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Pregnant and sooo tired

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This is my 4th pregnancy. I'm only 8 weeks along, and I know it's normal to be tired during the first trimester, but this time around it seems a lot worse. I've been having to lie down for several hours during the day, and I've been taking 2-3 hour naps. It's not just that my body is tired, I also feel...sleepy. But I sleep all the time! Is it just because I'm older now (I'm 37)? This week has been the worst so far. DH and the kids have been so great helping out with the housework, and I just feel so useless. Any thoughts? I haven't been to a midwife yet, as DH is waiting to hear back on a couple of job interviews (we don't have insurance) so we're waiting to make an appointment. I am taking prenatal vitamins, and have been for a few weeks. I exercised regularly before I got pregnant (circuit training 3x a week) but haven't done in a couple weeks because I've been so tired.

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I had my 6th child in my mid-30's and I was much more tired during that pregnancy than I was with my previous singleton pregnancies, especially during the 1st and 3rd trimesters. Twin pregnancies can make you feel more tired, too. Just sayin'. :D


It sounds like you are doing everything right.


Hang in there!


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I am experiencing the exact same thing, but I am already in my 2nd trimester. I still have to take a nap everyday to make it through the day. I am only doing what I absolutely have to do and letting everything else go. I am finding that this pregnancy is killing me, maybe because of my age (37) or the fact that I already have three other kids and am homeschooling. I am sorry not to be more encouraging, but atleast you know that you are not alone. Hopefully, you will start feeling better in your 2nd trimester.

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I'm 37 and 15 weeks along and also experienced the can't. keep. my. eyes. open. sleepiness. Yes, could be my age and an almost 3 yr old and homeschooling dd.. LOL It is better now(after the 1st trimester) and finding a better sleeping position than usual.


Good luck and congrats on a new little one=D

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I'm 31 wks (tomorrow) with baby #5. I'm in my late 30s.


I nap every afternoon, and if I miss, heaven help me.


I have no idea if its being 5 yrs older since my last baby, having 3 kids at home to love, guide, educate, and keep from destroying the house and each other, other health issues, but good grief, I've been exhausted!

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Thanks everyone....at least I know I'm not alone! It must be my age because we haven't even started back with school yet (we start on Monday). The kids have been playing and watching movies, and pretty much been leaving me alone :blushing:. I've been pretty lucky. DD13 helps out a lot with DD6 especially. I guess I'll just have to continue to work naps into my schedule!

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