chose not to remind me for some reason), so we'll be playing catch-up all week.

What am I looking forward to? Alone writing time this afternoon, some photography time later this week, and a possible date with our youngest later this week (although this might be put off until next week... I haven't heard back about when the farm we are going to is opening to the public).

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What's for breakfast today? Most days we have fend for yourself breakfasts, so the kids made themselves everything from frozen yogurt bowls to Egg in a Basket. I'm sticking with a cup of tea for now and will get myself some toast in a bit (I can't eat first thing in the morning).


What might throw us off this week? Me. I realized this morning that I forgot to give the girls their weekend reading assignment on Friday (and those chose not to remind me for some reason), so we'll be playing catch-up all week.


What am I looking forward to? Alone writing time this afternoon, some photography time later this week, and a possible date with our youngest later this week (although this might be put off until next week... I haven't heard back about when the farm we are going to is opening to the public).


What's egg in a basket?

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Lodge? That sounds cozy! But I'm not yet ready for snow!


BREAKFAST? Breakfast!!! Well, no wonder my stomach is growling! I'll have to grab an early lunch! The kids had their normal free-for-all grab-and-go (ranging from fruit to cereal to cottage cheese).


We started tearing up the kitchen for a remodel today, so that's likely to throw me OFF ROUTINE for meals, but since we do school in other areas it theoretically shouldn't interfere. The other thing most likely to interfere is the need to set up all the appointments for one kid needing an orthodontic appointment, two needing regular dentist appointments, one needing wisdom teeth surgically removed, and another needing to have braces installed (is that really the best word???) and some extractions and dental cleaning prior to that.


I am LOOKING FORWARD to telling my mom that we will be visiting her for Christmas. I know she will be thrilled! I am also eager to continue getting my new home library area unpacked and organized.


The thin

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What's egg in a basket?



A piece of toast with a fried egg in the center.


You butter the bread and cut a hole in the center using a biscuit cutter (or tuna can, or glass, or knife, or whatever) and crack an egg into the hole. You fry it in a pan on one side until the egg is set then flip it and cook the other side. It's my 14yo's favorite breakfast to make for herself (accompanied with fruit and a cup of hot cocoa).

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What's for breakfast today? Me and baby: bacon and eggs and ds13 waffles and bacon


Even though it's early do you know what's for lunch today? Either sandwiches or leftover pizza.


What may throw off your routine today? Teething baby...


What are you looking forward to this week? Payday

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Breakfast- Bowl of Special K with almond milk.


Routine- Luckily, there's nothing today that's throwing things off. The neighbor kids are in school, we don't have any errands and the schoolwork is actually almost done.


Looking forward to- Getting paid on Thursday! I know it's not a big exciting thing, but we're saving up for our move, so getting money is exciting.

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Breakfast? I made the girls some homemade hot chocolate that they had with their cereal. I poured some of it into my coffee and had that with a sausage biscuit.


Lunch? The usual free for all. Mac and cheese for Boo-Boo (as per usual), macaroni in tomato juice for Sweet pea and I am going the totally healthy route and throwing in some pizza rolls.


Schedule off? Orthodontist appointment today for Boo-Boo, Sweet-pea has to have another tooth pulled on Wednesday and extracurriculars are kicking back in. We have been doing well with school routine until that stuff pops back into the mix.


Looking forward? I am on vacation from work this weekend so I don't have to go back now until 9/24. Also, this Sunday 9/18, is my 40th birthday which I get to spend with my family.

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Breakfast today was oatmeal pancakes


Lunch for me will be tomatoes with basil and the kids will get leftover fajitas.


What might throw off my routine? It is such a delicate balance a strong wind could throw it off. :D I have to get a certain amount of work done before my morning meeting, then work between meetings, then a huge meeting this afternoon. So far, we're going along nicely, but I can already hear the rumblings of dissent.



Looking forward to? My older dd is getting her braces off tomorrow.

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Oh I so needed some place to talk. Even though I have nothing really to say, I find myself answering polls just because I want some adult conversation.


Anyway, breakfast: The kids had toast with peanut butter. I, um, forgot to eat again. I may just do an early lunch instead. On that note:


What's for lunch: Leftovers. Last night I cut up and cooked extra chicken. It's in the fridge waiting for me. I need to make extra quinoa and peas and we'll be good to go.


What will throw off my schedule: My article is taking longer to write than I thought. I gave up at 130am and had to go to bed. I am almost done, but need to finish it soon and get it turned in.


Looking forward to: My first payday in seven years!!! Cooler weather. Dressing Chuck in some absolutely adorable cool weather clothes my mom bought for her. Getting ready for Halloween (Pigby wants to be a superhero) and Christmas (homemade gifts this year)

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What's for breakfast today? Various quick breakfast options....pancakes, bagels, cereal (depending on the child), orange juice or apple juice.


what's for lunch today? The kids had Roll-up sandwiches (lunch meat, cheese and a pickle rolled into a tortilla). I'm not sure what I'm going to scrounge up, but I know I'm hungry.


What may throw off your routine today? The very fact that it's Monday is throwing off our routine. Two of my kids were gone for the weekend (one on a retreat for church and the other on a scout camping trip). So, they are tired and cranky and out of their routine. If the fact that two of them have spent a combined 3 1/2 hours on math so far this morning is any indication of how the rest of the day is going to go, I'd like to crawl back into bed and put the covers over my head! LOL!


