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Relational Mapping

Pam H

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I just made that term up. I wanted to get your attention. I hope it worked....


My ds 7yo, has such a hard time telling how things relate to one another. How a oven and light are similar. How a chair and couch are alike. He should be following rabbit trails from key words... I burned my finger on a match or Our oven has a light when its too hot, etc.


Anything I can use to work with him every day to help him see the relationships between objects?



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You can look for some language materials at super duper or Linguisystems that target categories, classification and associations. Strengthening his skills in those areas would probably help you out. Maybe something like the following:





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I haven't used those exact ones, but have experience with similar materials from the SLP who works with ds. She has always told me that you want to try to help them build organized file cabinets in their brain so that they can recall and store info in the most efficient manner. Many times children know the info, they just have a poor filing system that causes a problem with them expressing it.

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