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Teachers Fri Night Theatre (aka Lounge)

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Since I was slacking today and didn't open up the Bistro (Teachers Lounge), I thought we might have a Friday Night Theatre.


Are you watching movies tonight? Not tonight.


If so, which one?


If not, what are some of your favorite movies? Labyrinth. The Bourne Films. Those top the list but there are others.


Are you snacking? Yes, on Stax chips. Nothing else to munch on.


What's your favorite snack? At home, usually goldfish crackers, mixed. :) But I also discovered recently that I like popcorn and peanuts mixed together.


What's your favorite movie snack? Popcorn, although it doesn't always agree with me. Contraband snacks (those I sneak in) are always good! :D


Do you prefer watching movies at home or in the theatre? In the theatre. I get too distracted at home.


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Scrap! I wondered where you were today. You weren't around to give my online life meaning!


I'm a bit of a movie failure.


No movie tonight. Dh stained the deck and went to work out at the Y. Dd9 is enjoying a bubble bath with a book. Ds is vegging in front of his computer. And I'm alternating trying to get Libby to drink and hanging out here.


Favorite movies - I like some of the oldies - Alfred Hitchcock, Cary Grant movies etc. Otherwise I like the spy thrillers and mysteries.


Snacking - in a minute I'll make my nightly snack - 2 hard boiled eggs.


Favorite snack? I can't allow my mind to go there. . . but I do like the Skinny Cow lowfat fudgsicles.


Favorite movie snack - movie popcorn and M & M's - eaten together!


I prefer movies in the theater but dh and I only go about once a year on a special movie date.

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Are you watching movies tonight? No movies here tonight. You know what we did? Spent an hour outside with a telescope and good binoculars looking for the supernova that's in the pinwheel galaxy (M101? Can't remember, but the one near the Big Dipper) We searched and searched, but could not positively identify the galaxy as it was slightly hazy here. We had lots of good laughs outside in the dark, though, and the moon was lovely!


If so, which one? N/A. I do have Marty (Ernest Borgnine) on a Netflix disc that we'll watch before the weekend's out.


If not, what are some of your favorite movies? It's late and my brain is fried, but the first Tremors movie comes to mind for pure campiness. Out of Africa if I need a good cry (Dennis' funeral scene). Princess Bride, of course. Knight's Tale if I need more follow-up silliness. Gladiator or 300 if I am antsy and need an outlet.

Are you snacking? Earlier it was Tostitos Touch of Lime chips.

What's your favorite snack? Probably Tostitos.

What's your favorite movie snack? Chocolate covered raisins from the bag in my purse.

Do you prefer watching movies at home or in the theatre? Home.QUOTE]


ETA: Oops, I had a format failure there. Sorry about that! Jean, it's good to see you on. I've thought of your family and Libby and Rocky many times the last few days. All the best to all of you! Scrap, I'm headed to bed finally, but so kind of you to reach out to us tonight!

Edited by BridgeTea
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Are you watching movies tonight? Not tonight.


If so, which one? nope... I worked on the computer getting some papers ready for co-op next week. dds played some video games and did some math. And we all listened to dd7 read aloud. Before bed girls played a make believe game with their dolls that they included me in. We had a nice evening, and I felt like dd9 talked to me about a lot of things tonight. Good night.


If not, what are some of your favorite movies? So many! I also love old Cary Grant ones. I love newer westerns (like 90s and newer, not the old ones my grandfather likes!) like Wyatt Earp and Tombstone and the new Jesse James one. Hmm, I am too tired to think of others.


Are you snacking? I went to the kitchen for a snack. I allowed myself only a popsicle, the ones that are mostly koolaid in a baggie.


What's your favorite snack? All time favorite is tortilla chips and velveeta rotel cheese dip.


What's your favorite movie snack? again, chips!


Do you prefer watching movies at home or in the theatre? I actually prefer at home.

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2 girls mommy, you are more disciplined than I! I should work on lesson plans, etc, too, but, well, suffice it to say my "homeschool/co-op teacher hat" needs more secure fasteners! I've been blowing like a tumbleweed this week (and last!) without being firmly rooted in doing what needs to get done. *sigh*


I'm thinking that maybe I need to up my iron. I do tend towards anemia, so maybe boosting my iron intake will help!


Glad to see you all here! I didn't watch a movie tonight, either. DH and I went to the theatre the other night to see "The Debt". If you really want to see it, wait for the video. I'm glad that we went only because I convinced dh to go with me (he prefers to watch them at home) and it helped my brain "settle" because I wasn't at home with all the "should do's". KWIM?


Anyway, off to bed with me now, too, after I find a good mommy book to read! (Just finished Nora Robert's Born in Ice novel today. Story line was good. Could have done with out the limited vocabulary of one of the character's and the very unnecessary detail of the bedroom scenes, though.)


Good night, all!

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I like the Night Theater!


I'm not a big movie person. I haven't watched a movie this entire year, come to think of it. Unless you count Titanic, which I watched an hour of in a hotel room last week. Talk about depressing!


If I had to pick a few favorite movies, I'd pick Donnie Darko ... Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind ... Happiness ... Lone Star ... The Incredible Lightness of Being. Those are ones I have/could watch repeatedly.


I snacked on Starbucks this evening. I made a special run :)


My favorite nighttime snack are bite-sized hershey's with almonds. Daytime, I prefer something lighter - usually an apple or grapes; something fresh feeling.


I don't eat during movies LOL. I'm a mindless eater, so lest I lose my girlish figure ;) I find it easier to save snacking for when I can focus on snacking alone. I'll admit, though, that the few movies I see in theaters nowadays, I've been happy to snack on adult beverages now that so many theaters offer them - seatside service, and all!


If I'm going to really watch a movie, it needs to be at the theater. At home, I can't sit and watch. I have to be doing something else, too. It drives people crazy because I have to keep asking what's going on since I wasn't paying full attention :blush:!

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