What are you looking forward to this week? Honestly, nothing special is planned for this week. I'm hoping we can find our "groove" with all of our activities, homework, school work, etc. Mostly, I just hope to "survive" this week! :001_smile:

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What's for breakfast today? Toast with honey and a big glass of water....I'm working on better hydration..


What may throw off your routine today? Our on-line classes with The Potter's School start today. There will, of course, be technical difficulties!


What are you looking forward to this week? We are sneaking away to go fishing for two days, even IF it is in the 30's, because my dh and I have two days off in the middle of the week.

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So many ortho and dental appointments! My girl just got her braces off this morning. Daddy took her while I headed in another direction for some medical stuff.


Breakfast: I was fasting for labs. I made up for it at...


Lunch: I stopped at Subway and had a big 6" roast beef with all kinds of green stuff piled on, including extra jalapenos. The child with the movie star smile ;) had some leftovers at home, followed by some of the junk I brought her that she has had to skip for the last 2 years: caramel apple, doritos, bullseye candies, and bubble gum.


Throwing off routine: It's always something, isn't it? Adapt, adapt, adapt. Today it was those pesky doubled-up appointments.


Looking forward to this week: Lots of things! The leaves are starting to turn, and it'll just be prettier each day all fall. Wednesday I will have a little outpatient procedure to resolve a perimenopause issue, so I am looking forward to getting back to feeling healthy and strong again once that nonsense is out of the way. Also looking forward to finishing up a couple of my daughter's books and moving on to some new things.


Hey, I already know what I'm having for breakfast tomorrow AND Wednesday (egg in a basket on Tue, and nothing on Wed) :lol: I won't need to post.

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What's for breakfast today? Me: a greek yogurt and lots of coffee. Kids: I think they had granola with raisins.


Even though it's early do you know what's for lunch today? Bean burritoes, finished off some carving board turkey meat on the side and carrot sticks. Oh and cupcakes or cookies for dessert. We baked this weekend :)


What may throw off your routine today? fussy kids. Seriously. I don't get what sets them off sometimes :)


What are you looking forward to this week? yes, busy week here too. Our 2nd week of co-op, the state fair (this will be a fun day!), and a scout camping trip this weekend. I am tired already.

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Breakfast - Chocolate Chip pancakes, cantelope, peaches


Lunch - Homemade mac N cheese - made by the 14.5 year old because I will be running errands. Plus, carrot sticks and raspeberries.


What will throw my day off? I just got back from the Honda dealer. There was an outstanding recall on the ignition which we didn't know about until the engine began turning itself off while I was driving! It's been at the dealership all weekend. Thankfully, it is now fixed and running nicely, but I didn't get a chance to do standardized test prep with the younger two, discuss art history with ds, or start canning salsa.


What am I looking forward to? - Well, I hate it when dh travels. But, while he is out of town this week, I am treating myself to some chick flicks I've been wanting to watch. Also, the middle ds turns 13 tomorrow and he's pretty jazzed up about it. He'll be a funny little person to be around tomorrow....well, so long as he keeps his lizards to himself!



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I had a green smoothie for breakfast. It was YUM-o! I also drank a cup of Lady Grey tea....


We ate at Arby's for lunch and I had a turkey and swiss market fresh sandwich that tasted so fresh it almost seemed to melt in my mouth (iced tea to drink).


Nothing threw off our routine - we're done! Hopefully the rest of the day will go as smoothly.


I'm looking forward to finally being in full routine this week as the last of my son's outside classes will start tomorrow. I'm also looking forward to finally selling the full set of MUS blocks that he never really used. It will be good to get just one more thing out of the house....

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We're "sort of" on routine today. DS7 is done with his schoolwork for the day. We'll see if dd13 even gets close to being done with today's work TODAY. Between her body clock making her be up later and sleep later, plus the Asperger's, and still needs a quiet time each day, well . . . it's a challenge. I'm seriously thinking of having her do some of her reading assignments (in ANY subject) late at night when she's still awake! Otherwise, I don't know how she's going to get it all done!


Now, to play a short game before I have to go crack the whip on her, so to speak! ;)

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You are a wonderful sister!


Awww..thanks! Isn't that what sisters are supposed to be? : ) I'm the middle of three girls, and we're very close. We've had at least one weekend together every year since the year I graduated from high school ('85). My older sister just turned 50, so we're going away to a mountain cabin together next month to celebrate. Here's some pictures of us on a sister weekend that I had on my sadly neglected blog.


I feel very blessed to have a good relationship with them.

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I've never had a PopTart, but I'm with you on the tea. Except I got mine at Starbucks alongside some oatmeal :D.


Lunch today was Chipotle. (I got home from work this morning, having been away for 3 days. We always do meals out on my first day back home since my job involves travel.) I had my standard veggie salad, with chips on the side.


Throwing us off today was my coming home from work this morning (I was supposed to be back home last night but missed the last flight of the night). On a related note, my kids' dad flew in today to visit. He took an earlier flight than originally planned, which -coupled with my late arrival- just really messed up today's plans! So we had a leisurely family lunch, spent a few hours at the park, and are taking it easy today.


This week I'm looking forward to my paycheck! 3 days and counting .... we're also going on a trip out of town this weekend, so that's something the kids are looking forward to.

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